Lace is such a pain to photograph, particularly lace in progress. I wish you could see this in person. The silk has no halo whatever, so the patterns look...what's the word I want? Etched? That comes close. The lines are so crisp and sharp I keep thinking of ice crystals on a windowpane. It was worth ripping back and switching to a finer yarn.
By way of comparison, you can see that I used the first yarn–which was laceweight–to work the provisional cast-on for the cobweb weight. The cobweb's about half as thick.
I promised myself that when the manuscript of little book
Palpitations. Palpitations, I tell you.
The preview included the yarn specs for the project, and I since it uses a fingering weight yarn I've decided that spinning it myself is within my capabilities. The book won't come out until November, so I have a few months to finish preparing this:
before it's time to make this:
Excuse me. I have to go spin.
Wow, first!
The Miralda triangular shawl is exquisite. Can't wait for the book to come out. What a lucky sister.
Wow, such a meaningful gift. A beautiful lace piece knit out of handspun yarn. A lucky sister indeed!
Your knitted lace is exquisite. I have turned out to be lace-impaired, and I'm in awe of those who can actually knit it. Can't wait to see your FO.
Wow. Just - wow.
Thank you so much for the preview - that shawl is amazing! I have the book on pre-order and now I can't wait until I can see more of it.
I have your "little book" on pre-order also - I am very much looking forward to Fall 2008.
I am looking forward to more progress photos of the Wedding Ring Shawl - exquisite work, as usual.
I just pre-ordered the lace book & your book --- looking forward to both. Would it be unethical to share the yarn requirements for the Miralda shawl? I'd like to start looking for just the right yarn while waiting for the book -- thanks!
Cobweb-weight yarn? I didn't know yarn could be made that fine (let alone knit so exquisitely).
Your wedding shawl is looking good - I like the stitch definition you're getting with the gossamer.
And Miralda is definitely a must do - thanks for the sneak peak!
Wow - I am so impressed!! I thought that I was using a fine yarn for my first lace at 875yd per 60 grams, but the Gossamer silk is 3 times(!) finer.
Again - wow, just wow...
I am in love with that shawl pattern. I've been looking for a pattern for a shawl to take to the opera next season (we splurged on main floor seats for all 8 & it tends to be rather cool there). But the first opera is in October. maybe I can have it for at least some of them.
your sister is really lucky. i've wanted the book to come out and now i most definitely am not sure if i can wait for it.
oh and wonderful article in Piecework.
Be still my heart! That's such a beautiful sneak peek from that book.
Oh, I must tell you that I practically had to smack the staff at Barnes and Nobles last week when I went to look for the Piecework mag. Dude was all, "We don't have it." I said, "OH COME ON!!! GO in the back and look!!!" So this other angel came by and said, "Ma'am (the fucker actually called me Ma'am!!!!!) I'll go check in the back but I've never seen that magazine." I told him I've seen it COUNTLESS times at the same shop so he better hurry up and look carefully! He did. And came back with a sheepish look on his face talking about, "I'm sorry. Here it is. We have a stack of them in the back."
WTH!! Is it so hard to understand that I MUST have the damn magazine that has the featured article from my fave blogger????
wow... knitting lace and spinning .. so much talent, I am impressed!
That much dedication, talent, brotherly love, talent, humor, talent, brilliant writing, talent, and good looks in one place just HAS to be illegal! I think you got about three people's worth.
Of course, you also received that fleecy, lovely, bourbon-drinking albatross around your neck. : }
have to have that book immediately! Now! I can't wait.
What a lucky sister you have; do you need another one?
I envy all of you who spin. I was at a show last year with a spinning demo, and the demonstrator was going to let me try the wheel but I got called away to a class I was teaching. Sigh. I probably would have bought the wheel, too -- it was just very pretty.
Are you in the market for an older sister? :o) No wait, I see someone else has already asked ...
Your lace is turning out very well, definitely worth the redo. That shawl is going to be lovely, and such a thoughtful gift - hand spun and hand knit.
I am ashamed of myself, but I am so jealous right now...
How fun to bring up your blog just now and see the picture of the Wedding Ring Shawl! I just started this shawl two days ago. I too ordered the Gossamer Silk, which I liked best (after spending hours knitting up all those little thread samples). I've only worked half as many rows as you though. Please continue to post pictures of your progress. Thanks, Deidre
That new shawl patternis very beautiful and it sits so nicely, too. They don't always go together, do they?
May I please be your sister? My brothers don't knit, neither do they spin. veritable lilies of the field, they are.
Thank you for sharing the shawl pic with us. I have it on preorder waiting for its little prettiness to come winging its way via the Chocolate Truck.
Tres elegante! Love it.
That's the shawl I loved most from the preview, too. I haven't been this excited about a new book release since, well, since yours, of course!
You're a good brother!
Absolutely stunning. I cannot wait to see it finished. Also, I'm quite looking forward to your book. :)
Oh my giddy aunt, that brown shawl is stunning. What a fabulous project to be spinning towards.
Oh, that change in yarn is definitely worth it. ~x~
The lace is looking lovely. I'm plugging away on the outer border (88 of 140 pattern repeats, deadline is 08/08/08...).
The silk does bloom a bit over time, but it remains lovely.
Your lace project are exquisite, both present and future.
Miralda is LOVELY!
OMGosh that's gorgeous. One more book (plus yours) to add to my wish list
Beautiful shawl now - and in your future! I was waiting for a pic of the white shawl. Thank you :)
Hey! You can knit! heehee
Bring your wheel to camp. There are always a couple of people at Camp 3 who bring theirs along. Just sayin', you know, if you want to spin at night it might come in handy.
Your WRS looks fabulous in the cobweb weight and I bet it will have spectacular drape from the silk. As for the Miralda shawl I can't imagine a more worthy project for your fleece. I pre-ordered my copy of the book months ago and your preview is making me drool. Time to interview my fiber stash for candidates. Of course, Lambtown is next week.....
You should have a "defribullator" button on the sidebar for us if you are going to post pictures like that! A beautiful shawl and some lovely spinning.
That shawl is so pretty I wanna cry. Actually, I sort of want to give up on my Firmaments shawl and dedicate myself to a monastic order of Miralda Triangular Shawl. At least... I want to pledge total devotion until the next great lace shawl comes along. Can't wait to see how yours turns out.
Your lace work is beautiful. What size needle are you using for the gossamer silk?
Kondiloma akuminatum ialah vegetasi oleh Human Papiloma Virus tipe tertentu, bertangkai, dan permukaannya berjonjot. Tipe HPV tertentu mempunyai potensi onkogenik yang tinggi, yaitu tipe 16 dan 18. tipe ini merupakan jenis virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada kanker serviks. Sedangkan tipe 6 dan 11 lebih sering dijumpai pada kondiloma akuminatum dan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks derajat ringan. Kondiloma akuminatum ialah vegetasi oleh Human Papiloma Virus tipe tertentu, bertangkai, dan permukaannya berjonjot. Tipe HPV tertentu mempunyai potensi onkogenik yang tinggi, yaitu tipe 16 dan 18. tipe ini merupakan jenis virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada kanker serviks. Sedangkan tipe 6 dan 11 lebih sering dijumpai pada kondiloma akuminatum dan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks derajat ringan.
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