Minnesota knitters have warned me that the local forecast calls for rain, snow, hail, pestilence, earthquakes, dead arising from their graves, hay fever, and unattended toddlers, so I've packed accordingly. Unfortunately even my large suitcase isn't big enough for the collapsible harpoon, so I'll have to make do with a dpn if the situation arises.
Dolores and Harry are coming along, but they have opted to forego air travel entirely and will head north on Amtrak. Harry is excited at the prospect of lunch in the dining car, and Dolores is excited at the prospect of eight hours in a vibrating seat.
If all goes well, I look forward to meeting bunches of you tomorrow at Yarnover, although I'm skittish about following close on the heels of Stephanie Pearl-McPhee's visit, which was also sponsored by The Yarnery. It's a bit like having the Rolling Stones open for the Jonas Brothers.
What I really want is to some day tour with Stephanie. You know, like that gaggle of blue-collar comedy guys who all tell jokes about living in a swamp and sleeping with their first cousins? For our finale we'd sing the bluegrass classic "Will the Circle Be Unbroken," with Stephanie playing the banjo and me on the bull fiddle, only with new lyrics about sock knitting.
Hey, Steph, you in?
And Now, A Little Message for China

I wish there was a way to know when Dolores is about to be mentioned, because I almost spit coffee all over my computer. Vibrating seat, indeed!
Perhaps I should be smart and not drink anything while reading your blog.
Safe travels ... and I would go for the double-bill, absolutely, just come to Massachusetts!
Have fun in Minneapolis - do see if the Yarnery wrote a song for you. I wonder if the Harlot's next book needs an illustrator? What a combination that would be!
In lovely St. Paul this morning we're down to just slushy roads, so hopefully you will have a safe and on-time flight today. My folks, who live an hour north in Sauk Rapids, are stuck at home under 12 inches of snow.
I'd pay money to see you and Stephanie on tour. The Yarnery Family Singers last night sang some wonderful adaptations of classics from the Sound of Music--with some knit- and yarn harlot-heavy lyrics, of course. :-)
See you tomorrow!
so glad to hear the weather won't keep you away. I'm sure Delores will enjoy the ride.
and not to worry. Stephanie alluded to the possibility that she had brought us this fine spring snowstorm (complete with thunder and lightning). if you'd be so kind to take it back to Chicagoland, we'd be much obliged.
I'd love to see the two of you perform the closing musical number - I'm sure if you consult the Yarnery staff, they'd be happy to assist in the reworking of the lyrics. (hit youtube and search for the 'yarnery family singers'. do not attempt to eat or drink while watching them, though)
Welcome to Minnesota. Land of the Frozen Tundra. :)
Oy. There is so much wrong in China right now, I don't even know where to begin. I hate to do it, but I may have to miss the Olympics this year. Maybe instead of a knitter's Olympics like last time, we could have a knitter's non-Olympics.
Anywho. Looking forward to seeing you in PA next week. I'll bring the washboard to keep rythm.
Somehow I think if Stephanie as more of a clog dancer than a banjo plucker. But you two as a duo - I'd pay big money to see that!
Safe and unhampered travel!
Count me in on the willing to pay money to see that!!
Have a lovely time in Minneapolis, fingers crossed for "decent" air travel.
Hi Franklin! Good luck on the travels and hope to meet you tomorrow. We're at 6" of snow and counting here. May have to put the truck in 4WD to get out of the driveway tomorrow but I'll do my best to be there!
I saw Stephanie last night but unfortunately I can't make it to Yarnover, so I think it is essential that you two tour together. You'd have to find a really BIG venue for that, though! Tickets for the Harlot were gone in less than a week when Yarnery made them available.
At the moment it is just raining here in the Twin Cities, so hopefully your flights are mostly on time. Have fun at Yarnover!
We only get our first visit from her Harlotness to the UK this year, imagine the excitement if both of you were here! We would certainly have something other than the weather to talk about about. I think musical instruments and singing might be too much of a treat, though clog dancing might be acceptable :)
Man - Yarnover is being held at my old high school! I'm not living there anymore, and with the state of air travel these days I'm not sure I could get there in time if I tried. Have a wonderful (cold) visit.
I'd so come to see you (again)... if only I were closer.
Even after the Harlot.
But in combination.... wow.
The mind boggles. The giggles and belly laughs start doing warm up exercises to get ready. The tummy muscles threaten to go on strike, as they KNOW they'll be sore in the morning.
I especially enjoyed your labels for this post. Good luck with flying. I'm with Delores -- Amtrak all the way.
Safe travels Franklin! Sorry the weather in MN sucks but what are you going to do? It's April and mother nature forgot to turn up the heat so our "showers" are a bit more solid than they should be. Next week will be in the 70's, cause that's how it goes.
My tulips are not happy.
You and TYH doing a tour???? OMG - we have the BEST theaters in Phoenix!!!! The Dodge Theater is cool, but the Celebrity Theater is in the round and the stage slowly rotates.
Be still my heart!
