I was rummaging through my sketchbooks and ran across this unpolished little gem. Somewhere in the Happy Knitting Grounds, Mary Thomas is clutching her chest and staggering backwards.
I promise I will not be publishing it as a pendant to this.
In my defense, I'm fairly certain it was created on a night when I was even more medicated than usual.
Note to self: In the future, do not mix cartooning and NyQuil.
That is just too funny! Thank you!
I disagree entirely. Please continue to mix cartooning and Nyquil.
I'm in love.
I live this. Sandra and I have your Knit 2 Together mugs. Seems to fit.
Well I love it! My are you talented all doped up on NyQuil.
I'm with rachel h!
*snigger* You said "P".
oh my dearest;
i was looking at the avuncular smooch and getting a little weepy then scrolled back up and got weepy with laughter at p2tog.
you are a gem.
heh heh heh, you said P (said in a beavis and butthead voice)
even my spouse got a guffaw out of this cartoon (and he doesn't even know what the knitting term P2TOG stands for).
they must be male sheep......
I would so buy this on a mug/tshirt/anything! Keep the nyquil cocktails coming!
I especially love the smiles on their faces -- just perfect!
Oh I think it's funny and would make a great complement to the knit 2 together mug. Can one of them be dolores writing her name? I know this is tough to do as a girl, but, well, I have (we were camping...).
As I say to my kids, "Could you be any cuter?"
I totally agree with Rachelh - keep the Nyquil.
I love it. I vote for more Nyquil and drink lots of water!
Speaking of peeing,,,,there's such a thing as too much laughing, esp if you're a few years older, lol!!!
Dude, if you don't put this on a mug, I will have to cry. And you don't want that.
Seriously. If I never get a mug with this on it, I will not have lived.
Have I mentioned how much I love you?
forget the nyquil, i wanna see vicodin and cartooning! who's with me?
I haven't laughed that hard all day. BTW, the 'Sheep on a Plane' shirt has caused many a guffaw to erupt among my friends. I tremble to think how much of same would go on if I were sporting *this* one... :)
Oh, no - PLEASE add it as a mug! It's absolutely perfect.
Versed! I have Versed!
More! More!
Please, oh please, put this on cups and shirts and bags!
Please don't underestimate our sick and twisted senses of humor! :)
Why not publish it on a mug?! I think it's perfect!
Franklin, have you ever thought of publishing a book of your drawings called, Dolores and Company.
It's all class with you, Franklin.
t-shirt please, the cute girl style!
I want a mug...it's just so appropriate. And I second the motion that you should publish a book of sheep cartoons.
Aaahh I love it. You are wonderful! I wish I knew you. I am at least glad I get to read your blog. Have a good day!
It's a guy thing, isn't it Franklin
Too funny XD A great addition to your Cafepress shop (hint hint)?
Oh, Goddess. The comments, as they frequently tend to be, are nearly as funny as the post. (catbookmom, rams...I nearly died!) I'll umpteenth the motions - more NyQuil + cartooning, add vicodin as necessary, and put it on anything you can!
I would SO buy this on a mug.
Oh but Franklin my dear, I think it belongs with the other mug, so apt and appropriate:) Sell them as a pair and keep on cartooning
amber in scotland
That's adorable!
Leave it to you to save a day that started in a less than sterling manner. Thank you, Franklin. And yes, a shirt or mug or bag or anything. Guy thing or not, I still love it.
Oh my!Nyquil and cartooning definitely mix.. but please let me warn you now Nyquil and knitting when really really sick.. they DONT mix..
If you get a minute can you please pop over to my site and see if you can help get the word out? I have a big mountain to climb!!
THANKS! I love it.
Awwww come on. I'm a mom of 2 teen sons... that would be a knitting coffee mug they'd fight over!
I would SO wear that on a t-shirt... and use the mug... And even after the fiasco of paying 90% of the cost to Canada customs, I would SO order those...
Also would love to see this on a mug!!
I think it's my favorite of your sketches so far.
This reminds me of when a non kintting friend of mine asked me what was with all the gansta talk in my knitting patterns. I must have looked her blankly and she started reading it. "Kint 2, yo, Purl 2" I had to explain that is was an abbreviation for yarn over, not "yo" as a word. Still cracks me up though. Love you stuff.
I want one of each! They're WAY too cute! If that's what happens when you mix Nyquil with cartooning, then maybe I should send you a case of Nyquil!!!
I love it! You are so talented - with and without NyQuil
My dear Franklin, you are, at times, such a GUY!
Boy I can't wait to see the one for PSSO!!
Now THAT is something I'd want on a t-shirt.
How 'bout cartooning and Jack Daniels?
Hilarious, thanks for sharing!
hahahaha ha!
~snort~ I would buy that if you put it up in the Cafe! Love it!
I have never worn a knitting-themed garment or used a knitting-themed coffee mug, but THIS could change my snooty ways. :)
Thank you - I don't even want to guess how long it will be before I stop laughing.
awwww, Franklin!
I would so love a T or Mug in this!
pretty please???
I wish you would publish that as a pendant to the K 2 Tog. I would love both to be framed prints in my bathroom. Perfect spot for toilet humor and kitschy mushy knitting sheep to hang out.
Dear Frankin
I would like to order 5 of your P2tog. mugs. I find all my knitting buddies have warped and twisted funny bones (maybe because they spin?) I also want a couple of T-shirts. Please ship them to Canada with a value under $20 so I don't have to dish out to the Customs Dudes.
Yours sincerly
Barb B.
PS I think they are better without the horns....gives more to think about.
And the 'yo' as YO, Dude, would also be great.
Hey, this gives me an idea.
If you make a decal, I will send you Nyquil, w/the vicodin already mixed in.
Ok. If you make a mug with the 2 sheepies, I will buy more than one mug.
Please! Just in time for the holidays! Please make that one a mug! So many knitters. I have so little imagination when it comes to buying presents.
A book! A Dolores book! YES! GAT!!(guy arm thing)
**chortle snort!** Niiiiiice. What do they do for sl 1, k2, psso?
I can see a big butch truck with one of the sheep p***ing on the Red Heart label in the back window. Some may think Dolores, but she has an image to uphold now that she's considering campaigning for prez.
I am SO glad I did not see this entry at work yesterday. After gagging my loud guffaws, the muggles would have hauled me off to fired-land!!
Bevin, a framed print for the bathroom? Genius! Me, too, Franklin, pretty please?
Hey Franklin, can you send Dolores over to set all my balls of sock yarn straight?....One's gone missing and its partner is on the needles and I need it badly to finish the second sock.
That is hilarious. Sounds like it wont ever make it to the shop, which is too bad, because I'd wear it...but thanks for at least sharing it here.
Someone just sent me a copy of the F. Habit cartoon about the spiders and Barbara Walker. Priceless. I would certainly like to have a clear copy of this. Possible? Eugen
*shock* I knew it!
Very good and interesting site with very good look and perfect information I like it
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