Monday, November 24, 2014

Me, Elsewhere: Twist Collective

The newest issue of Twist Collective was published yesterday. My contribution is a paean to Elizabeth Zimmermann's knitting videos, plus a drinking game.

In our time, what greater tribute can a devoted fan offer to a beloved series than a drinking game?

Slash fiction, I suppose. But I'm not going to do that so don't even ask.

(If you don't imbibe, don't worry. Neither do I. It works equally well with cocoa or tea. Or, come to that, it works with little bits of chocolate, or shortbread, or... .)

Read it here


Emily said...

But if playing with alcohol, be sure to NOT knit at the same time.
Knitting + intoxication = frogging the next day. :)

Patti said...

LOVED the drinking game, now to get my hands on those videos!

Anne said...

Ooh! Slash! And who would it be? Yarn Harlot/EZ? Do tell...

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful article. And, the best drinking game I've seen since the one linked to "Star Trek: The Next Generation"! (If you know the show, Google it. You'll love it -- if you don't OD on Romulan Ale or Saurian Brandy!)

Anonymous, too

Jackie said...

Anyone else immediately think of EZ's story involving Easter eggs and a bottle of hooch?

I think she would approve.

SarahSeattle said...

Thanks for linking us (your faithful followers) to your essays in other places. It is sometimes a long wait for the reward of a blog post, and I don't usually know where else to find you. I always enjoy reading what you write.

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of a YouTube knitting video I watched recently. In the middle of the voice-over one can distinctly hear a cat vomiting in the background. Twice. The host is completely unfazed.

Carol D said...

Simply marvelous. A perfect homage, and I feel EZ looking on with a satisfied smile.

Summer said...

I think you've just invoked Rule 34. I don't know that we can ever recover.

GinaF said...

Loved the article!

Quinn said...

I had forgotten about the dolls! Also, am I the only person (unrelated by blood to EZ) who refers to her as "my Auntie Elizabeth"? I really doubt it.

CeltChick said...

The family's on notice: I must have the Knitting Workshop video! Honestly, I'm not sure I've ever actually heard EZ speak, but I "hear" her in im inner ear whenever I read what she's written. I'm gonna be so surprised....

Ryan said...

Reminds me of a woman I knew who used M&Ms to count her knitting rows. She would put out enough M&Ms to match the number of rows she needed to knit and then at the end of the row, she would eat one. When the M&Ms were gone, the rows were done. She knew how to LIVE, that one!

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từng loại
bếp điện từ

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hết sức để đem lại sự hài lòng cho quý khách

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và “khuyến mại đổi bếp” để phục vụ nhu cầu của quý khách hàng.

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từ nhập khẩu Tây Ban Nha

Bếp Royal sẽ tư vấn kỹ chức năng, công dụng, thông số kỹ thuật và đơn giá của
từng loại bếp từ.

Thế mạnh của bếp Royal là dịch vụ lắp đặt bếp từ uy tín chuyên
nghiệp, bảo hành tại nhà lên đến 3 năm, “chúng tôi luôn luôn cố gắng hết sức
để đem lại sự hài lòng cho quý khách

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