I love the idea of the two of you touring..What a night that would be. And the tags at the bottom of the entry had me laughing loud enough to worry the dog! Be safe and i hope you dont have another flight cancelled. I hope Amtrak is relatively intact after Harry and Dolores.
That tour would be the best thing ever in the history of ever.
Opening act to main act,
Harlot to the Panopticon,
Rolling Stones to the Chicago Symphony.
Your blog label kicks political arse, Franklin. Bravo.
Safe travels to our slushy wonderland!
I think we need a knitters version of a traveling Hee Haw Variety Show, complete with singing and dancing and terrible jokes.
You can wear overalls with no shirt. It'll be totally hot!
How funny you should mention the co-appearance. I was just wondering a few weeks ago if there might have been any way to attempt to coerce you into coming over the same day Stephanie would be in our city. :) Alas, time was not on my side.
I call backup moonshine jug!
Love your labels on this post. I'd go see you and Steph together anytime.
Free Tibet. Amen to that. In the grand scheme of things there are more important things than yarn.
I can't believe I just said that.
I keep checking the status of your flight, and so far it's showing as "On Time." I'll be there to pick you up. Of course, you'd better not be reading this until after you've gotten here because you'd be late if you weren't on your way to the airport already. OK. This comment makes no sense. I guess I'm just giddy at seeing you again.
Both would be heavenly, either one of you would be awesome. NO one wants to come down here to sunny Florida, though I'm not sure why with that nasty wintery time y'all have to endure! So, quit complaining about the snow (what's that?) and cold, grab Steph and get on down here!
Ooh, what Stitchy said! I could even write some of the bad jokes. Um, later, when my brain is functioning.
Stupid to comment now as you're on your way, but the storm in Minneapolis proper so far is a dud...it was slushing when I drove back from the Harlot (in St. Paul)last night to Downtown Minneapolis where DH was pub crawling but it's just been rain today and the slush is mostly gone. So I figure you'll get here OK and I'll see you tomorrow...YAY! Can't wait!!
You really should try to tour with Stephanie, I think she'd love the company!! OK, gotta go check out the Yarnery Family Singers on You Tube, they were great in person but should be really hilarious on You Tube!!! Should raise some eyebrows in the Business Center of the Marquette (we Hotwired and got a great room!).
I'll second ccr. If you get to come to MA, I'll be happy to stand in line, while knitting of course.
And while that's happening, I'll be envisioning nasty politicos being shot by a volley of dpns from something like a gattling gun.
Your second tag says it all *very well.* Thanks and safe journey!
"unattended toddlers" = my greatest travel fear
It's nice to know I'm not alone. I hope your travels go well and are free of cranky toddlers with inattentive parents.
Your Buddha nature is uncannily similar to that of the Dalai Lama (I'm sure he says the same thing in private).
Sign me up as tour caterer!
I've been working on the vegetarian cuisine of the Thai and Lao Buddhist communities. Will that be ok for you, Yonkel?
And you can tell Stephanie that I make a beef in stout that will change her life.
Gotta run...I have fat free brownies in the oven. (These are for me. Alas, I'm reducing.)
Have a great trip.
"rain, snow, hail, pestilence, earthquakes, dead arising from their graves, hay fever, and unattended toddlers"
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! In increasing order of severity, I note.
I felt I had to comment about your position on Tibet (and lest you think i'm Chinese of origin, i'm not. I'm Korean-Canadian).
Loads of people don't know that many of those killed in the recent riots in Tibet were not actually Tibetans, but Han. I know that there is much disaffection right now in Lhasa and elsewhere, but it still seems worth mentioning.
For what it's worth, I'd hate it if a bunch of Chinese came to Montreal and protested "Free Quebec." In fact, I'd be downright pissed off.
Will the join be untwisted by and by EZ by and by...
Yeah baby, but the Jonas brothers are the hottest ticket in town right now--
This is seriously the most fucking hilarious thing I've read all day! The pleasure of the vibrating seat is not to be underestimated;)
The Yarnery is a great shop, everyone there is 'Minnesota nice'!
"rising from the dead"?
Shotgun. Aim for the head.
I LOVE your South Parktification of yourself. China better respect your authoritay!
And you've sold me. Next vacation, I go by train.
It was wonderful to meet you tonight at the Yarnery! Thanks for dropping by our Men's Knit Night.
See you tomorrow at Yarnover.
Dolores and Harry should try Megabus next time. It sometimes offers unattended toddlers + 8-13 hours of vibrating seats. For the experience, you can't beat the price.
Hope you have a lot of fun in MN. I'm looking forward to seeing a shot of you on the Yarn Harlot's blog, and vice versa.
P.S. Merry Bobmas!
I don't knit at all (so why do I read knitblogs? it's a mystery) but I SO would go to a double feature of you and Yarn Harlot.
Y'know, if Dolores is too much trouble, you could put her on a bus up to Winnipeg...I'm here for a month (usually I'm in Vancouver), and there's room on the couch for here, and a GIANT closet that Harry could use...
or maybe Harry should have the couch and Delores could have the "guest room"
I would go to that tour. I'd bring a tambourine. Warn security.
