Next comes:
- washing/blocking,
- sewing in the zipper,
- sewing down the inside edge of the collar (with the upper end of the zipper tucked inside),
- wearing it through the long remainder of the Chicago winter (i.e., until the fourth of July) feeling warm, snug, and happy to be a knitter.

After playing hunt-the-zipper in and around Chicago, I gave up and have ordered a metal zip in a custom length. It's worth it. The alternatives were a sticky, white plastic piece of crap from Jo-Ann Fabric; or the same piece of crap marked up 50% more at one of our few remaining sewing shops. Before I let anything like that near my knitting, I'll close the fronts with wads of chewed bubblegum.
Learn Along with Franklin: Part II
In our first installment, we learned something about Native American culture. Today, our topic is good manners. The lessons are taken from this tiny volume.

It doesn't look like much on the outside, but inside it's a Wow.

Etiquette for Little Folks (part of "Susie Sunbeam's Series") was printed in Boston in 1856. It's a model of didactic mid-19th century children's literature.
The sole decoration is an engraved frontispiece showing a young girl literally taking her younger brother under her wing. Behind the kids, Mama contentedly gets on with her sewing.

After that: nothing but ninety-six closely-printed pages of firm, unvarnished admonitions. The upright, emphatic metal type gives the text a bold authority that you won't find in any modern namby-pamby children's book.

A few lessons, quoted verbatim, from the redoubtable Miss Sunbeam:
If you wish to speak to your parents, and see them engaged in discourse with company, draw back, and leave your business till afterwards; but if it is really necessary to speak to them, be sure to whisper.
Never speak to you parents without some title of respect, as Sir, Madam, &c.
Never make faces or contortions, nor grimaces, while any one is giving you commands.
Use respectful and courteous language towards all the domestics. Never be domineering or insuting, for it is the mark of an ignorant and purse-proud child.
Sit not down until your elders are seated. It is unbecoming to take your place first.
When you are helped, be not the first to eat.
Be not selfish altogether, but kind, free, and generous to others.
Scorn not, nor laugh at any because of their infirmities; nor affix to any one vexing title of contempt and reproach; but pity such as are so visited, and be glad you are otherwise distinguished and favored.
Bow at entering, especially if the teacher be present.
Make not haste out of school, but soberly retire when your turn comes, without hurrying.
Jeer not any person whatever.
Give your superiors place to pass before you, in any narrow place where two persons cannot pass at once.
A young person ought to be able to go into a room, and address the company, without the least embarrassment.
Now, clean garments and a clean person, are as necessary to health, as to prevent giving offence to other people. It is a maxim with me, which I have lived to see verified, that he who is negligent at twenty years of age, will be a sloven at forty, and intolerable at fifty.
Nothing can atone for the want of modesty; without it, beauty if ungraceful, and wit detestable.
Observe the best and most well-bred of the French people; how agreeably they insinuate little civilities in their conversation. They think it so essential that they call an honest and civil man by the same name, of "honnete homme;" and the Romans called civility, "humanitas," as thinking it inseparable from humanity: and depend upon it, that your reputation and success will, in a great measure, depend upon the degree of good breeding of which you are master.
I cannot read this book without thinking of the well-to-do children in my own neighborhood. They routinely call their mothers "stupid" at the top of their lungs, insult their teachers and bully their nannies, kick passers-by, and yell at coffee shop baristas for insufficiently sprinkling their cocoa–all without fear of reprimand. And I weep.If you wish to speak to your parents, and see them engaged in discourse with company, draw back, and leave your business till afterwards; but if it is really necessary to speak to them, be sure to whisper.
Never speak to you parents without some title of respect, as Sir, Madam, &c.
Never make faces or contortions, nor grimaces, while any one is giving you commands.
Use respectful and courteous language towards all the domestics. Never be domineering or insuting, for it is the mark of an ignorant and purse-proud child.
Sit not down until your elders are seated. It is unbecoming to take your place first.
When you are helped, be not the first to eat.
Be not selfish altogether, but kind, free, and generous to others.
Scorn not, nor laugh at any because of their infirmities; nor affix to any one vexing title of contempt and reproach; but pity such as are so visited, and be glad you are otherwise distinguished and favored.
Bow at entering, especially if the teacher be present.
Make not haste out of school, but soberly retire when your turn comes, without hurrying.
