We bring you instead this hasty scribble created during an especially dull staff meeting.

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Oh, lord, that is funny.
I think I wet myself.
I love it! Brilliant. T-shirts should be made.
Surely simply showing the Prophet knitting (a despicable activity only suited for lower life forms, like women... and gay men) would set off the fundies.
Yep.. that one needs a t shirt..
Or at least note cards..
Your best yet..
Love it!!
My favorite part is the cat playing with the yarn ball behind the chair. Nice attention to detail!
Too funny!
Love it. Just sums up how silly the legal action is.
Shame on Sew Fast Sew Easy!
Aren't you scared they will come after you next? I know I'm quaking in my comfortable shoes.
Franklin your humour rocks!
Thank you for your hilarious cartoons. An exploding clapotis!!!
that. is. funny. and i agree with heather about the t-shirts.
Oh Franklin Rushdie, you da bomb!
Erm, perhaps I should rephrase that.
I love it, Franklin. As usual you are right on the money - pithy, current and full of humour. I particularly like the shadowy nature of the goons ready to rough up the unsuspecting knitter... although those needles do look pretty damn sharp.
I'm rolling. Rolling on the floor.
Go, Franklin, Go!
This blog entry was mentioned on the snb_leaders Yahoo group site today. As an SnB group leader myself, I wonder if dark shadowy figures are going to show up on MY doorstep someday. Ah, but I have changed the name of my group to prevent deletion by the evil overlords.
Keep those doodle pens full of ink!
Anne Marie Gunther
Thank you for not drawing Mohammed...the thought of an exploding clapotis is terrifying since I am doing one for the knitting olympics!!!
Love the cartoons.
Tell Aiden he gave way to much information when you see him..
aww Franklin, I would have enjoyed Mohammed knitting an exploding clapotis! keeping things along this vein.. how about Jesus in a frilly puffy sweater or Buddha in a colorful cloiche or Syed Baba in Kaffe Fassett you knit what Mongolian bulls eye vest?
although those needles do look pretty damn sharp.
Perhaps Grandma should be sporting an "I have two needles..." shirt?
Seriously, Franklin, have you considered a book deal for all these? Forget Calvin & Hobbes or Far Side.... Knitters want more of this!!!
Love the artwork always...
I suppose any one who references Michel Foucault for the name of his blog would come up with something so clever. Love your posts!
(chants) t-shirt, t-shirt, t-shirt! you gotta, man, you gotta! and i agree, you need to get a book deal for these cartoons. they're great! i'd buy it in a heartbeat! think of the potential!
The cats are wondering what the crazy lady is laughing about this time...great cartoon!! Your sense of humor is the best.
LOL with tears.
Even if they win, they lose. Have you heard Brenda's pithy essay on the subject? Well done, both of you.
Thank you....I laughed so hard. That cartoon is great. I'd love a t-shirt!
Wonderful cartoon, I think this says it all...........
When something like this comes to you in a boring work meeting, don't you just break out in a giggle?
I could just picture you drawing this out and then thinking about the exploding clapotis bit as a perfect intro...you had to have giggled.
That's beautiful!
I agree with heather -- T-shirts must be made!
perhaps Tote Bags! so we can keep this in people's faces w/o laundry breaks
You do know, of course, that you are going straight to hell.
If you get there before me, will you save me a seat by the dance floor?
My officemate thinks I am raving mad. She may be right, but guffawing at my desk only reinforces her preconceptions.
You know the faithful Muslim's heavenly reward, don't you? Scads of women to, er, attend to his* every need. OK, so this may not be your idea of a reward, but DH could deal with it. So could I, actually, if I could knit while waiting my turn.
*It will not surprise you to learn that the literature presumes the faithful Muslim to be male.
That is a good little tickle =D
now that is a good one!
I love it. Yes. They are targeting hundreds of old ladies(and many more demographics, of course) every where! Old ladies shouldn't be bothered.
So freakin' funny! Thank goodness for boring meetings. Hope you don't mind, but I'm posting this on my blog w/a link back to you of course.
That is too funny! You rock!
...and all I can draw during staff meetings are cubes and stick people!
It's funny, but its coming to that.
Hope no one comes to my aunt's house. Her dog is scary.
I have tried to find a way to contact you to ask if I may (with proper credit) put this cartoon on my main needlework page. It's at http://www.bookmice.net/fleur/needleworkindex.html
Cool cartoon! Heh!
Brilliant! Thanks for the laugh.
Very useful piece of writing, much thanks for your post.
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