Le damnfool, c'est moi.
Yesterday, with consummate skill, I located and slipped through a loophole in the Café Press system that allowed me with one click to delete every single item in my shop.
If I only I could extend such a feat of legerdemain to the staff in my office.
Anyhow, I spent about an hour banging my face against the desk, and then decided to suck it up and look at this as a much-needed opportunity to renovate. I never expected the shop to grow the way it has, and it has the gangly look of a teenage girl still wearing her Osh Kosh overalls after a growth spurt.
Rebuilding will be gradual, as I'm just a touched swamped at present. Everything that was there before will be back, either the same or improved. I've already introduced something new that I hope will give you giggle. I'm afraid it may be tough to read at a size that will fit in here, so click it for a larger view if your eyesight ain't what it used to be.
All these signs, by the way, are actual designs in use along American highways. As with so many other things, however, I feel one should be a knitter to appreciate them fully.
Oh my I need that "Stop" sign really bad .
Hang on ..what on earth does the Washing Machine mean on U.S roads then.Please don't tell me it's just floods or something ( they've seen my washing machine ?).
See: A message from the cosmos. Good that you're doing something positive with something that looked like a disaster.
I believe the brown signs are campground or rest area markers... washing facilities inside, fishing allowed, etc.
Love them.
(should have ordered when I had the chance)
Oh, I love 'em! Now every time I see a road sign I will be thinking "how does this apply to knitting?" (How about photoshopping the one with falling rocks so that it's got falling skeins instead -- "stash overflow zone"? Or would that be cheating?)
Wile E. Coyote. Super Genius.
Hmph. I wish I'd paged down before I clicked the link and then clicked about five more times to get the image large enough to read.
My eyes, they are aging.
Your signs, they are funny.
Beauty. I love them. You have far too much cleverness for one person.
I do love the signs
Dolores steered me here
Oh my Goodness (which has nothing whatsoever to do with this)!!!!!! My DH retired from ADOT and is currently a school bus driver/driver trainer AND one of these shirts will be Purr-fect (for me). See you at Camp!
Thanks anonymous my that's a relief ..unless fly-tipping household goods had got really bad there I was worried.
As someone who is scared poopless to try steeking, that symbol and caption made my day!
Franklin, you always make me laugh and think - and your photos often take my breath away. Glad you're on the planet.
I lurve them!!
The shop looks great! I wish the 'road signs' was a journal/notebook....
You are a very funny guy. Love the roadsigns, and want a tote bag with them on it NOW. Thanks for doing what you do. Mary B
All your designs are great but this is my favorite yet! - may
arrgh oh no!
I shoulda ordered the ts that I wanted....
Although I wouldn't mind a T with those roads signs....:)
I'll never look at road signs the same again. Did you know that the route number signs on Prince Edward Island have sheep on them?
The 'slippery when wet' sign can also be used as 'slippery yarn - use bamboo'.
What a fun thing to do on a road trip.
woh boy~~ dang.. if i hadn't just bought that lace weight yarn..
I would have an order in..
Wow Franklin - you must have really had your zen on to have put such a positive spin on that whoopsie daisy . . . :)
Oh, Frnaklin I'm so sorry your store fell through the wormhole. I deleted my whole blog a few weeks ago and still haven't recovered. Love the knitting road signs, I hope they show up in the store.
But are you ever going to do anything w/ that tooooooo funny "Anatomy of a Piece of Homespun"??
That was your March 22nd entry and there are an awful lot of spinners that would just LOVE to have that on a shirt or tote or SOMETHING! Give us spinners something neat to buy too for goodness sake!
I saw a real road sign on a recent trip to Brisbane (Queensland, Australia):
"Excessive Weaving Causes Accidents"
...but moderate spinning is OK?
The road signs totally need to become swag!!
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