Monday, September 12, 2005


I've been a busy boy. I'm going to continue to be busy, which probably means the luxury of long posts will not be one I can afford for a little while. But it's good busy. Really good.

Photography first:
  1. The Danube porfolio is finished. All prints printed, mounted, captioned.

  2. I have a Web site and a domain name. The site is far from ready to launch, although the basic design is complete. I'm facing the formidable task of readying about 50 photos for online display, and also putting together the first view of the portrait project. Now that I have the domain name, I can finally get my business cards printed.

  3. I schmoozed a little. My neighborhood's Chamber of Commerce sponsored a fairly large art fair this weekend, running right down the busiest part of Broadway (one of our two main arteries - the other being the famous Halsted Street, which sports several dozen gay clubs). I spoke to a nice woman at the Chamber's tent about exhibiting next year. Just doing that took all my gumption. She asked me, "Are you an artist?" and I said, "Yes." That was the first time I've ever said that, instead of giving my standard reply, "No–just a devoted amateur."

  4. I realized that I no longer hate my own work. C and I meandered through the stuff on display and for once I didn't look at all of it and think, that's so much better than what I do. I won't say I'm satisfied with myself. I never will be. I don't think anybody who does anything creative ever should be "satisfied." But I don't think my stuff is entirely without merit or completely derivative, either. (You are welcome to think so, of course. That's your prerogative.)
Now knitting:

  1. The first sleeve of the Rhinebeck sweater is finished. I frogged back about five rows. No big deal.

  2. The second sleeve is 3/4 finished. Much smoother sailing than the first one. Most happily, they match.

  3. I like the new Knitty. Probably the best yet. I won't offer my opinions on particular designs. Visit the usual suspects for more learned piece-by-piece analysis than I can give; or better still, make up your own damn mind. But I do think this online publication is finding its feet, and that makes me happy. (Ladies, I'm very much looking forward to the next men's issue. Your first was a well-intentioned product of very uneven quality. I'm confident that your next will be something to treasure. Just don't think you're off the hook forever for throwing us one meatless bone.)


Calvin said...

Franklin, I can't wait to see your new web site that will showcase your photos. I also like the new Knitty issue.

Calvin said...

BTW...I'm glad that the "chains of Sleevery" have finally been broken. That heading was too funny (no offense to anyone), not to mention the face at the end of the sleeve.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on moving forward with the photography stuff. The pleasure it gives you is palpable. And when things start going right the go right, it seems.

Anonymous said...

Nice to read a blog where the author is obviously intelligent and well-spoken. Good luck with your website. Let us know when it goes live. I'm looking forward to the photos.

Anonymous said...

Franklin, I am so happy that you have reached this level of maturity with your work. this is when your career will now move forward with speed!

It took me years to reconcile my love of fiber, and find a decent description of what I do, without mumbling, and looking downward.

When your site goes live, I will send out an email to alert some members of the curatorial community here.

Anonymous said...

Want to know why this is the best post ever?

These words: "I realized that I no longer hate my own work"

Unknown said...

I'm convinced that success in the world of art is much more about marketing and balls than about talent.

How many incredible artists do you know who have no exposure whatsoever? Hopefully your newfound confidence will let folks see your talent, creativity and skill.

Rebekah Ravenscroft-Scott said...

show us the website!!! now!

or suffer our wrath.

sir ed and loopy

Fran / Blue Gal said...

not sure why, Franklin, but when I saw this I thought of you on a deadline. And it made me laugh, even tho it's kinda gross...

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