Monday, October 13, 2008

Dullsville Welcomes You

The Wedding Ring Shawl is taunting me. I haven't touched it since realizing my latest mistake–I skipped an entire row in the chart–at the end of September.

I'm still knitting, but all my projects right now add up to one long snore, at least in the telling. There's a little sweater here. And a hat. And a striped scarf I'm making from what looks like Noro Kureyon

Striped Scarf

but is actually a budget-priced imitator I got at Threadbear–Kaleidoscope from Elegant Yarns. It doesn't have the ineffable shimmer of Kureyon, but it's pure wool and it cost eight bucks for 174 yards. I can deal with a lower shimmer rating for eight bucks.

I know what's going on. I've switched temporarily from knitting as thrill to knitting as anesthetic. I already have a full bucket of thrills, thank you. These include:
  • The thrill of having a new book on the shelves. (Or at least, according to my latest intelligence, on the way to the shelves–look for it early next week.)

  • The thrill of traveling to far-away places to meet wonderful knitters who want me to sign the book.
Such thrills run hand-in-hand with even more thrills, including:
  • The thrill of hurtling through space to the next signing praying my airplane will not suddenly plummet to earth.

  • The thrill of knowing that in the course of any given signing I will fail to recognize at least half the wonderful knitters I've seen before. (Among my friends I am notorious for this. I forget the names and faces of my own kin if it's been more than six months since our last meeting. "Why yes, we've been introduced. I'm your mother.")

  • The thrill of trying to make a living in the midst of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression by drawing funny pictures of sheep.
So I am knitting things that just go back and forth, or round and round. A slow fox trot, instead of a gay (shut up) tarantella.

But it's just for the moment. I'm looking at you, Wedding Ring Shawl.

Man Flesh for Sale

Calendar Preview

No, not mine. But the Guys with Yarn calendar is here.


sara 14 said...

Ohhh, I see the answer to my holiday gift problems . Cool!

Patience said...

I got a message from Porter Square Books today that they have my copy of the book ready for pickup!

Will the calendar be available at Rhinebeck (Sunday? I can only get there Sunday), or should I buy it here and haunt my mail carrier?

The Nice Lady said...

oooh! Are you going to be coming to California? I bet our SnB group would like to have you some night at our LYS or Barnes and Noble (we meet at each on alternating weeks).

I would be awesome to not be recognized. ;)

Anonymous said...


(the calendar, not the men; they are some hunks of gorgeous, but they probably would not give me a second glance [sigh])

the 2008 ornament has arrived at my house; genius, sheer genius!

smooches! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Franklin,

I've only just discovered you (via the book announcement at Knitting Daily) but Love You, Love the blog, Love the book. Have added you to my Fantasy Dinner Party List. YOu are the best knitting writer I've ever read, & I've read lots.

I'm new to lace work but yours is an inspiration.xxxx

Anonymous said...

There's just no way my calendars of yarn pictures can compete with that...

Ev said...

It would be terrific, but unlikely that I'd see you when our travel patterns crossed so I'll wish you safe travels and lots of nodding smiles to cover the awkward moments...remeber, there's only one of you and lots of us!

Kristen said...

I fell off my chair laughing when I saw that one of the tags for the calendar is "housewares." Snicker, snicker. What can I say, I'm easily amused. ;)

Puss-in-Boots said...

I'm going to ask Santa Baby for one of those calendars...

Redford Phyl said...

Okay, I ordered two of the calendars, one for moi and one for daughter. How many other mothers give their daughters beefcake for Christmas? Love you, Franklin.

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate to "dullsville" knitting at the moment...but at least I'm knitting again!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have plenty of thrills to keep you busy. :) Enjoy!

Phro5gg said...

Let's not forget the tjrill of being smack dab in the middle of the Fiberatrian revolution! Shoot, for that alone you should be heavily medicated.

junior_goddess said...

Don't forget the joys of TSA. Fortunately, you can wear some badassed knitter socks and show them off as you trot thru X-ray.

Congrats on the book. I am delighted that you can rebel against the lovely alumni in your own way.

Get over your stupid lost row. Put on some dull TV and gut it out. It's blockin' ya!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

The book is so GOOD! Thanks for coming to Alabama and giving US a thrill! Should have brought some o' those calendars.......

It was lovely to meet you. Thanks again.
Helen the crazy hat lady

Sweet Camden Lass said...

Do you think my all male office will let me display the calendar? Or shall I just have to terrify my extremely tall flatmate?

Goodness. Less than a month and then you'll be on this side of the Atlantic. Am terribly excited.


Anonymous said...

