Thursday, January 24, 2008

Not Appearing in the Book

Sometimes when I'm working on panels for the book I like to let my mind and my hand wander just to see what happens. And then, sometimes, I snap back to full consciousness and find that I've drawn something like this, and I consider whether I ought to seek professional help.

Oh, snap.


Kim Mears said...

I love this!! Being a bit "bulky" since my baby...I totally relate.

LizzieK8 said...

Belly laugh!

Paul said...

HA! Excellent!

Steph said...

Heh heh... that's just my kinda yarn.

Anonymous said...

LUV IT!!!!

Anonymous said...

Edna! That's my Grandma! I'd better call and see whether I have a new aunt or uncle. Too funny!

Anonymous said...

Oh my!
I want it for my WALL!

Jenn said...

Thank you for a great laugh this cold dreary morning!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great laugh -- as always.


Anonymous said...

Too Funny! Worsted has been a little more catty since Sock yarn has taken over so much of the knitting scene. Just petty jealousy.

Happy Birthday!!!

Rita in WI

Chelsea said...


Anonymous said...

Well they sure aren't sports, those worsted bitches!

Yvonne said...


Anonymous said...

First there was the
yarn whisperer
then there was the
yarn gossiper.

Thanks for the smile!

Ramona in WI

If today is the day, "Happy Birthday!"

dale-harriet said...

You're a fellow Aquarian? If so --yeah! and THANKS to votre Maman for giving US a gift on your birthday. If those worsted bitches want to live in a home where everything else is trapped in bins (at least until my toqueness is cured) they can come here - only Cascade 220 enjoying the sunlight in this house. (Notice I did NOT say "warmth" - as my Wisconsinoid colleagues will agree, days and days 'below zero' give one a greater appreciation for all Things Knitted!

Vanessa said...

bahahaha, that is great. That was just the giggle I needed this morning!!

Sandra said...

Personally, I think is SHOULD appear in the book - too funny!
(Speaking as a somewhat "bulky" one myself, and yeah, I'm blaming the birth of my child cough*nine*cough years ago...
Happy Birthday!

la takahashi said...

Hilarious! Thank you Franklin that made my morning.

and limp-worsted bitches omg! lol

kaykatrn said...

So, it's the Barfday, huh? Hope it's a Happy one.
The cartoon is "a dream". I think it's a keeper!

Mah Blogg said...

Hey, this is my favorite cartoon yet! Keep 'em comin' . . .

Anonymous said...

I think this should go IN the book, and if it's any indication of what the book is, it's going to be great! Looking forward to meeting you (and Delores?) this weekend at Threadbear!

Anonymous said...

tee hee!

I love the baby!

Anonymous said...

I like it. But with the yarn tail hanging out like that, they aren't so much bitches as they are catty.

Anonymous said...

i've got the "bulky" without the "baby."

in my case, it must be the high-fiber diet?

Anonymous said...

Bwahaha! I love it!

Mel said...

So deeliciously catty.

And a very happy birthday to you!

Loren T said...

Please don't. Get professional help, that is. Twisted is a good thing (groaner of a pun intended).

Anonymous said...

they say it's your birthday...WOW! light up the sears tower AND the hancock center in your honor!

happy birthday, franklin! many many more wonderful years ahead; who knows where the journey will lead...

in today's paper, the birthdays mentioned for 1/24 are john belushi, neil diamond, and ernest borgnine. not a single mention of franklin habit...more's the pity...

PS - lerved the cartoon!

Anonymous said...

Hey now - watch that bulky talk!!

Have a most happy birthday!

Eileen said...

Happy birthday Franklin!


(formerly) no-blog-rachel said...

Too freakin' funny. If you were to put that on a mug in your shop I would TOTALLY buy it!

Mini said...

happy birthday. :)

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Hee-larious! Must be wonderful to be so multi-talented (just a twinge of envy here). Happy Birthday :)
not anonymous, Bev in TN

pacalaga said...

Mel says it's your birthday. Happy happy!

Angie said...

Someone (Mel) blabbed on you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Many, many, many more!

Robin said...


So, I see it's your Birthday...I'll spare you the singing and just say I hope YOUR day is the best!

roxie said...

Yes, help getting the
all-yarn cartoon book published. I laughed out loud, rolled on the floor and scared the cats. Worsted bitches indeed!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So true, so true.

And, hey, that skein... it seems to look familiar... something about her glasses and a certain sheep that rolls in this neighborhood...

Alwen said...

I'll only sing Happy Birthday if I get to do the Pottsylvanian Natasha (from Rocky & Bullwinkle) accent. ;)

Paul said...

Well, Happy Birthday, Franklin!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!

(And if you drawing that entitles you to help, then me laughing at it must entitle *me* to help. Because I did.)

Anonymous said...

How very like you -- a gift for us on your birthday! Hope your day is a happy day.

Unknown said...

I would wear that on a tee!
Maybe I need help too...

Jenni said...

Happy Birthday, btw. And does the tag, Book One, mean a second is in the works?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Franklin

Anonymous said...

I always suspected my yarn was up to no good when my back was turned. Ifthe book is ANYthing like this, it will be GREAT!!

Happy Birthday to you - and many more.

Anonymous said...

Don't get help. If you did, we wouldn't get these cartoons anymore!

I seem to remember some definition of "tactless" being "says out loud what everyone else is thinking" ...

