Sunday, April 20, 2008

Holy $#@*

Kids, I am alive and awake but just about done in. Pulverized. Wiped. It's all I can do to write this brief dispatch from a horizontal position.

Bloggin' at Carol's

Yesterday, during an eight hour shoot at Wool Gathering, I photographed 131 knitters for the 1,000 Knitters Project.

My memory is scrambled like eggs at Sunday brunch but I recall an atmosphere of cheerful insanity and controlled chaos. Yarn was everywhere. Also cookies. And five pounds of very special candy. Then somebody threatened me with a crochet hook...

I'll have to sort it all out and write a fuller report from home. Right now I'm going to try to keep still and enjoy restorative quiet play time with Carol's daughter's Pretty Pony Princess Magic Castle.*

131 freaking knitters in one day. Dude.

*Staying in this room has allowed me to be the six-year-old girl I always wanted to be. Ooooh! Rainbow Brite!


krista said...

131 of us, eh? That is awesome! It was really great to finally get to be a part of this project and to meet you. I'm so glad you came out this way! Thanks a million, Franklin! :D

Gauss said...

Thank you Franklin!! We had a fabulous time yesterday at the photo shoot and I hope you enjoy the rest of your visit here. I'm so glad you didn't get to 1000 before reaching our part of the world!

Lynn said...

Damn, you're cute. And when are you coming to MA? Do I have to pull strings at WEBS to get you there?

mindy said...

Please come to VA! (gorgeous picture, by the way)

Mel said...

Pulverized or just wanted to show us some beefcake? Hmmmm? ;-)

Donna said...

It was amazing to be a part of this project & a real pleasure to meet you, Franklin. Thank you!!!! We had a terrific time!!!

PS Love your pose. I would have loved this 30 years ago - I could have printed you out & hung you right between Shaun Cassidy & Leif Garrett. That's a Tiger Beat pose if I ever saw one!!

Carol said...

note to Mel: does it matter?

I had an amazing time, too.

Redford Phyl said...

You just made me drool on my keyboard.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha - oy Franklin. That is way too funny, Dude!

And, 131 knitters? Are you surprised? Really???? Go knitters!

Mary Ann said...

Lovely sheets.

Sharon Rose said...

My strange little family (Girlie is current gf, Heather is actually an ex-gf and now close friend) had SUCH a blast. See my blog post!

Aileen said...

I hope I was able to get some tension out. ;) I love the concept of this project, esp when I remember hearing a little boy say, "I have only been knitting for a couple of months." Let me tell you, he was knitting like a champ.

It was definitely a pleasure to meet you and hang at such a beautiful shop and town.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for coming to Pa Franklin! I'm so glad that my mother in law and I were able to be a part of your project.

Anonymous said...

I so wish I could be in the book too. I read Carol's account of your day yesterday, and right now you definitely need some castle time. :O) I am so happy that you are documenting this wonderfully addictive craft of ours and cannot wait to see the result of your work. But I wish I could be in the book too. samm

Darci said...

Mary Ann beat me on the sheets comment. But listen come out west to Los Angeles and you can stay in my daughters' room - you will be surrounded by soccer cleats, soccer balls and kits...with a bit of girl thrown in via raspberry pink walls

roxie said...

The piquant contrast between the virle beard / hairy chest, and the ethereal lavender floral sheets is delicious. Relish the castle and pony time.

mamagotcha said...

You are too cute! Why is it the gay guys get the great eyes?!

You look pretty tired. Time to put away the EasyBake Oven and head to dreamland, fella.

Liz K. said...

It was an absolute pleasure to participate in your wonderful project.

Meema said...

Holy pillow talk, Batman!

And dude, that's a lot of photos. You are a force of nature.

(formerly) no-blog-rachel said...

You look pretty hot in those lavender girly sheets. Thanks for the beefcake, and enjoy Rainbow Brite!

DorisM said...

What a great picture!

I was happy to meet you and be a part of the project, Franklin. Glad you made it to our neck of the woods. Great excuse for me pack the knitting and hit the back roads on the motorcycle. Hope you get some well-deserved rest after that shooting marathon. Enjoy the toys!

Anonymous said...

Franklin, I had a great time yesterday!

I have a question for you though: there was a newpaper reporter there taking pictures of you taking pictures of me; did you happen to catch which newpaper she was from?

April said...

Knitters? Pictures? Cameras? What?

Drool ...

Spikey said...

If you can believe it, he's even better looking in person!

Thanks so much for coming to PA. You were a true gentleman, a pleasure to speak with, and extremely gracious. And I was #119 [Bitch Kitty], when you must have been completely exhausted! Rest in those lovely surrounds.

Anonymous said...