Jeer not any person whatever.
Give your superiors place to pass before you, in any narrow place where two persons cannot pass at once.
A young person ought to be able to go into a room, and address the company, without the least embarrassment.
Now, clean garments and a clean person, are as necessary to health, as to prevent giving offence to other people. It is a maxim with me, which I have lived to see verified, that he who is negligent at twenty years of age, will be a sloven at forty, and intolerable at fifty.
Nothing can atone for the want of modesty; without it, beauty if ungraceful, and wit detestable.
Observe the best and most well-bred of the French people; how agreeably they insinuate little civilities in their conversation. They think it so essential that they call an honest and civil man by the same name, of "honnete homme;" and the Romans called civility, "humanitas," as thinking it inseparable from humanity: and depend upon it, that your reputation and success will, in a great measure, depend upon the degree of good breeding of which you are master.
Come back, Susie Sunbeam, come back. We need you.
It's not just our youth that desperately needs Susie Sunbeam's services.
The sweater looks so amazing that no one would even notice the bubblegum, if you had to resort to that.
Amen! Just had some folks in with a very cute, but hyperactive little girl, around age 3 I'd guess. She ran around with dad chasing her, getting into everything, grabbing things she was told not to touch, tipping over a display. Never once got reprimanded beyond an occasional, "Eleanor, don't do that," whilst dad cleaned up in her wake. Can only imagine what kind of teenager she'll be.
Sweater looks great!
I had strict parents. Everyone was Mr. or Mrs., or if close to the family and adult, Aunt or Uncle. There was a path to walk on, and we rarely ventured off it.
I do, however, remember wetting my snow pants in a neighbor's foyer when I was six, as I didn't feel the situation warranted interrupting an adult conversation and risking my father's ire. That may have been overkill.
They probably regretted that rule, as this was back in the day of kapok filled winter gear.
Word verification: symate. Conjures up a multitude of options.
Your Lopa is lovely. The colorwork is perfect: interesting yet low key.
I agree with Samina that our society at large could stand to follow Miss Sunbeam's admonitions.
Your neighborhood children learned how to behave somewhere. Perhaps their parents could use some lessons as well.
I'll admit it: I covet that sweater.
This culture rewards antisocial behavior, and it has for some time now. It passes for humor, oddly enough. Another thought: wow, you really transcribed all that! Maybe you're a really fast typist.
Manners are of vital import but the state of sewing shops in Chi is concerning. If you tried Vogue? Fishman's? and that was the state of affairs, I'm in despair.
Lovely Lopa. Mine is requiring its third partial frog. Do not mention the words "dye lot" near me. Especially if you think the clerk checked. It is becoming an Icelandic Saga of creative solutions.
Every time I take my 4 YO out in public I am always complimented on her behavior. For just teaching her manners and what is not acceptable behavior. It astounds me every time.
I have bought a matching (custom length, I think) zipper by sending a yarn butterfly to a company whose name I can't remember. I could try to find that info if you like. Definitely a success the time or two I've done it.
Your sweater is glorious. I can't wait to see its final incarnation.
As to the behavior most children are allowed these's appalling. My mother was very strict and I will be grateful to her for that until the day I die!
p.s. Word verification of "cation". Is that a description of a feline's natural caution?
p.p.s. ...and this next one, as I wasn't signed in, is "barkrif". A jazz dog's favorite riff?
While I wouldn't dream of arguing about the current poor manners of kids (about mine...they are polite in company, they are only horrors at home), remember when reading historical stuff....they wouldn't write these books if they didn't think them necessary, which means that the kids were *doing* all those things, routinely!
For instance, we know that women were everywhere with the Revolutionary Army, because there are constant orders from Washington that women mustn't ride in the wagons, they must be clean, they must nurse, they mustn't drink, etc etc. Over and over....because they must have been *doing* all those things, else why the orders?
But, there is hope...the teachers all report that a thing they like about teaching in my town's HS is that the kids routinely say "thank you" as they leave classes! No one knows why the kids do this, no one reports having taught them, to do so, but most do.
Are you using the knitpicker to install the zipper, a la techknitter?
Oooh. Only one and a half more years before I can fully claim being "intolerable", LOL.
I'd like to think my parents brought me up well enough; I behave well in public and social/academic occasions, think before speaking, and am respectful of others. But I'll admit to being slovenly. I chalk it up to being too busy with interesting things like yarn dyeing to be bothered with serious housecleaning.