Anonymous said...

LOVE the glasses on that one bitch! Is it really your birthday?? Have a wonderfully happy day!

Laurel said...

Love it, especially as I am a bit bulky for that reason!! And ... Happy Birthday to a ridiculously nice and funny guy!

PICAdrienne said...

I love the catty worsted, but better than that...Happy Birthday!

Carol said...


Tell your momma thanks from all of us who love you. She done good.


Partly Cloudy Knitter said...

Happy Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birtday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Franklin,
Happy Birthday to you!

Kristen said...

Honey, if you need professional help, the rest of us are really far gone!

Norma said...

They say it's your birthday.....

Don't HAPPY!

Shell said...

Oh man - that is just so good for a laugh - a true knitter after my own heart!

Karin said...

Don't you dare. Seek professional help! Bah.
Funny how the bitchy one's glasses remind me of someone...

Karin said...

Durn it I can't believe I forgot!!


Diane said...

No, you definitely do not need professional help, unless, of course, you need an assistant or a housekeeper to help you out so that you have more time to treat us with your wit, knitting and everything else that draws us to your blog to visit!

knitnzu said...

Happy Birthday there! At least when you 'come to', it's just a drawing you find...

Knitting it Out in an Urban Zoo said...

Happy Birthday and OMG how freaking hilarious is that cartoon!

SoapDoc said...


suec said...

such a mensch- amusing other people for your birthday! Hope you have had a happy one so far and are in line for many more happy birthdays...

(formerly) no-blog-rachel said...

I'm double-commenting because I had no idea it was your birthday today. Happy Birthday! Hope it was simply fab.


Josette said...

gawd, I love you!

MaryjoO said...

the cartoon is priceless!

Happy Birthday, too.

Anonymous said...

Happiest Birthday, dear Franklin!

much love from SF, Janie Sparkles and myself.

Dana S. Whitney said...

Happy Birthday, apparently.
I assume you've seen the New Yorker Cartoon compendiums... AND the collections of cartoons that "weren't quite right" for that lofty journal. That collection is Cream of the Crap.
I wonder what the sub-lofty cartoons should be called... Fleeced Again? Red Heart and Blue?

Anonymous said...

Hee! Yep, I'd take a T. That A-line one Cafe Press has, that actually fits my pear hips... in the bulkiest size. ;)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Franklin.
Love the cartoon and I would love it on a tee.
Can. not. wait. for the book....

FiberQat said...

Happy birthday, Franklin. May your endeavors continue to bless you with good fortune in the coming year.

I think that worsted just has a bit too much twist in her knickers.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Franklin! Thanks for the giggle! Sue

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

If you got help now ... you might loose you're sense of humor. And none of us want to see that happen.

Happy Birthday!

Seanna Lea said...

I like the cartoon just fine, but I'm known to be a bit touched in the head...

Anonymous said...

T-shirt, please!

If it's your B-day--Happy Birthday!

Sue Who Knits said...

Everywhere i look on the blogishere there is a mention of the importance of this day.

I'm not one to buck the trend.

Happy, Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

i am so looking forward to tomorrow at threadbear, franklin. i'll be the one they call dirty sue and i will bring good doughnuts. great cartoon and it most definitely go in the book.

caitlin said...

there is NOTHING wrong with having a low gauge, and don't let anyone tell you differently!

Anonymous said... funny!

Jenni said...

Just dropping a line to say thanks for the opportunity to meet you at Thread Bear today. It was a pleasure. Looking forward to the end product, too!

Anonymous said...

*Sniff* had family stuff come up--- missed you at treadbear- drowning my sorrows in malabrigo.....

Maybe you'll come back to Michigan?????

Unknown said...

I love that!! Please put it in and much more!!

James said...

That is almost the bitchiest yarn I've ever come across. Hey, btw I gave you a "You Make My Day" award. Check it out on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I'm a day late, but Happy Birthday. Thanks for making me smile (and occasionally giggle-snort)!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and by the way....
I've nominated you for the You Make My Day award (details on my blog and all over the blogiverse).
You really do make my day.

Maggie's Farm said...

I was intrigued by the name of your blog. I learned about Jeremy Bentham and his panopticon in graduate school. The design of the modern prison systems in the US is based on Bentham's idea of everything being visible and observable. How very interesting! Sockladyspins recommended you!

Anonymous said...

Great cartoon! I love your sense of humor and style.


Anonymous said...

You have such badddd habits!!! NOT !! lol

Anonymous said...

Kondiloma akuminatum ialah vegetasi oleh Human Papiloma Virus tipe tertentu, bertangkai, dan permukaannya berjonjot. Tipe HPV tertentu mempunyai potensi onkogenik yang tinggi, yaitu tipe 16 dan 18. tipe ini merupakan jenis virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada kanker serviks. Sedangkan tipe 6 dan 11 lebih sering dijumpai pada kondiloma akuminatum dan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks derajat ringan. Kondiloma akuminatum ialah vegetasi oleh Human Papiloma Virus tipe tertentu, bertangkai, dan permukaannya berjonjot. Tipe HPV tertentu mempunyai potensi onkogenik yang tinggi, yaitu tipe 16 dan 18. tipe ini merupakan jenis virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada kanker serviks. Sedangkan tipe 6 dan 11 lebih sering dijumpai pada kondiloma akuminatum dan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks derajat ringan.