Oh, such a picture.

131, wow, I guessed maybe 125. And you were a perfect gentleman the entire time.

Thanks for being you.

wrtrmaus said...

Sorry we wore you out (I was #104), but so glad you were able to come and allow us to be a part of your very cool project.

Thanks so much for your efforts and for putting those of us in front of the camera so at ease. I am not usually comfortable being photographed, but you were so engaging that I almost forgot about the camera between us.

Nysssa said...

So so happy to have been part of the 131!

You're getting closer to the Smithsonian! Keep up the great work!

I had a great time and am normally so terribly shy when a camera shows up. Thank you for being very easy to sit for. I was sad when my row was over (note to self: sometimes it's better to knit SLOWER)

Thanks for visiting us on the East Coast!

Nysssa said...

UGH! Logging into my account made the computer eat my post!

I'm so very glad I could be part of the 131 that was part of the 1000. When I first read about the project I was sure it would fill up before it got anywhere near me.

You're definitely on your way to the Smithsonian! Keep up the great work and thank you for being very easy to sit for. I just wish I had knit slower!

Donna Lee said...

It was a fun day. The lovely sunshine, the even lovelier knitters and the charming photographer. I was no 49 so it was still pretty early in the process. I had no idea there were that many knitters there. How wonderful! Thank you for letting us be involved.

Lanea said...

I can't wait to see the book! The portraits you've shared on the blog have been so well done. Thank you for your fantastic photography.

Fwx Sharon said...

Oh you make me laugh!!!

Anonymous said...

Um... Franklin, I realize you are tired but that photo... Mrowr! Very nice.

Anonymous said...

Drooling over that sexy photo, and selfishly wondering if/when you'll make it out West again.
True, you're beyond tuckered by the loyal Fibertarian response of PA knitters, all of whom share the excitement that your project has engendered. What can I say?? We're all waiting for our chance to sit and knit for the camera, cause we loves ya.

Anne O'Nymous said...

Damn, Franklin, you could be more breathtaking, but you'd really have to work at it. (Fanning self; it's been a while since I have seen a man betwixt the sheets.)

What's your Kinsey number?

Anonymous said...

Franklin, It was a delight to finally meet you! I'm sorry my friend threatened you with a crochet hook. The ONE time we take her out without her straightjacket! :-P

Heather from Seattle

p.s. Was I the visitor who travelled the mostest? I left before I found out!

Anonymous said...

Selma and I got home in 20 minutes after our heartwarming silly evening.
We were sapped of strength but had huge goofy grins.
Nice eating Chinese and doing arty business with you, friend.
Where's my photo?

Alwen said...


And did you stop and eat your nice soup like a good boy, or did you just clickclickclick?

Drat! PA beat MI by 20. Darn knitters.

Anonymous said...

yummy photo, even with the sleep glazed eyes, the sheets make it even sexier.


Anonymous said...

I LOVED being part of the shoot (#110 - Koigu Coat Lady) and loved even more getting to sit of the steps of quaint Kennett Square and knit with friends on such a lovely day. Hope you were rewarded with at least some of the Mexican ice cream from down the street.

Rest up and remember to come back to beautiful SE PA again.

Anonymous said...

Any chance of your visiting your sister this summer and doing a shoot in Maine while you're up there? I'm trying to plan my vacation time, and just thought I'd check in.... Just give me couple of possible dates, and I'll see if I can arrange to keep them free, just in case. After all, aren't you going to bring 200 lbs of camera equipment with you anyway just to take a few famiy snaps of the amazing Abigail? Might as well squeeze in a knitter or two (or 122) while your up there, and we New Englanders are beginning to feel neglected.

Janice said...

Great photo of you. What is the count for knitters pictures now?

Anonymous said...

ouch.. you look so good in that photo that it hurts....

Amy McWeasel said...

It was so great to meet you and take part in your project. I had a great time. :)

Anonymous said...

We had such a good time! (We were the three generations of knitters -- I am sure, not the only ones -- who also had a sheep farm, around the 650s.) My 12 yo DS, who is pretty hard to please these days, kept saying at random points throughout the rest of the day: "that was fun" or "I'm really glad I went to that!" We are in awe of your talent to chit-chat with that many people and put them at ease while you snap away. Congrats on all those sittings! You must be close to (over maybe over? too tired to do math) 700 by now...

Bevin said...

That should be your new author photo.

Also, I am flabbergasted but not surprised that you were threatened by a crocheter.


Quilting Mama said...

Wow 131 and you still managed a shot of yourself.

I had such a wonderful time (#75) and you were so great. I barely even noticed that you took any shots.