Love the Lopa. I'd wear it!
We don’t need Susie Sunbeam, we need parents (and other adults) who are good role models (i.e. polite and respectful to their children, to one another, and to others when the children are present) and we need parents who aren't afraid to show and teach their children the importance of things like politeness, courtesy, respect, etc. Maybe I'm old fashioned but what could be wrong about teaching today’s children about the "golden rule"?
While I'm stepping off my soapbox, I'd also like to say that your sweater is truly beautiful – and deserves the best zipper you can find!
Gorgeous! Can't wait to see it finished-finished.
Personally, I am very thankful to my mother for teaching us good manners in our toddler years - our guide was the Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior, though ;) More parents should do the same!
Re common manners, I find that kids are absolute mynah birds. Garbage in,garbage out! Apple falling right next to that tree.
One other thought: the thing I see sometimes and can't stand is the rigid yes ma'am no sir business that some parents demand of their children. A child can convey respect without sounding like a boot camp marine.
When I was working at Colonial Williamsburg (VA) the store above the printers sold a little etiquette book from the time period.
The wording was a bit different, but the rules were the same.
Your sweater looks absolutely lovely, and I would have been surprised if you settled for the plastic zipper.
What an incredible book to find. I think that this was way beyond wonderful
If the weather in Chicago is anything like here in n.w. Wisconsin, you finished that sweater just in time. It is perfect!
Here in Oregon, Jo-Ann carries pretty decent metal zippers. I just bought one for a sweater I knitted. Maybe they are hiding there somewhere in Chicago too?
Love the rules - and maybe many of them boil down to the big one that kids aren't the center of the universe? My college students are routinely shocked when I talk to them about other cultures where respect must be earned, and where young people mostly aren't considered to have been around long enough to have earned it yet. My poor kids - I keep insisting on raising them so they'll be adults I want to know someday, with some of my more egregious students in mind as anti-models (on the other hand, I have had restaurant owners come out to congratulate me on well-behaved kids, simply because they act in ways that I would have assumed were the only option when I was their age!).
I love the sweater - can't wait to see the modeling shots!
I love you Franklin Habit - and Susie Sunbeam!
I think I take for granted that my children behave decently - but apparently it's noteworthy. I've had grocery store cashiers approach me, both when my four are with me, and when I'm solo, to compliment how well they behave. And like several other folks here, I kind of goggle at that. Shouldn't not running, saying please and thank you, etc. be the standard, not the exception? Except then when I volunteer in their classrooms I see what other kids do - and I bewail the lack of a woodshed behind the school building.
Was that all plain grey stockinette? Really? How did you manage?
(And yes, I do spell grey the English way, despite living in the US. The American way is weird and too open. Grey is good, gray is bad. So there.)
i mean, i'm mr. uncouth (at least on the internet) but my parents taught me ALL of these rules. i totally agree with them.
and i say, when they sass you, nothing cures it better than a swift swat across the face.
i'm old school.
A lot of parents at the school where I teach need the book as well as their kids! *fanning you with a bouquet of tulips* Marvellous knitting and inspirational.
Failing a zipper, you might try pewter buttons or clasps. But you'd have to knit button bands then.
I've got a funny feeling your niece might use a big, sparkly, faux-amethyst rhinestone brooch like a shawl pin when she "permanently borrows" that sweater!
The phrasing of the etiquette book's admonitions reminds of the poem "Desiderata" and the parody "Deteriorata." Really. "Blow not your food when too hot" isn't that far away from "Fall not in love, therefore, it will stick to your face."
Franklin, I've just discovered your blog via the Yarn Harlot. ilioI love the sweater and agree it deserves the best zip you can find.
The Susie Sunbeam book is wonderful. My parents brought all of us to have good manners and we did the same with our two. It's gratifying to notice that they seem to be passing on the tradition to their children, though it's still early days. I think the key to getting children to behave well is consistency and that can be hard work for the parents.
Handsome sweater! And in the second section of your post, I wondered about a possible caption for that illustration, something snarky from the mother. But the more I looked at it, the more pathetic the children looked, as though the sister might be saying, "Come hither, brother. Let us embark on our journey to therapy."
I love the double bind here. After strapping the poor stripling with 99 constrictions, restrictions, and prohibitions, they finish with "any child should be able to enter a room without embarrassment." Yeah, right.
