Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Public Service Announcement

With the holiday travel season fast approaching, a timely reminder seems well advised.

Handy Reference Guide to Stash Attack Advisory System


Abigail said...

Oh dear, I just placed an order last week with Webs because if I ordered from them what I needed, I could get the discount and get stuff I didn't need for "free."

I think I might be in a permanent state of red....

Daniel said...

I don't know if its good or bad, but that yarn shop across the water (you know the one), we went last weekend, and I came out without any purchases. I wanted to purchase, but just didn't find anything I couldn't live without. Was this the wrk of the devil on my left shoulder or the angel on my right? Hurry back to the PNW.

anne marie in philly said...

I just peed myself a little laughing at are too clever, dear one! smooches!

Anne O'Nymous said...

Several times lately, I have almost burned out my brakes by screeching to a halt when I have misread "Yard Sale" as "Yarn Sale."

It really does make some sense; having more YARD won't be of use during the pending apocalypse.

I may need a medic alert bracelet.

Breakup Watch said...

I totally need this. Thank you!

neknitsandbeads said...

I need this on my shopping bag!

dale-harriet said...

Going on my fridge. Now. But I did think up a new Justification line: "Look, Honey! these cute little ball bands were on sale, and they came with free yarn!" (Operative words, to be enunciated clearly: SALE; FREE)

Anonymous said...

What is the point of traveling if you can't go to the local yarn stores? Just trying to help the economy.

Broun Knitter

RubyC said...

Franklin, you always have something - artist that you are. You have a way of putting pen to paper, be it words or art, that expresses the thoughts of many of us. This is just so appropo for so many of us.

Thanks - you are a breath of fresh air, always.


Anonymous, too said...

You forgot the highest level -- purple -- GUARANTEED: "OMG! I didn't know (highly-desirable brand name) had an outlet store here!!!!"

Anonymous said...

I need to post this on my 'fridge. :) Think I will! Too perfect indeed.

Lynn in Tucson said...

Am headed for Chicago (well, Skokie) in a couple weeks. Will keep this in mind!

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

I always go for the free shipping! Yippee! That's just good sense.

Anonymous said...

When are the tote and mug going to be available? Can't wait to get both!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the warning - I've been doing quite a bit of mental browsing lately, and you've save me from doing more physical browsing :) Btw, I'm glad I had already finished my coffee, so it didn't get sprayed all over my laptop!

Seanna Lea said...

I am definitely in the red. It is holiday bazaar season, and I am buying sale yarns in order to help me bulk up my stock!

KayakChickee said...

Anne O'Nymous, I've had the same thing recently thinking that the sign that said "Wood Sale" actually said "WOOL Sale". lol

Laurie in Mpls. said...

This is going on knitting/tote bags at your Cafe Press shop, right? 'Cause it really should. :) I'm not *quite* that addicted yet (mostly because I'm perpetually broke, er....well, actually cheap), but the words "free shipping" can in fact make me do crazy, crazy, out of my usual behaviour pattern things.

thestashattacked said...

Yes, yes it did. The stash does attack. Doesn't matter where, doesn't matter when.

JanKnitz said...

Funny! Thanks for the smiles, Franklin.

Bonnita said...

You're a HOOT Franklin!

Anonymous said...

Thank you its perfect. You are so ceative.

Janice in southeastern WI

Jo said...

*dies laughing*

You know, I would print one up and give it to the Husbandly One, but he'd probably find some diabolical way to use it against me. He knows me far too well!!

Mylyne said...

Clever rating system!

Birdernaturalist said...

Oh, dear. Thanks for the warning. Think I'll be safe in Key West this weekend? Oh, rats, a search reveals that there IS a yarn store there.

Anonymous said...

How timely! I just yielded to the siren call of some Habu Soft Merino, despite a full slate of holiday knitting and an overflowing stash. Thanks for the laugh.

Anonymous said...

LOL...we are on honeymoon in 3 weeks...I think my fiancé will be carrying a copy of this!!!!!

Mandy Petersen said...

perfect! :)

Anonymous said...

ha ha. Funny man.

Anonymous said...

I've just come back from a holiday in Istanbul. Whispers very quietly - I came back with 7 balls of yarn. But it's Ok - it was very very good value for money!

Please keep this warning away from my husband. and my offspring too.

Kat Knits said...

Oh... My god. So true!!!

Cathy R said...

I'm afraid I've hit Severe more than once.

Anonymous said...

You spelled clip ’n’ save correctly. I am doing the happy dance of love.

Anonymous said...

I'm placing this in our scrapbook. On our tenth anniversary trip, my husband made a point of taking me to a yarn shop and buying some lovely alpaca for me. He's a keeper.

Joanne said...

Having just returned from 2 weeks vacation... and found 3 yarn stores (randomly! without having googled "Barcelona yarn store" or anything!)... I was in stages blue through orange the whole time!

Sara in WI said...

Excellent! Now print that on a bag and a t-shirt and a button and a poster and offer free shipping for orders over $100!!!
I'll buy it!

Anonymous said...

I took the dog to a new vet this week. Guess what was next door!

Vet visits just got more expensive!

Fe said...

Franklin, I just wanted to let you know, today I gave my mother the link to this blog for 2 reasons: 1) she knits and is in the process of making an entrelac hat for my son, and 2) when I showed her your Handy Reference Guide, she laughed out loud and said, "o yes, I have said all of those things at different times!"

Chris said...

Will you Pretty Please put this on a shopping bag so I can buy it! Please?

RubyC said...

I would love to have a T-Shirt or yarn bag with this on it. Tell me where I can get one! LOVE IT!

Jovan Alvaro said...

Memiliki tampilan daun yang unik, monstera sangat cocok dijadikan riasan rumah. Tipe monstera pula lumayan bermacam-macam, yang biasanya dibedakan berasal dari wujud serta corak warna pada daunnya. Dalam tanggal ini, monstera deliciosa juga jadi tipe monstera dengan dimensi daun terbanyak di antara macam yang lain.

Keunikan lain dari monstera deliciosa pula terletak pada wujud daunnya yang nampak seperti hati. Dengan semua keunikan tersebut, tidak heran apabila harga monstera deliciosa dapat menjangkau puluhan juta.