Anonymous said...

wonderful to meet you in person! glad you had such a good response. hope to meet you agin under less chaotic circumstances.

Dana S. Whitney said...

When Interweave sees this photo, they might have an entirely different sort of book proposal for the sequel to It Itches...
Sweet dreams.

Carol said...

What a successful trip! Thanks to you & Carol for keeping us all filled in. We must persuade Webs to host you in MA!

Anonymous said...

Fer Gawd's sake boy, put on some clothes. Yer makin me hot, and I know it's useless!
Barb B.

Unknown said...

awww, how pretty!

Anonymous said...

Franklin, you are a very gentle person. You made me feel so comfortable while actually taking a photo of me! I told my son he can finally have a picture - when he buys your book! How you manage to keep up the patter all day long and be genuinely interested in what each of us was saying is amazing. #114 - I traveled with "the Coat".

Nana Sadie said...

Wow! What a sight for a Monday a.m.! I'm supposed to go back to work now, right?
Sleep look good in lavender.

Anonymous said...

wow. and wish you were going to toronto this weekend for the knitters frolic/ More Big Girl Knits launch at Lettuce knits.....


Kristen said...

Jeeee---zus! Where's my smelling salts? Holy $#@*, indeed, young man! You should warn us before posting such smokin' hot material!

Anonymous said...

holy mamma!
and I was nervous seeing you there Saturday with your clothes ON. Phew...good thing you didn't look like this when you snapped my picture. I'd have been a shaking puddle on the floor barely able to make one simple pearl.
Thank you, sir, for a memorable day.
Marianne (the 2nd "Marianne" knitter --Knitting Kali Tee)

SharonO said...

Franklin, I love you. You always make me laugh, even when I am so not in the mood to laugh. Thanks for the smile that now adorns my formally grumpy face.

Nikkita Auerbauch said...

Thank you for coming to PA! It was such a thrill to meet you. I, too, forgot to knit slooooowly so I could enjoy more time with you talking art and architecture.

Hope Carol fed you scrapple for breakfast, so you could have the true PA experience (ugh).

Jennie said...


Maybe the crochet hook was a good suggestion.

Talk about knitting overload!

Anonymous said...

Have mercy. I have finally learned not to drink while reading your blog, so I don't snort my drink all over everything. Now I have to learn some sort of drool management technique.

Anonymous said...

It was absolutely WONDERFUL to get to meet you! The only down side was not being able to show my Seditious Sheep shirt to Delores. I'm fairly sure she'd have approved! I didn't get the scarf until around 1:30 or so and I was #62. My goodness you must have been there late indeed! You must be home by now and I hope the place is close to the way you left it! Thanks again for a fabulous afternoon!

Lisa said...

cutest.picture.ever. I second the request for you to come to VA.

FiberQat said...

What a sweet dreamy face you have. I can't see why my work would filter your picture from downloading onto my computer. So innocent.

Anonymous said...

I hope someone is coming in with hot chocolate and fresh squeeze OJ for you.

Those sheets scream for breakfast in bed! (Or maybe I'm confusing the sheets with the poise in your expression.)

Anonymous said...

Hi Franklin,
You could probably complete the project in one place.....

Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, May 3 & 4, 2008.


Anonymous said...

I am so pleased that I could be part of your project (#88). I am absolutely amazed at your energy level--chatting with everyone, making every knitter at ease in their own way. Not only that, but Wool Gathering saved my current project! They had rowan all seasons cotton in the EXACT dye lot that I needed, as I had found that my strategy of 'blending' three different dye lots had led to blurry stripes. Talk about karma . . .


Eric V. said...



Gee... chest hair and pink roses, very interesting? Get some sleep and relax you look like you could crash for a week.

Anonymous said...

You were so gracious and sweet-natured to endure my muttering (knitter #16 from Mt Airy). Wish I'd remembered to bring a bag of Mint Milanos for Harry (Dolores can fend for herself quite well enough, I think).

Beth said...

Thanks so much for coming to PA. I'm grateful to have been part of 131!

Cin said...

Man, Rainbow Brite was my *favorite* (other than He-man). I still remember the words to a song on some tape I had. "Starlight, Rainbow Brite, a little wish in the moonlight. Sunbeams sparkle and shine, you'll always be a friend of mine."

Anonymous said...

will this picture be available in the store???


but definate beefcake, even with lilac sheets!

BTW....that pic had just improved my mood 100%!!

Unknown said...

hi Franklin! Just wanted to say thank you for coming to PA! My fiance and I were the knitters from Brooklyn (#108 & 109). It was such a fun excuse for an expedition, and I'm thrilled to be one of the 1,000!

Also wanted to share this great meta-photo I took of you guys. :)

Agen Bola said...

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