I don't have kids and wish that more parents suggested things like this to their children. Not all of them, because I'm not so extreme as to think children should be seen not heard, but some. Somewhere along the line there grew a level of permissiveness that makes child-free people cringe.
Love the sweater and you will love it as well when you are wearing it. You will treasure it.
Love the excerpts from the book. More children should have those manners and then there would be more grown ups to teach those manners to the following generations.
Well, I'm not sure about the "Bow at entering, especially if the teacher be present." bit, but the rest of it sounded pretty bang on.
Sounds like the way I was raised. My 25-year-old single mother of two was also on the receiving end of many compliments. Many of which I remember, as I was four at the time.
The sweater looks wonderful! My mum just told me she found an icelandic-style sweater she knit for me in the 80's when I was in primary school. Apparently it was The Thing To Knit that year in Edinburgh.
I remember it well: mushroomy beige with a red and white yoke. I also remember it being itchy. I did not love it nearly as much as the pink angora & mohair ballet sweater she also made for me.
I just found your bog and instantly subscribed! Your story about how you learned to knit is wonderful. I had alot of boo hooers when I taught myself to knit at 30 years, which was 20 years ago. Go ahead so the math. It was before the knitting craze. Now those boohooers are always asking for felted bags, mittens, and even sweaters for their children! I smile like the cheshire cat, give 'em a wink and say nah. You can teach yourself! Can't wait to read more of your adventures. Oh. Love little Susie sunbeam.
Your sweater is very handsome! I've enjoyed the story of it's creation and look forward to a picture showing just how well you fitted it to yourself. Amy Herzog should include it in her Fit to Flatter series.
I agree!
Yes, Franklin, thanks for SS's Manners.
I'm glad you reached the Lopa chapter I've been waiting for... le zip. Is it forbidden to share your custom metal zipper source? My Cowitchin' (yet unknit) demands the real thing...
Yeh, I'm a Word Verification follower too-- in our first snowfall of the season this morning, my landfall was nearly on my "kesser" ;>
I fear that many of our youth (meaning anyone under the age of 30) would not even comprehend what is written in that book. I find each admonition all too familiar from my growing up years. My father believed that children should be seen and not heard. A stiff necked belief for which I have cursed him many times since becoming an adult myself. However, I do have to thank him for teaching me how to act in public. Thanks for reminding us Franklin.
Great sweater! Hope you model it when it has been finished.
The sweater is simply stunning, how inspiring! Looking forward to your next post.
I'm happy that the Yarn Harlot ( Stephanie Pearl-McPhee) mentioned you in her blog today and I followed the link here. Really enjoyed reading this months posts...Dude, love your talent. You spin great yarn (both fiber and the verbal kind)..well, technically you knit with artistry, but reading this blog, I think you've knit a few hearts together here too.
Oh how I wish to gather a copy of that book and reproduce it en mass to pass out to the world! So many things have gone by the wayside... I honestly think a step back in the right direction would help immensely!
You can help handing it out in that gorgeous sweater of yours too.
Beautiful sweater, especially those broad shoulders sloping to the narrow waist!! (Hubba, hubba!!)
AS for the Susie Sunbeam, my youngest was often asked if we were Amish, because he always remembers to say, "Please" and "Thank you".
Now I work in public schools and the students have never heard some of these suggestions. Well, until they have me in class, of course.
Thank you for the fun and information.
This type of sweater is on my bucket list, even if I do live in Texas and would wear it once every three years.
As the mother of a very outgoing but (if I may say so) well-behaved three-year-old, I will say that the key to her learning good manners and conduct seems to be her father and I demonstrating those good manners with her. Please and thank you were some of the first words she used regularly because they are words we use with her many times a day. "N, please put this on the table." "Thank you!" We also have regular conversations about what is polite and not polite. I always praise her when she exhibits good manners and if she doesn't, we discuss that calmly, without yelling.
I see some parents that seem to be afraid or embarrassed to correct or prompt their small children in public and it saddens me. If we don't explicitly tell them at an early age how to behave and show them through example, how are they to know?
I wonder if the book came as part of a kit with the equivalent of a mid-19th century electric cattle prod?
BTW: the sweater is fucking to die for, darling. I bet you'll make hearts wildly race when you wear it.
