Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Relative Sizes


Liz said...

OK, I'm laughing so hard I have tears running down my face. That's so very funny on so many levels.

Anonymous said...

Haaa! The projects that you MOST need to end never seem to! Keep on keepin' on.

Yvonne said...

You are too much!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I can so relate! I'm currently knitting a 9 mile long version of the Wavy scarf from Knitty and I have just under a week to finish it, on top of all the other holiday knitting on my plate.

Ann said...

Hmmm...tilting my head to get just the right angle--yep, I can see that it is a challenge.



Cheryl:) said...

oh god that's hysterical...and is Sue a short gal?

Susan said...

Perhaps I should have asked for a tea cozy.

(But I KNOW I am going to love this shawl and wear it daily, and I would look silly in a tea cozy).

So thank you for not giving up!

Anonymous said...

The graphic of the ruana could be one of those psychological "what do you see" tests.

I see a spoon.

Kathleen said...

::big red face::: I saw a spoon, too.

The sad thing is that I immediately got confused at how a wrap could be spoon-shaped, especially when you'd already described it as being a rectangle...sigh. I have *so* much catching up on sleep to do, clearly.

Cece said...


You are too funny. And for gods sake - make her put the fringe on herself.

Anonymous said...

I, too, wondered where in hell you got such an enormous spoon, and hoped you weren't actually going to try to cook with that thing...

Word verification: A fine feathered friend with a large chest?


You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sister Sue,
There is a hat in my family known as "the brain cozy". It is currently made of red no-wale corduroy. When this incarnation wears out I will make another. And the pointier the better, for finding the wearer in book shops.

Anonymous said...

Damn! Sue is really tall.

Anonymous said...

So, you're saying that the rows are feeling just a smidge long?

Zardra said...

Like Teresa, I saw a spoon. Then, I noticed the ship. Then, after finally figuring out that the spoon was a shawl, I saw Franklin. Time to get my eyes checked... or get more coffee...

Anonymous said...

For future use, here is what I told my sister. I asked her what colours she'd like and told her that I would knit her a shawl. I also told her that I don't knit to deadlines and would not promise that it was done for her wedding (Dec. 23) but that I would try. She told me both the colours she'd chosen for her wedding and the colours she normally wears. I picked yarn that probably goes with both.

The effect of saying this seems to be that it does get done on time without any stress. I enjoyed knitting it. And it has been shipped and she's already received it and loves it.

I'm also a big fan of not telling the intended recipient. I did this for a shawl I knit for my mother a couple of years ago. I told myself that maybe I'd have it done for her birthday (in August) and maybe for Xmas. Whatever. It was done for her birthday (plenty of time).

Too late for the Ruana but might be worth a try next time. good luck. she'll love it just as much half-done with a promise to finish.

Sorka said...

Oh dear.. are you trying to drive her away??? Remember now.. the curse!!!!!

That sure is how it feels.. and it seems the closer you get to the end of a project the more you have yet to do.

The fringe for instance.. will probably take at least half as long as the knitting did.

Unknown said...

It's just lunatic, that fringe.

Anonymous said...

Yup definitely a spoon.

Anonymous said...

Oh, honey, ha hahaha.
But also holy cow.
I love you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, thank goodness. At least, if she doesn't like the color, you can sell it to the Navy as a battleship cozy...
Laughing so hard I can hardly type!

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