Last night, inside the blue one, I found this.

That's the most exquisite hand-drawn lace chart I've ever seen. I think it's time for a mystery knit.
*Kunst-stricken is "art knitting"–in other words, knitted lace.
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You're braver than I am (as if we didn't already know that). I look forward to seeing how it turns out.
ENVY X 10,000
My op shops never have anything of that degree of exquisiteness (is so a word).
Dear Franklin
Please go to Iceland more often; you blog far more frequently (and interestingly) when you are there. However, when you are done freezing off parts of your anatomy, please consider Sydney, Australia. We also have wondrous sheep, and we are warmer.
Oh, my. That is a find! Wow.
O My O My...I see a stunning new shawl appearing @ the Icelandic Horizon...
What a find :) I don't know if you need help translating the German for the mystery pattern (it is a deckchen so a small doily from what I could decipher from looking at the photo), but if you do I'd be happy to help.
Cheers, Eva
At this point, I need to check that you're still breathing properly.
You are still breathing properly, aren't you?
Well, that explains the squee of pure joy I heard last night. Can't wait to see what this becomes, and then I want to make one! What a great find!
Come back soon or I worry that you may not come back at all! I am really enjoying reading about your adventures.
I gasped, more than once! What a find...the knitting gods have given you a chalenge, one you can't refuse.
There *will* be a mystery knit-along, right?
Wow! It's a good thing you are in Iceland and can get help with the language! Otherwise, how would you know what a cursive "r" stands for? Or an end parentheses? Or a "not equals" sign? Interesting symbols! Have fun making that into something.
OH, how wonderful. What a great find. I'll knit along on this lovely mystery. Sign me up!
Awesome! If you need help translating,just let me know (beeing German should help ;) at least a bit ;))
I never find anything that interesting. You have all the luck.
I was thinking. . .if you kept the chart the same, but changed up the stitches legend, that could be very interesting indeed.
Squeeeeeeee! Perfect find!
What a fantastic find and a fun challenge, to boot. Probably the best souvenir you could have hoped for, eh?
That handmade chart with it's beautiful writing is worthy of archival mounting and framing to enjoy forever. Can't wait to see the knit! Looks like you are having a great time!
Oh my......lucky lucky you!
So jealous! I can't wait to see what it knits - and what the symbols mean :)
Ohhh, so exciting!!!
What a lovely find! Looking forward to seeing what it looks like when it's knit.
What a great find! I love antique stores and used bookstores. They sometimes have real treasures. I'm so glad that you are having such a wonderful time!
What a great find! I was going to offer translation help, but I see others have beaten me to it. I'm in Chicago if that makes a difference.
You are a lucky boy!
Stunning find!
I fully expect to see that whateveritis in class in December!
Ahh! I have pored over scans of those but never seen them in person. I am intensely envious.
That has to be the most perfect souvenir find. Ever. Look forward to seeing the future pattern.
You're such a lucky finder. I also wanted to offer my help in translating but am the forth in line now. But I'm very interested in a knitalong. Hope there will be one.
Enjoy your trip
Is is going to be a mystery knitalong or just a mystery knit for yourself. Because you know there will be knitters that will want to know how it looks when you are done, right?
It's like you're one of the Hardy Boys...have fun on the mysterious adventure! I love hearing of your travels.
Frábært! I was wondering whether the handwritten chart was written auf Deutsch eða á íslensku, but I can see it's in the former. Fun!
My verification "word" is "inglabl", which sounds rather Tscherman, denkst Du nicht?
Oh, how absolutely gorgeous! I'm looking forward to seeing how such a pretty chart knits up.
Oh please, I vote for the mystery knitalong!! Lets be brave.
You are insane, truly insane... But, I can't wait to see what it looks like.
Wow! What a great find. Iceland IS a country with a tradition of beautiful knitting. Any chance of seeing some scans from these books?
Oh Franklin, how wonderful! Good luck, looking forward to seeing the finished lace! (properly blocked, of course.)
What a fabulous find. I am totally green with envy. Looking forward to the mystery knit. Heading off to the nearest thrift shop - now!
Of course we are all jealous. I'm looking forward to seeing you write about this on Knitty soon.
(My word verification is "pubso" - is that Icelandic for I need a drink?)
Wonderful - I'm really (!) jealous!