It was only yesterday I was insulted by a young man who was drunk at 4:30pm. He swore, screaming at me that he'd call the police on me and have me charged for photographing a flower in his garden.
I live in a unit/townhouse complex and have done for almost 10 years. This kind of abuse is usually something I'd be scared of; but now now. I've seen this so often lately that I don't let it bother my anymore, as there's no use in being scared.
What we need nowadays is to teach the children who are growing up in their teens through to their 20's that they are to treat others and their elders with respect - the kind of respect I was taught when I was growing up in the 1980's. My Grandparents and my parents didn't let me backchat or insult them. I was taught respect, to speak quietly, to excuse myself when I wished to be included or had something to say. There were rules that still stand today, but nobody takes any notice of them; and people wonder why their children run amuck when they've never taught them anything proper and real. I seriously think Deportment Classes should make a comeback, it would pull a lot of young people back into line.
I'm sorry to hear you're having issues with finding a zipper for your Lopapeysa. Unfortunately my sources don't do mail order: and I guess you'll just have to move to Portland.
My mother worked very hard to instill manners in me and my siblings but the social revolutions of the sixties saw those things as being staid and old-fashioned. I too wish that part of a child's upbringing be lessons in how to behave in public situations such as a meal at an important occasion or attending a performance.
Oh I agree, it's so sad to see little ones abuse their parents. Doesn't Barney try to teach manners? Maybe some attendance to Sunday school would do some good.
Perhaps the pendulum will swing back to the want of good manners. My children have been brought up knowing respect for their elders and good manners, particularly in public. My mother never hesitated to take them out as they were always well behaved and sat quietly in public situations.What makes me sad is the lack of self-respect I see in this day & age of young women for themselves. I am by no means a prude but trashy dressing, vulgar language, public spitting and being extremely physical with one's significant other on the street does nothing to promote the image of being a "lady". Girls need to know that they will only garner as much respect from others (particular boys/men) as they show for themselves. This is a trend that I dearly hope to see changing.
I agree about the lack of manners in our so called civilized society. But even in the early 1800's I can't imagine a child who had learned how to read would sit still to read all this redeemable but very dour stuff - unless they were being punished. I imagine any kid worth his/her salt, would find something else to do as soon as they were presented with this particular book. Egads, boring. We can laugh now. I can't even imagine a person who could read actually sitting down and reading this to a child - at least not more than 1 or 2 gems at a time. Hester
I'm a teacher and a parent. Many of the children I teach are polite and courteous. However, there are always the exceptions. Some of the parents coul duse a lesson in etiquette though... and as for my own, my daughter is unfailingly polite in company, my son somewhat less so. They thankkfully generally reserve their worst excesses for home!
Love the sweater and you did right to get a bespoke zip for such a wonderful item. Well done!
any chance of an informal lesson (for which read detailed, if humorous, description) on putting zips into knitted jackets. I have the knitted jacket, I have the zip, what I don't have is the confidence to put them together, and given that it was knitted in Noro Silk Garden that's quite an investment in yarn giving me no return for over a year.:-)
Gorgeous sweater!
Don't even get me started on parents' lack of discipline these days. My husband is a teacher and is really tired of being told it's his fault that some kids aren't achieving. Granted, there are some sub-par teachers around, but it would help so much if parents were making their kids behave at home and at school, and do their school work and show the teachers some respect! (stepping down off of soap box now...)
To be precise, you are a gentleman & a scholar. Your wit and humor are priceless and a joy to read.
There are posts like these that when I read them I think
'Franklin, I adore you'
Thank you for brightening my day!
"Jeer not any person whatever" is my favorite!
P.S. Your sweater is lovely! (and even if it wasn't, I would jeer not)
i agree with "pat from ny" that it was nice to see children being taught to shun bigotry against others and pride in riches (which they'd had no part in earning anyway!)
but from the perspective of 67 years on the planet, i well recall that many of the manners susie advocated were gone from not just other kids, but from many of the grownups who surrounded me in my lower-middle-class midwestern home town, six decades ago.
the only people i knew who said "sir" and "ma'am" except cousins growing up in the deep south were military/ex-military.
slurs on race and ethnicity and religion and orientation were pervasive among my elders.
so were corporal punishment and domestic violence.
on the whole, i prefer life today, despite much vulgarity passed off as comedy.
didn't aristotle also lament that the younger generation was going to hell?
