Oh Venus! Hey Venus!
Linda asked if I'd mind putting Venus on a women's ringer t-shirt in the shop. And lo, it is done. Glad you like her enough to ask, Linda.
Ten Rounds: Chin vs. Mondragon
All this talk of the knitting Olympics has my competitive juices flowing. So I'm going to start a new featurette: imaginary fights between famous people. The winner will be determined by popular acclaim.
Battle number one:
In a bare knuckle bout, would you back Lily Chin or Rick Mondragon?
[Note: Voting on this match has now closed.]
Okay, girls: into your corners, and come out fighting!
I don't know who Mondragon is, but Lily Chin bugs the heck outta me. I laughed to see that no one had voted for her at all, and then I realized I was the first to vote. :-)
My money's on Lily Chin. She might be small, but I'll bet she's wiry, wily, and fast.
I love it whan somebody says (or writes) "and lo." No one says that anymore.
I bet there's some untold XRX baggage to make the fighting extra dirty, since she used to be their poster child but now never publishes with them any more.
My money's on Lily: she'll stop at nothing in her ruthless quest to dominate the dog-eat-dog world of, er, yarn.
Lily would win with one hand tied behind her back. She would still impale him on a crochet hook.
It's just not a fair fight. All you need to do is throw some fun fur on the floor and Rick is too distracted to fight.
I saw Lily chin and unless it's a crochet contest she doesn't have a chance, unless she is going to tie him up with pink hose and burn cigarette holes on him!!
I think this is a record. We made it all the way to the 7th comment before they turned into an S&M orgy!
tough call . . . What would they be fighting over? The only mirror left on the planet?
Having had the experience of Rick M's emceeing the Student Banquet at Stitches West, I have to give it to Lily, hands down.
BTW she was wearing one of her only-Lily outfits, in hot pink: Chanel-style skirt suit and *pillbox hat*, all knitted, of course! Jackie O would have loved it! Rick, OTOH, was wearing basic black with wide gold belt and gold cowboy boots. Also a picture, but a different sort. He's fun!
Aw come on...give us a hard one. As Carol said the dominatrix would whip his ass...and he'd let her.
Your puppy cartoon is too cute for words...only a user poll could distract commenters from making their standard "too cute" comments.
I had to google to find a pic of Rick. He has hair. And I would lay down serious money that Lily is a hairpuller. As much as it pains me, I had to vote for Lily.
No contest. Lily would have Leatherpants in a reversible cable headlock in seconds. The fight would be over before it started.
good lord this is worse than a "Lunch Time Poll" from the movie "Heathers"
Hmm, id does however give me a few ideas for a poll of my own on my site (evil grin)
We have two beagles also - Dot and Sade - so this sketch totally makes me smile!
I find it hysterical that the voting on this is so heavily one sided.
I have had the pleasure (and yes, it was) of dining with just the two of them once. It was hard to eat, as we were all laughing almost continuously. Those two are insane. We discussed the potential of having htem team-teach class -- while I'm sure everyone would have fun, I doubt that learning would happen in that atmosphere (and yes, I've taken classes from both AND learned something from both).
Anywho, I have my own opinions as to who would win, and have voted accordingly. This was a no brainer -- give us a tough one next time!
More importantly though -- GREAT comic!
As always, Franklin, you are a stitch (all puns intended). The gold medal is... golden. (You'll have to excuse me, but I've seen many, many Olympic projects recently, in cyber- and 3D space, and I'm running out of adjectives.)
I'm writing a trend column on knitting for Nightspots magazine, and was wondering if I could talk to you! :) Since we're an LGBT publication, I thought you'd be a perfect candidate for me to talk to. Interested?
Wait, Helen, you thought Franklin chose either Mondragon or Chin because he ...admired them?
Is there a medal for medal designers? If so, you get gold.
LOVE the cartoon! I have a new pup that I am trying to educate in the world of yarn and how it is holy and NEVER to be eaten, sniffed, touched, or even inquisitively looked at by small puppies.
I've voted, it was difficult -- I wound up with the substantial majority, as it proved. And I might add that I'VE MET BOTH: how sophisticated, knitting-wise, can one get?
I still think "It Came From Lily Chin" was perhaps the best of your horror film titles.
Love Jean
Holy god. I think you just fried my minds eye.
I have a Lily Chin pattern and I'm brave enough to admit that a) I love it and b) I'm going to knit it!
Hell, if I hated everyone with monumental egos, I'd never read any blogs at all (this was a jibe at myself, not anyone else. Well, apart from two people. *g*)
I hate to ask a silly question like this, but do you by any chance have a version of the Knitting Olympics gold medal with a tranparent background?
Holy crap, I needed that laugh! Now someone has to get over here and explain to my husband why the built guy in the orange wife-beater has me all cheered up when I've been too mopey to cook dinner this evening.
Hurry, he also wants to know what a Chin Mondragon is.
Baby X-Man v. the Tiny Diva.
I love it. She'd moider him.
Might I suggest candidates for the next featurette, presuming you're going to continue?
Me v. Joe. Who's the snarkier? I'd like to see the results on that one.
Joe, I eat little boys like you for breakfast.
Between Missy and Missy? Duh! She'd bitchslap him to Monday.
Beautiful medal, Franklin. Thank you for providing that for Steph and all of us who were in on the fun. You're a sweetie!
Definitely OiLily.
By the way, Franklin, if you wouldn't mind putting the New Yoga and the Panopticon Wooly Girls Kick Line on those sexy little cap-sleeve jobs, I'd buy them both.
Because nothing is sexier than a kickline of sheep on a tight cap-sleeved t-shirt.
I'm guessing the kickline doesn't fit on a thong...
holy shit, now i know what we all think of rick mondragon! and i'll have to go peek at that tshirt, i just realized i only have 2 knitting t-shirts (and 2 sweatshirts, but you can't wear those in the summer!). i loved the dog cartoon, too. only with me, it's my kids (they think ihave too much yarn, i'm going to have to teach them the subtleties of stash)
Well, I've never met either of them, but from what David tells me of Lily, my money's on her. I'm not surprised to see that that's the overwhelming consensus.
Saw your Knitting Gold Medal on yarn harlot. Great looking medal!
Mar, you'd win the poll, but I'd win the fight.
Most folks have never met us both in person, but almost everyone who does says that we reverse roles in person vs. our blogs.
I'd kick your NY ass.
I think Rick was trying to egg Lily on at the Stitches West student banquet. Lady that she is, she didn't rise to the bait. Maybe you'll see this at Stitches Midwest.
And in this corner is the Tiny Diva, and in the other, the Xman. TD is coming out into the ring, and here comes X. They are circling, looking for an opening. OOOOh!. the TD just stomped on X's gold cowboyboot! Stunning move. X has the boot off, he's cradling it in his arms, he's sobbing. This is a world shattering moment. TD has clearly won the fight, but from the look of X flailing on the floor, I doubt the war is over.
Barb B. with WN (woolerynonsense) news.
Does it matter that I don't know who either of these folks are?
Franklin, I think you should put out a toon-to-a-day desk calendar... I LOVE the one with the doggies! More doggies and knitting! More, I say, my good artisan, more!
This cannot succeed in reality, that is exactly what I suppose.
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