Thursday, March 11, 2010

Why Should Cats Have All the Fun?

LOLYarn #1


Jen said...

Would that be LOLyarn or LOLskein??

marianne said...

don't be so tightly wound. looking at those pictures is nothing to be ashamed of.


Jennifer in MN said...

Oh god! Almost spit coffee on the laptop!

Pink Lemonade said...

And I don't read Rav at work either!! I swears it!!

chellebelle said...

snort, snort, chuckle, chuckle

Barb Outside Boston said...

Trying to click your
funny(1) button--
you haz lost it!

Gail said...

As we said in grad school "merci buckets" ...

Thank you for the laugh, Franklin!

Anonymous said...

You are too funny!

katrog said...

Just spewed laughter all over my computer. I predict a whole new genre going viral!


Anonymous said...

thanks for the new desktop background.

marie in florida

Unknown said...

Knotty, knotty skein! (It must have been hanging around the Noro too much lately.. bad influence.)

Anonymous said...

I adore LOLCATS and think this is superb. Thanks for brightening my day. - Joe, in Wyoming

Bel said...

OMG I just spat tea all over my keyboard.


Seanna Lea said...

That's why I look at Ravelry. Promise!

Jane said...

Is that ceiling yarn or basement yarn? Brilliant!

BalletMommy said...

Oh you SO nailed it!

Anonymous said...

Yep. New wallpaper here, too. Thanks!

goblinbox said...

You still got it, babe.

Tippymarie said...

You are too funny. I just want to squeeze you. And hug you. And steal your yarn.

G. Knerd said...

I literally LOL'ed when I saw that! I think @katrog is right about this being a new viral thing - maybe you should snap up a domain for it!

Also, @Jane? Obviously Ceiling Yarn! :-)

Mrs. J. said...

O Hai!
Coffee over the keyboard here too :).
Thanks for this!

Carol said...

Very funny! Thanks for the much needed laugh

Sanny said...

Eek! Yarn porn!

Tim said...

It may be yarn porn, but at least it is soft porn!

yarnorgy(Bethany) said...

That's what all you guys say... :)

Lara said...

I really hope this takes off!!

Sara in WI said...


Berta in Tx said...

This has Dolores's little manicured hoof-prints all over it. Leading poor innocent skeins astray.

Karen said...

This made me laugh but then Tim made me laugh even harder.

nightandday said...

Oh gods! The possibilities! If this idea doesn't end up viral on Rav, Franklin, maybe you could turn it into a new book? A soap (well, Soak, anyway) opera in yarn?
Would Harry get a cameo appearance?
A whole new can of worms just opened. Or yarn barf. Or something.

Shelda said...

Oh, giggle! What fun. I love you both, Harry and Franklin!

Pandora's Box of FIber said...

I had to share this with the knitters on Plurk. Naturally included the link and homage to you.

I completely agree. Maybe we need our own website for LOLskeins?

Anonymous said...

-- GRetchen

Nana Sadie said...

OMG! {giggle-snort}
That's spot-on!

Jessica MF said...

haha too funny!

calicokitty6 said...

Aha! Now we know what happens when we leave the computer on and leave the house!

love it!

Amy said...

Hah! Awesome.

Tiny Tyrant said...

I needed that laugh today Franklin.

Thank you.

Victoria said...

Lol. Seriously.

Can't wait to see you in Madison tomorrow. Very excited for your class.

The Sexy Knitter said...

Okay, took it a second to sink in and then I peed my pants a little! This could catch on, Franklin!

Suzanne said...

Fabulous, Franklin! Yea, and my little tuxedo kitty never sleeps on my knitting bag.....hmmmmmmm

Susan said...

A reverie of Ravelry revelry & raillery...righteous.

anne marie in philly said...

bwhahahahahahahahaha! (snort)

Anonymous said...

I love you! Thank you!

Marcela said...

High hilarity right there, good sir.

FiberQat said...

I don't think that's a ceiling yarn there. More like rumpus room yarn. He only did enough so he had to wear glasses.

VW of the day: ruprodop

Jenni said...

I never knew you had French yarn in the stash... Does it have a wee mustache, too?

CheshireKal said...

For some reason I keep getting these ridiculous viruses on my laptop. Husband says it's because I've been looking at yarn porn. :P

Melissa said...

Hilarious and perfect!

Yvonne said...


Benita said...

It's a good thing I don't have a baby, because I would have woken it up for sure with that "HA!" I let out.

You can look, but no touching.

Do yarn balls drool?

Cathy said...

perfect for a greeting card --- do it Franklin !
Thanks so much for the chuckles.

Emily said...

Gives new meaning to "fave-ing" and "friending" on Ravelry.


Pamela said...

Love it. It's so good, yet naughty.

marijka said...

Funny, although some of the humor was lost while I tried to decipher what it actually said. Man, texting is ruining our language. No wonder kids can't spell.

Karen B said...

OK, I must confess, I work at home and I should be working right now. But I just had to check!!!! QUICKLY

Cathy said...

I'll have to show this to my non-knitting friends. Maybe they'll finally understand my yarn p0rn addiction!

Anonymous said...

Thank you admin
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You know I’m all for it…..

metin2 said...

Thank you admin,

Almost spit coffee on the laptop! :)

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