nine neighbors ringing,
eight shameless encores,
seven kegs a-brimming,
six queens sashaying,
five Highland Flings,
four letter words,
three clenched men,
two hurtled jugs,
and a party that lasted 'til three.
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Poor Harry. (Is it weird that I am feeling sorry for an imaginary ball of sock yarn?)
Dolores in a previous life.
Franklin, you're making me drop my stitches!
Dolores lives a very full life. Poor Harry is left patching the potholes she leaves behind. The perfect couple.
Perhaps it's best that she didn't win the election after all.
I sincerely hope Mrs. Teitlebaum did not toss her panties on stage!
Oww owww owwwww!
You have to stop. The laughing is starting to hurt...
I'm feeling bad for Harry, too, poor lamb.
You are the best! "Freebird"...takes me back, Franklin. One does not stop in the middle of that song and clearly, Dolores knows that etiquette. Other etiquette? Not so much......from MT and see you soon!
Harry is looking frazzled from all this Holiday Cheer. I hope you send him off to a spa weekend or something next week...
FREEBIRD!! Wooooo!!!
I'm with Katy - send Harry to the Mohonk Mountain House for two weeks of calm, quiet elegance. If he times it right, he can go on a Monday, stay through the Sock Yarn-themed weekend and then stay one more week. The theme weekend hosts a truly elegant Yarn Ball on Friday night; wouldn't it be nice for him to meet some other balls? (I'll contribute if there's a fundraiser for him.........)
I love these! Delores is certainly celebrating!
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