The Rhinebeck sweater isn't done yet, but we're getting there.
The collar is finished and now fits over my pointy little head. The hem has been completely redone and doesn't flip or flare (I'll tell you what I did in another post).
Then two nights ago I sat down, slid another episode of the original Forsyte Saga into the player (Fleur Forsyte, you are a conniving bitch, but I cannot look away) and wove in all the ends.
Talk about maximum result for minimum effort. It only took me about an hour, but when I was finished the sweater seemed to have taken a giant leap towards completion.
Encouraged by this, I did what I should not have done. I tried something new, when I ought to have shut the lights out and gone to bed.
The underarm stitches had been patiently hanging around on waste yarn since I'd put them there weeks ago. I slid those on the right side onto two needles, propped up Knitting Without Tears on the work table and decided this would be the perfect time to learn stockinette weaving.
Do I even need to tell you what happened next? No, I didn't think so.
Happily, the Jo Sharp wool I'm using is quite soft, so the living room window didn't break when the sweater hit it.
There's no photo. I can't even draw you a picture. It's too painful to recall. Though not as painful as undoing the screwy weaving and putting 40 stitches back on the needles again, dropping two for every one that gave no trouble.
[Note to Kathy Merrick: at this point I am so grateful to my crochet hook just for being there that I think I may need to learn to crochet out of sheer gratitude.]
The sweater and I will reconvene tonight (early) to revisit the matter of underarm weaving. I shall be armed with the video demonstration of Elizabeth Zimmerman weaving (thanks, Greg!), Montse Stanley, the Vogue Knitting Reference, and Mary Thomas. And it is going to work, or this time I'm throwing the sweater at the window again, but this time the window is going to be open.
Lace Report
If you had told me back during the "Branching Out" era that I would some day knit lace to relax, I would have said you were nuts.
But that's what I'm doing. Granted, we're talking dreadfully simple lace, knitted with sock yarn (Nature Spun, I think) on US 2 3/4 Inox needles.
Here's a picture:

I know, I know. It's not much. There's no plan for it, even. I'm just making a sampler using stitch patterns I learned in my classes at Stitches Midwest. When I get tired of working a pattern, I knit a few plain rows and do a different one.
Perhaps I will call this the "Fear of Commitment" stole.
Along the bottom is the Estonian "Peacock" pattern, with the "Twig" pattern running up both sides above. In the middle is "Chain Hearts," which comes from Orenburg, in a field of garter stitch. Above all of that, in progress, is the Estonian "Leaf" pattern (no nupps).
This is what I've been doing on the train morning and evening, and loving it. I'll keep knitting it until I get sick of it or run out of yarn, then bind it off and use it to practice blocking. It's too wide to be a scarf, so I'm calling it a stole.
Stole, scarf, table runner, antimacassar–whatever. All I know is it has no neckline and no underarms, and right now that's enough for me, baby.
Try Lucy Neatby's solution to grafting/stockinette weaving with a sock toe chimney -
Enjoying your blog and I thought you were 6ft 3 inches from your photo until I read through your archives.
I recommend you spend some time just looking at the way the loops of yarn interconnect with each other. You could even take some waste stockinette and weave in a constrasting color on the top side, just following where the yarn is going. Do the same on the bottom side in a different spot.
Essentially, grafting (or weaving) is all about duplicating the pattern of those loops.
Grafting is one thing I CAN do well (at least sock toe grafting) and I owe it all to
My verification word - hwnem. I think I said that to my kids last night.
I love it when people use the word antimacassar in casual conversation.
your lace is FANTABULOUS, I'm so proud for you :)
as for weaving, I must confess that is one knitting acrobatic that I have not mastered. Not for lack of trying either, but I just gave up on it. do share your secret with us when you finally do get it right (which I know will be tonight!)
I find sock yarn a very good weight for lace. and probably nice for learning because it is big enough to see what you are doing. A great idea to just try something until you get sick of it and then change patterns. Who cares what the finished product can be used for you got maximum learning and relaxation in the process.
I've never had a problem with grafting but I don't know why. It might be one of those things you have to convince yourself is not going to be difficult. Starting earlier in the evening should help though.
If it is too frustrating, I don't see why a 3 needle bind off wouldn't work there instead. I've done that on sock toes (turn sock inside out first) and it seems fine.
A dear knit friend of mine directed to your blog when you posted Man vs Sweater. I'm so glad she did! I've read you every post since and look forward to future posts.
Your head doesn't look pointy in the pictures!
This video is the one that worked for me. Another caveat: the bottom row will be 1/2 stich offset from the top row as you work the graft.
So that's what you were working on! Gorgeous. Can't wait to hear tales of blocking. :-) I'm horrible, I know.