(and my word, "soristr," makes me think of "susie sorority of the silent majority."
p.s.: love the lopa!!
Thanks for sharing the quotes from the book! That sweater--there just aren't enough words to talk about how stunning it is. I love the pattern. I love the colors. I love everything about it. This, I think, is the year I decide to steek. Thank you for the inspiration!
AMEN to that!!
My partner calls me "The Warden" because I make the children behave.
Love the book, and your Lopi. One thing I learned in history class is that if there's a book (or a law) explaining how a certain class of people ought to behave, chances are those people were accustomed to behaving in quite the opposite way. So I would bet that 18th-century children were screaming at their mothers/nannies/baristas quite as often as their 21st-century counterparts. Maybe more.
Sweater looks great on the dummy, hope we'll get to see it on you, maybe with your new Christmas boots?
I work in a library and I wish we had a year-round class for the little tykes that come here for children's programs. Imagine! Teaching good manners at the library! Innovative! But would we have any adults who would bring the children to the class? And that die for!!!
Where indeed is Susie when you need her?
I speak up in hopes of helping those parents we all wag our heads at - they can't be the only ones teaching and modeling manners to children. When I'm working the cash register, and a mom or a grandmother buys a little treat for a small child, I habitually ask, "What do you say to your mother?" as I hand it to the child. I'm not scolding, just reminding, and it's really kind of encouraging to see how many of the kids look up with an "oh, yeah!" look and say, "Thank you, Mom." And Mom always thanks me for the help - those of us who aren't parents, let's not be pushy, but let's be helpful! It takes a village, after all.
Mr. Habit, please allow me to thank you for all the large and small lessons you've shared with us in this blog! It's always worth visiting.
Great post Franklin, the whole office enjoyed it. I can't decide which I enjoy more your knitting or your writing.
*sigh* I don't see my grand daughter as much as I could, even though she lives a mere half hour from me, for this very reason. My son, her father, was brought up very strictly. My DIL, her mother, apparently was not. This child is bright, witty, and SPOILED ROTTEN with a temper to match. It pains me to be around her because of this.
I collect etiquette books, and this one seriously sounds like a reprint from a previous generation with a new "author" attached. The prose is more 18th century than 19th! What a time capsule!
love love LOVE the sweater!
There were ill-behaved children in 1856 too.
Where did you get the pattern for your lopi sweater? I would love to make one like it.
My son has just started his teaching career at a private school. He was NOT raised "entitled" to anything much, and certainly raised to believe that *we* as parents WERE entitled to him behaving as a respectful child.
He is AMAZED at what these kids try to get away with; and in each instance that happens in his class, he calls them on it. He insists that if *they* want respect, they must *earn* it - which is a novel concept to many of them...
The sweater is AWE-some!!! Glad you went for a quality zipper. The stuff available locally can certainly be crap.
Hear, hear!
At least the Goops had rhymes AND pictures.
I love that sweater. I had one like it in the 70s - it was a vintage 40s one. I loved it to death, sadly.
Love the sweater - the color combination is beautiful!
I will admit to raising a Marine. Who said 'sir' and 'm'am' even before the Drill Instructors got ahold of him. Of course, that was because *I* was raised by a Marine and a southern belle. I didn't have a chance to have bad manners LOL. And I got complimented on his behavior all the time.
I mourn the absence of good manners and even gracious manners (what ever happened to thank you notes?)
WV "cinedle" dyslexic circluar?
As a juvenile probation officer, I could sure use a copy of that book! Although all it would bring me is eyerolls, not only from the kids, but from the parents who can't be bothered....
I am reminded of Little Folks From Ettiquette Town, which my mother used to read to us. I think it was printed in the 1940's. In fact, it lives at my house now. Here's a link
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Çevre güvenlik sistemleri içerisinde Bahçeniz için Çit teli fiyatlarını araştırabileceğiniz çok kaliteli bir web sayfası arıyorsanız buraya bakanilirsiniz.
Mükemmel kalitede tel çit ürünleri ve Bahçe teli ürünlerinin bulunacağı adresler arasında kalitesi yüksek ürünleri bulabilirsiniz.
Günümüzün en modern ürünlerini bahçenizin etrafını kapatmak veya çevirmek için Tel fiyatları araştırması yapanlara özel duyuruların bulunduğu süper bir sayfa.
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