Most of the time if you're not a shop owner looking to place an order, all you get to do is look. Sometimes, if you're cute or famous enough, or if you're willing to flash your boobies, you can get free goodies. It's like Mardi Gras in New Orleans, only with yarn instead of beads.
Since you and I are close, personal friends I think it's only fair to give you a sneak peek at one of the most exciting things that accidentally fell into my bag when Jess and Casey were busy playing Twister with Cat Bordhi and Pam Allen. Just don't tell anybody, okay?
I tried to use it, but I guess it's just a demonstration dummy. However, I plan to pre-order one the day the list opens.
If you want to see some of the other stuff I got, let me know.
Flash it baby, let's see what you've got!
I want a remote too!
That is hilarious!!!
I am not quite sure why they have a "minus" for stash ... there are actually people who decrease their stash??? I thought it was an urban legend.
And yeah, show what other goodies you've got!
Please Sir, may we have some more?
Maybe the minus is for turning down the volume on things related to stash - like the yarn crying out to be used or the other occupants of the dwelling demanding that you get your yarn out of their sock drawers.
I'd love to see what else you got!
There are a few buttons missing for the groups. You know, "Next Group" "Previous Group" "Dolores Devotees" "Group for the Person Whose Interests Are So Specific That There Is Only One Member".
Better get a bigger remote.
srsly, all you have to do is flash a little boob for yarn? I'm all over that!
show us your goodies :)
I'm confused by that "off" button... you can turn off Ravlery? You can stop surfing Ravelry?
Nah. Must be a dummy button.
I'm with Melissa - who turns Ravelry off?!
agree with Melissa (1)
Although, if I were in the States, I could probably sue you for lack of disclaimer - turkey up the nose is definitely worth "pain and suffering" :P. Since I'm not, mental note to me: do not read panopticon while eating lunch!
Love it. Especially the "destroy thread" button. I wonder what that says about me...
Thanks for sharing. More, more, more!
love (1)
That is awsomeness!
So, so funny!!
I'm sure you don't even have to ask which button's my favourite.
Drama runs a close second, though.
Oh, you're the most brilliantest EVER!
I nominate this the official tool for CPaAGG.
I joined Ravelry approximately 3 hours ago, because I am always late to a good party, and I can already tell I'm going to need one of those remotes. :)
can i join everyone else by clamoring "more, more more! show us your loot!" i haven't been to Ravelry yet (i know, i'm late to a good party too!) but that remote sure looks like it would come in handy from what i've been hearing from folk who are already "there".
covet (lots).
It also needs one of those panic buttons that pulls up a spreadsheet when someone who just doesn't understand walks by.
So, what else did you get?
***Sometimes, if you're cute or famous enough, or if you're willing to flash your boobies, you can get free goodies.*** - you are all this and more, honey chile!
(except for the boobies)
(but then, I have never gotten a close-up view)
I picture dolores flashing her woolies... (shudder)
smooches! :-)
Which button do you think would break down first?
If knitting lace: WTF
If knitting on a deadline: probably DRAMA
If knitting with a grand new yarn: LOVE (obviously!)
So, one must ask onself what ones does most?
Of course it's a demo dummy. You don't think the REAL Rav-mote will have an "OFF" button, do you?
Supremely funny!
A proper Rav-remote will have a disagree button, too. ;)
I hear there is a naughty version too, in beta. But it has a disagree button as well as certain anatomical correctness (but never political correctness).
Sho'nuff Auntie Jimbo!! agree(239)
- delic8genius
that is awesome! especially the destroy thread, pee break and WTF. when can i get one too?
LMAO (1)
Yeah! Let's see it!!!
(hey, these buttons aren't working...)
I love the remote. I would also like you to flash us your other goodies. ;)
SO what other goodies did the Woolywood elite get to put into their swag bags?
Since you and I are close personal friends and all, would it be rude to say 'show me what you've got'? :)
Hmm, I will definitely be using my Ravelry Bucks for this one.
Definately show your boobies... erm, sorry, your goodies.
That. Is. Awesome.
We need a bigger remote, for sure.
I love loot, even when it doesn't belong to me and I can't touch it, so bring it on.
I wanna see!!! :D
Franklin, you are a tease nearly as bad as Dolores! Of course you have to show all your goodies after dangling that carrot!
Very funny.
But I want to know, how did you do it? How long did it take? How much chocolate triple fudge ice cream?
Do they come in other colors?
You're going to make us BEG?
Oh, and Barnes and Noble, the cretins, don't have the new Piecework on display yet. Fortunately I perused it carefully and without you/Dolores, I wasn't putting down any cash.
Snort. Love it! ;)
(For a darker moment, check out Nebojsa Seric Shoba's version of a remote: [scroll down])
Brilliant! But it definitely needs an agree button.
It would definitely be fun to zap those threads where hundreds of people get their knickers in a twist over something daft.
Imagine it - people in high dudgeons all over the world, whipped into a 'hurrumph' frenzy, finger poised over the reply button and...
Thread Destroyed.
Oh... what?
oh PLEASE... can I PLEASE get one? please... and maybe a blog model too???? PLEASE?
also....I need a quick switch button for ummm ravelry sneaking- to make it look like I;m working... k? thnx.
love (1)
PieceWork has knitted lace by Nancy Bush and Franklin Habit!
The subject line of the email from Knitting Daily today. You are being mentioned, highlighted in lofty company. You should be happy. If it were me, I would probably not be breathing.
Ok I just got a sneek peek of your work in Piecework. Don't worry, It does look like houses. Nancy Bush's work is stunning too.
I gave a friend who's a dad a "control a kid remote control" for Father's Day.....see large image here:
Cool features like Grow Up, Tidy Room, Do Homework, Stop Tantrum, and Energy up and down buttons. Oh would that it worked...
want! (eleventy billion)
Show us!!!
Margie in Maryland
Seriously, do you REALLY have to even ASK us, dearest Franklin?
Make it snappy, what are you waiting for (she says in the most un-bitchy voice she can muster for barking such a command -- which I don't really mean to do, just can't wait to see and can't believe you'd think we may not be interested!)
Your blog needs a funny(1) button.
I fully agree with anything you've printed here.
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