Oh, these are german books and the handwritng is german too. I can decipher some explanations:
rechts = knit
links = purl
umschlagen = yarn over
verschränkt abstricken = knit through the backloop
And the next explanations are too blurred on the picture to read them
Hope it helps to knit :)
So awesome.
So pleased that they have the letter s in their alphabet...
!. I want the one on the cover of the blue book.
2. I am totally thrilled by the use of a fingernail-cutting moon to designate a stitch. My imagination is running wild trying to decide what that stitch looks like!
3. I am now going to count stitches and see if I can figure it out.
4. Don't suppose I will get too far with all the other unusual signs, and my lack of German!
5. Lucky Franklin!
I have really poor color memory. Or complimentary color memory. Or something!! Especially since the cover of the the red book is the only picture that shows!
Hi Franklin,
i you want some assistance with the translation, just ask, it would be a pleasure.I wonder what pathway it took the pattern to get to this store,might be an interesting long story from a time long ago...
Bingo! What a great find! Now get to work so we can see it finished. You know like the pink goodie you were making for that sweet niece of yours. ;o)
I am so jealous I just about peed myself.
Like finding buried treasure!
That gives me chills. It's one of my favorite treasures in the world, finding someone's separate notes or patterns in an old knitting book...can't wait to see what it becomes in your hands!
OMGOMGOMG! I've scored vintage knitting books at antiques shops, but never anything like this. It's like the Antiques Road Show of knitting. Oh! The provenance! (OK, so your chart was drawn by a mystery knitter. I'm still counting it as provenance.). Sigh.
Oh, what fun! Have a great time unraveling the mystery (but hopefully not the project).
How cool that you can speak the language of another knitter in another generation in another language...I know it will be a fantastic knit Frankliin...I look forward to seeing it along the way
I am jealous.
They are auf deutsch. Remember to look to the end of the sentence for the verb!
(and what a find!)
I am looking forward to hearing about how it is translated and who you got to do that for you. Or are you going to guess?
Please count me in for the Mystery Knit.
The universe clearly knew who would be THE perfect person to find this chart! I know you'll have a marvelous time knitting it, and I can't wait to see the beautiful results!
Oh, my -- another episode of "Indiana Habit and the Raiders of the Lost Chart!"
Oh. Sweet. Jesus. What I wouldn't give to own such copies myself! Would you perhaps be speaking of a public knit along?
so glad to see that all the hardships you endured in iceland resulted in some small benefit!
Be still my heart! That is a beautiful page and chart. I'm sure you have googled by now and seen that Lacis has a pdf translation of Kunst-Stricken II...how exciting!
OMG, what a find. Torn between love (10000) and jealous (10000). Glad to know they're going home with someone who will appreciate them!
How fantastic!!
Oh Wow!!! What an amazing find! One any lace knitter would admire for sure. Can't wait to see you knit them up.
That is a great find. I love that you are going to try to winkle your way through that chart.
Don't you LOVE those moments?!? Kinda like the time I found an antique singer sewing machine... that worked... it's like it was meant for you!
So when you see your hand reaching out to grab something and you have no idea what it's doing, do you actually ask it or just trust that it's found something that belonged to you in a past life and is making sure you don't loose it again? Personally, I don't ask anymore.
Karma, dear Franklin, karma. <3
Yet one more reason to go to Iceland. My jealousy knows no bounds!
Looking forward to the mystery knit.
I am a member of another Yahoo group that concerns itself with the lace design work of Herbert Niebling - and these titles/publishers sound sort of familiar...
awesome. Completely awesome. Great find!!!
I love it...that chart was meant for you!
now THAT'S a fantastic find! I'm happy you found them; without doubt I'm sure you'll bring some of those patterns back to life!
That chart should be framed. what a find. congrats.
That's amazing :) Congratulations on your find :)
how exciting. i can c now that i def need to go to iceland! (but how can i keep BF busy when exploring wool, patterns and sheep??) keep us posted with your further findings pls.
Simply amazing. One knitting human made that lovely graph then an appreciative knitting human found and honored it. I will enjoy the eventual story of your adventure.
I'm so jealous you found those!!!
That is beautiful. Whoever drew that chart would be delighted that someone has found it, and may put it to good use*.
*Please put this to good use I am desperate to see it knitted up!
Did you feel my jealous hit you?
I wanted to go to Dutch antique markets, but my mom's hip couldn't handle it.
Never mind, I'll just go weep over my Lacis reprints. I'm fine! I'm okay!
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