Hi Franklin,

I listened to the Knitmore Girls podcast where you were the "high Priest of knitting" being interviewed! Great conversation. It lasted for 45 minutes or so of walking. Knitting podcasts keep me going while I get some exercise :>)

I guess stalling out on the lace is one way of getting to keep it!

Are you coming to Dallas for a book signing? I'd love to meet you and get your book.


Leslie said...

Franklin, did I miss it? Did you give up the day job? Are you planning a budget on the Fibertarian donations?

Congrats on the book - preordered my copy and am waiting, waiting, waiting...

Anonymous said...

Two more Xmas presents scratched off the list, and a present for myself, too. Thank you so much for making that calendar!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'll make it through this financial crisis with selling cartoons yarn to the massive subculture of knitting and calendars of men and yarn. Ka-ching, ka-ching. Birthday and Christmas right there.

My brother probably lives in your neighborhood if you run really tight on cash I'm sure I could talk him into letting you sleep on his couch for "a little while". He appreciates all things fiber related.

With an economic downturn or potential credit crunch this might just turn into a barter economy. Then knitting is going to really boom!

Alwen said...

"The thrill of trying to make a living in the midst of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression by drawing funny pictures of sheep."

We'll just have to help you make that possible, then, won't we?

That sounds like the perfect answer to the uncomfortable party question, "What do you do?"

"I draw sheep!" (Said as brightly as possible.)

I think I would like to steal that line.

Anonymous said...

:( They've all sold out. Will you have some at iknit?

Mel said...

Oh, come now. I work on engines at the airplane company that makes the planes you fly on (most likely), and I shall say that Only Very Rarely do they plummet to the ground like so many oak tree seed helicopters. :D (It doesn't hurt that my friend and I are both allowed to knit in meetings..)

Anonymous said...

Who hasn't had his/her ass kicked by lace, eh? Give it a rest for a while, but don't let that pattern defeat you! Look at all the gorgeous lace you've knit before! Pick it back up, correct it, and give it hell, Franklin!


Anonymous said...

You rock! Just ordered my calendar. Woo hoo!

Are you planning a Florida stop or did I miss it?

Anonymous said...

Consider finding some generous unknitter to bring your lace back to a good row -- maybe barter for the service?

Thanks for the humor and greatness.


Susan said...

It's really important that you see this! (I promise it's not spam or anything harmful)

Delores needs to know!

Susan in Las Vegas

Kim said...

If you didn't remember me, I think that I would cry... (well, probably not - my memory is very similar to yours!) :-)

I have been anxiously awaiting the completion of the dubbelmossa!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on THE BOOK and commiserations on the lace. Thanks for the laughs.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand it! There's no calendars!! And it looks as if that handsome monk-like beauty is only on one page! ARRGHH!

(holding out eco friendly bag) More, please?

Roladie said...

Any more calenders coming? You've sold out. (of course you did! They're brilliant!!)

Franklin said...

Fret not, more calendars will be added to the stock soon as I can get to it, which will likely be this evening. -Franklin

Jan E said...

You always make me grin--please just keep doing what makes you happy and share it with us.

I can totally relate to doing really simple knitting that doesn't require any mental calisthenics. I hope after I retire that I'll have the energy to take on more intricate patterns.

anatsuno said...

Would you look at that, the calendar is already sold out! I am not surprised (though slightly disappointed, because I was saving up - I am very very broke).

Any plans for a reprint? She asks, hopeful.

Seanna Lea said...

There is nothing wrong with 'boring knitting.' There are many a boring knit that are executed so well, with such an eye for color, that they are sublime. Not by me, mind you, but there are plenty of these glorious knits out there.

(Many of my boring knits still manage to look like they should be used on the dishes.)

Patti said...

and I thought I was the only one who could forget friends, acquaintenances, co-workers, relatives so easily... I'm terrible, just terrible... deep down I suspect and fear early onset of alzheimers. Can't wait to get the book before I forget! :-)

Angie said...

WHAT!!!! Say it isn't so, the shop is all out of calendars!!! Please, please, please tell me more are coming.....

Judith said...

Hey, where's the calendar? I'd get that calendar! The link to your Etsy site didn't have the calendar.

Anonymous said...

I got my book today. I love it! I laughed out loud all the way through. Thank you for drawing and writing it.


Nana Sadie said...

Yeah! Just got my calendar...and the scarf looks great, even if it isn't shimmery.

Cynthia said...

I am going to run a book group at Princeton Public Library using your book! The group will read the book and we will have a small, hands-on project to work on (an easy on for new knitters). I will let you know the details--very excited!

Knitting it Out in an Urban Zoo said...

Got my book on Tuesday and LOVE IT! I wrote a brief review on my blog.

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