The teddy bear met his new owner last night and it appears that there is, indeed, chemistry. He even seems to be smiling. I suppose I would be, too, if I'd been in pieces for two weeks and then finally got my head and limbs attached.
He left this morning for his new home. I admit to feeling slightly post-partum, though it's not like I won't see him frequently.
I wondered how he was getting on, and then this arrived via e-mail:

He has been christened Istvan, and it looks to me like he's adjusting nicely. And apparently he's a Prince fan. Who knew?
Great job, Franklin. It looks fantastic!! Janis is one of my favorite characters from "The Muppet Show". Of course, Miss Piggy being my favorite.
ohhh, thanks, I'm much relieved to see all his parts together!
who knew, he was straight? Now I'm wondering about all those mittens I've given away...
and cudos to you two for not putting clothes on him, bears are much better looking au naturel :)
Istvan looks content...You did a wonderful job on him...a true labor of love....
Awesome! He looks great!Good job! If I could only knit as well!!
Franklin, that bear is awesome. But, then again, I wonder if there's anything you do that's NOT awesome? If so, I haven't seen it, yet. xoxo
He's adorable!
And there's absolutely nothing wrong with a fondness for Prince, that sexy motherf&*er! Funk on, Istvan!
Istvan has become a tall dark hansome foreigner... all he needs to do now is speak in a foreign language and he'll enrapture anyone.
Yowsa, that bear is hanging with some swanky company...
Where's Animal? :-) (I always had a thing for those crazy drummers...though the guitarists are far sexier...)
I always wanted my hair to swing like Janis. Ahem. Not that this applies to you, but having a child f*ed that plan up completely. Curls, man. Unstraightenable curls. Ah well. I can at the very least wear the belly button top and hope no one's looking too closely....
So do you think Istvan speks with a forign accent perhaps?
Aloha Franklin! Your bear is "miki`oe" (excellently made). You should be so proud. I hope you don't have postpartum issues. (Cruise vs. Shields) LOL Keep up the great work.
Are there people who aren't Prince fans?
I think the Prince button (in addition to revealing excellent taste in music) may also call into question Sir Edwin's assumption that Istvan is straight. Perhaps he's announcing (in a coy sort of way) that although he is currently on the arm of the lovely Janis, he wouldn't kick Kermy out of bed either...
Or perhaps we're all reading way too much into this. Maybe Prince is just his hero, and Janis is just his friend.
Though that is a mischievous little smile. We'll have to wait & see what C can tell us about Istvan's future adventures.
Janis and Dr. Teeth!! Oh man! What ever happened to them?!? God I loved their psychedelic period.
But seriously, the teddy bear looks like its enjoying its new digs.
Happy Fourth!
Just "lucked" onto your site while looking for teddy bear patterns to knit for charity causes. Do you sell the pattern for that gorgeous teddy bear pictured?
I love Janis! She's totally groooovey, maaannnn.
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Totally feel you on the post partum. Recently knit two bears out of scrap yarn and ripped up shirt stuffing named black bear and baby bear for a friend's son. Now I can't send them off and am considering making him another one (although I don't like my chances on not falling for that one)
Istvan has become a tall dark hansome foreigner... all he needs to do now is speak in a foreign language and he'll enrapture anyone.
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He looks great!Good job! If I could only knit as well!!
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