Oh wow. How about Stephanie, your good self AND Rabbitch on tour??? Now that I would probably donate a kidney for...as long as you came to the UK that is...
Franklin, it was great meeting you today at YarnOver. I'm the one who was knitting in Antarctica.
P.S. I totally agree with your view on China and their relationship with Tibet. I'm also not happy about them supporting the military junta in Burma.
Franklin - believe me when I tell you that Wisconsin and Minnesota DO have springtimes. You have to play close attention, though; they're usually on a Tuesday between 12:45 and 3:30. I figure this is a banner year, gettin' to see you AND the Harlot (and Crazy Aunt Purl a few months back). This is a VERY good time to be a knitterly sort, I have to say.
I'm so jealous you're going to visit my old stomping grounds but sooooo not jealous you get to deal with the weather. Man... Prince was so right.
Can't wait to hear all about it!
The combined drawing power of two such illustrious knitters would simply inundate any local venue! And if Dolo decided to come as well? Panoptical pandemonium! (Wanna try for Austin????!!! Pleeeeeeeese?!?)
By the way, I second "SouthPark Franklin's" sentiments! See you in Texas!
Oh, crap! Rabbitch, too!!!
I didn't read all of the comments until I'd posted! Think Austin, Rabbitch! Austin!
Dude, we are going to need a big bus.
(Dibs on the back row.)
I'm just picturing the bizarre roadies and groupies... which I'm sure you are accustomed to, living with Dolores...
Agree with you on Tibet. And I would just ADORE for you to come Down Under. The southern hemisphere is forgotten too often. You would love the Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show. Dolores especially.
oh man, im finally starting a knit group in kingston, ny and me and the lady that runs the place were trying to think of something fabulous to start the whole thing off with and she mentioned "that lady from canada" to which i replied "yarn harlot?". i then immediately mentioned you as someone i desperately want to get to our neck of the woods. i told her of your project and she was fascinated. so... whats it gonna take to get YOU there? wouldnt it be awesome to get the two of you, you and stephanie, there at the same time at my little ol' barnes and noble??
please please please with turkish delight on top???
Franklin - I just wanted to tell you what a thrill it was for me today to be photographed for your 1000 Knitters Project (and not just because you said I look too young to have an 18-year-old son). I had no idea that you were going to be at Yarnover until about 10 minutes before I met you. I've heard about your project through Cast On and other sources, but I never imagined my hands might be one of your "models". Thanks for allowing me to squeeze into your schedule!
I have to see what China does every day in my line of work, and I'm so, SO happy to see so many people pissed off about them. Every protester, every angry remark gives me warm fuzzies.
All I can say is that you need to leave that snow behind and come to Maui. There are knitters here, I swear.
Come and take pictures here, the lighting is beautiful.
You've GOT to start doing a Dolores warning so we can know to swallow before continuing to read.
I can just see you and the Harlot now.
Great free Tibet icon!
Hope the trip ended up better than expected! And yes yes yes! Would pay big bucks for a ticket to 'the tour'! LOL
You and Stephanie on tour with Rabbitch wielding a tamborine?!
Yup - I'd book a plane ticket (and pack a Guiro scraper).
(Which is aptly described over at encyclopedia.com as 'the humble vegetable instrument'.)
Funny. I giggled out loud at the last bit about the sing along. I'm in. Sign me up!
hizKNITS and I are available for lyrics and production. I know that Joe is probably a better producer, but I'm sure he's pretty busy with Stephanie's audiobooks.
Please let us know when you're coming to the Bay Area. WE MUST INTERVIEW YOU!!!
that is all.
I'm so far behind on my fave blogs, but I just had to comment on this one! I'm with Steph. A big bus a la Ken Kesey would be just the thing! And, hey, we've got yarn fumes to keep us all high for that!
You might need a stadium to hold a gig like that. Can you just imagine?
Ah, listen to the music of needles clicking away ... and peels of laughter & squeals as the ladies' panties fly thru the air. Oh wait ... that's a rock concert. I don't think they have banjos or even knitting needles do they? You & Steph could start a whole new movement tho.
Thank you for the sensible critique. Me and my neighbor were just preparing to do a little research on this. We got a grab a book from our area library but I think I learned more from this post. I'm very glad to see such excellent info being shared freely out there.
Kondiloma akuminatum ialah vegetasi oleh Human Papiloma Virus tipe tertentu, bertangkai, dan permukaannya berjonjot. Tipe HPV tertentu mempunyai potensi onkogenik yang tinggi, yaitu tipe 16 dan 18. tipe ini merupakan jenis virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada kanker serviks. Sedangkan tipe 6 dan 11 lebih sering dijumpai pada kondiloma akuminatum dan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks derajat ringan. Kondiloma akuminatum ialah vegetasi oleh Human Papiloma Virus tipe tertentu, bertangkai, dan permukaannya berjonjot. Tipe HPV tertentu mempunyai potensi onkogenik yang tinggi, yaitu tipe 16 dan 18. tipe ini merupakan jenis virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada kanker serviks. Sedangkan tipe 6 dan 11 lebih sering dijumpai pada kondiloma akuminatum dan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks derajat ringan.
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