Congrats on every small sweater conquest. But leave the stockinette grafting for a time when you've got 2 hours of uninterrupted at work. :-)
i second all the advise given. if it's any consolation, it took me through 3 hats to figure it out, and now i can graft stocking & garter. which is good, since i ahve rogue on the needles, and the hood is grafted cables on a garter background. whew. good luck to ya! (my verification word was ydisy, which to me comes out as why, dizzy? go figure)
Franklin, the sweater will turn out. When all else fails, use the stapler to finish off those nasty seams. Works on pant cuffs, too. Just remember to do it from the inside so only the littlest prongs will show. (A friend of mibe calls it Lesbian Hemming.)
The lace is wonderful. It makes me hot. I think I love you. Will you marry me?
The lace looks great! I haven't tried lace yet...heck, I just started knitting a sweater, after having graduated from scarves (many) to hats (1) to a bag (in progress). It's a small sweater, too, for my small child (skin and bones, and like 1 percent body fat. Lucky thing.)
BTW I wanted to let you know I had stolen a quote from your blog and put it on mine as one of the funniest things I've heard (or read) recently. I have given credit.
Have you watched The Pallisers? if not, run - don't walk - to the nearest library or DVD store and get all of them.
if none of your other helps help with your grafting send me an email I'll send you the only directions that have ever helped me...
The Forsyte Saga just rolls my socks up and down - and for his being the bad guy, I really like Soames (and how Damian Lewis brings such life to the character I had only read about). Nice to find another knitter who likes the saga as much as I do =)
BTW, Sorry we missed one another at the Harlot's signing. It would have been nice to tell you in person how much I admire your lace work.
I second (third) the online video suggestions already given. Until I actually saw it being done I couldn't quite understand. Now I sit there saying to myself (after the set up stitches) - knit, off, purl - purl, off, knit. Nobody better interrupt me... Also - the section in the back of any IK magazine has a good explaination.
Wow. I came to read the Harlot adventure from a few posts back and I'm so glad I did! (The note to God? Priceless.)
Grafting is such a stumbling block for me. More power to you.
I have a lace dishcloth pattern that I'm going to use as my intro to lace knitting. you've done a nice job with your lace project.
Words from today that I love and cherish:
1) antimacassar
2) lesbian hemming
god you're popular these days! Reading all your comments has gotten to be more time-consuming than reading your blog! I don't know if I can keep up! But your commenters are so witty! Whatever shall I do! Enough with the exclamation points!
Hope you're well
your original fan
I think your lace is doing fine. And as far as working a "sampler" of patterns, don't worry about it. There's lots of historic examples of them; perhaps the knitters were working a "catalog" of patterns for future reference. It's a great way to learn basic lace-knitting skills, to see how patterns have developed, and to learn the basics of how lace is structured and constructed. If you keep your eyes open and pay attention to what is happening, it's all valuable leanring for future projects. (And future lace-knitting troubleshooting.)
Found you by way of the Harlot's latest post. Just wanted to say "hi" and that I love the cartoons!
Video Schmideo. Bring something to graft and I'll show you at Rhinebeck while we're drinking coffee and schmoozing. One week. Can ya stand it????
Selma, whose verification word for the day is Xfedy, which sounds like the latest designer drug.
Hi Franklin -
Don't fuss too much over the underarm grafting. It's like sock toes; who's ever going to see it??
If you're knitting your sampler stole on the train, shouldn't it be "Fear of Commuting"?
Have fun
Catherine (alias xyzenaj ... Jane Xyz - my porn star alias?
Franklin, if you can make that, you make my lover tank. It's only a six-stitch, four row repeat.
And someone WE KNOW said you have the body for it. I believe him.
Everyone has already mentioned using Lucy's technique for grafting, and it does work very well. (and she is such a neat lady!) Grafting is really duplicate stitching 'in the air', so to speak. Once you do this, you will see what I mean.
And when things aren't working, just put it away. It will wait for you!
What namely you're saying is a terrible blunder.
Kondiloma akuminatum ialah vegetasi oleh Human Papiloma Virus tipe tertentu, bertangkai, dan permukaannya berjonjot. Tipe HPV tertentu mempunyai potensi onkogenik yang tinggi yaitu tipe 16 dan 18. tipe ini merupakan jenis virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada kanker serviks. Sedangkan tipe 6 dan 11 lebih sering dijumpai pada kondiloma akuminatum dan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks derajat ringan. Kondiloma akuminatum ialah vegetasi oleh Human Papiloma Virus tipe tertentu, bertangkai, dan permukaannya berjonjot. Tipe HPV tertentu mempunyai potensi onkogenik yang tinggi, yaitu tipe 16 dan 18. tipe ini merupakan jenis virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada kanker serviks. Sedangkan tipe 6 dan 11 lebih sering dijumpai pada kondiloma akuminatum dan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks derajat ringan segera kontak kami untuk mendapatkan obat kutil kelamin paling manjur
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