I am not moving to San Francisco.
I am not engaged to Stephen Fry. I am not America's Next Top Model. I am not playing Xerxes in O, Leonidas!, the upcoming Broadway musical version of 300 by Stephen Sondheim.
I am not joining the Benedictines, the Rockettes, the Sisters of Mercy or the Foreign Legion.
I am writing a book to be published by Interweave Press in the fall of 2008.
I am excited. I am grateful to all of you for your encouragement.
Thank you for asking.

1 – 200 of 245 Newer› Newest»WooHoo! Congrats, Franklin... don't let Dolores give you a hard time!
how wonderful! already looking forward to it. :o)
It's about friggin' time. Oh! and congrats!
Your the BEST. Wonderful news!
What happy news! Congratulations and the best of success with it (when does this damn pre-order start on Amazon?) - you're in great company!
Right On!
Yippee Skippee!!
Shouldn't that be...Write On!!!!
I'm putting that puppy on my birthday wish list *right now.* Really, if you can get Amazon to put up the pre-order link we can crash the server.
*squeals and fangirls* Congrats! That's awesome!
Wonderful news. I'll be raising a glass to you tonight in Stephen Fry's own county of Norfolk, and I think this is an occasion that calls for the finest of single malts.
Good job Franklin! Sure it will be lovely.
Congratulations!! Great news, indeed.
Franklin is not the only one excited....I am excited and proud.
And, in case anyone is still wondering, I do exist and Franklin is even nicer in person...in more ways than one :)
Your blog has always been one of my favorites. I occasionally have to read it to my DH, it is so good.
A book makes total sense to me. Congratulations!
Yippee!! The secret is OUT!!!! Couldn't happen to a better guy!
(but seriously... you're not America's Next Top Model?!?)
Congratulations! This is wonderful news!
Yay! Congratulations!
Congratulations, Franklin! What wonderful news!
WooHoo! I want this book already. Will the tour come through Toronto?
But is there still a chance for Xerxes?
That's awsome! I can't wait till it comes out!
Congrats! I want to know too, what kind of book? In any case, Dolores probably will give you no peace unless you feature her on every page. Maybe you could threaten to ship her off for a month's vacation on a sheep ranch (obscure literary reference intended)?
Hurrah! I'm so pleased for you...but not so much for me...another Must-have book to add to me ever-growing wishlist at Amazon (wish as in wish someone would buy these for me!). Anywho, congrats :)
not anonymous, Bev in Tn
Woah! But then again, of COURSE you are! Congratulations. There will be "drawrings" I hope?
Congrats!!! can't wait to see it!!!
Congrats on the book! Too bad we have to wait a year for it!
The Sisters of Mercy are crushed; the postulants are packing their bags and the novices are already at the door...
Delurking to say "Woohoo!"
(Although I'm sure that you and Delores would have made a stunning contribution to the Rockettes)
Congratulations! How exciting.
OMG, that is AWESOME!! I can't wait!! (Can I order my copy signed, please?)
YEAH for the PTB at IK!
Cannot wait to hear more and see it and buy it. Please come to NYC so those of us in the area can get your autograph!
Will Dolores et al be in it? (better be!)
Bravo and congrats !
Woohoo! yea for us (readers)! yea for us!
Well, it's about time. Talk about inevitable!
And I can't wait!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations Franklin!
Congratulations, and I will be delighted to purchase a copy!
That, my friend, is splendid news. And it is about damn time.
Though I'm kinda sad not to see you playing Xerxes...
You're not engaged to Stephen Fry "yet", but if it's good enough, you COULD be. He's a big reader, after all, but, hey, no pressure. :-)
Kudos and a great big Bravo to you. Couldn't happen to a nicer (or more talented) guy. (funny that, how talent and perseverance pays off .... hmmm, I'll have to meditate on that)
OMG!!! I cannot wait!
Congratulations..this is sooo exciting!
You mean I can buy a WHOLE BOOK of Franklin prose? A WHOLE BOOK? Yippie!!! I'll buy so many copies you might be tempted to quit your (hateful) day job with its Dickensian horrors.
Yay! That's great news for you and us! Many, many congratulations!
May I order a signed copy now?
Congratulations! That's wonderful!
*starts stalking Amazon for pre-orders*
Congratulations! Looking forward to it.
How do you know you're not America's Next Top Model? Seems plausible to me...
And congratulations! Can't wait. And btw, it was really nice of Tom to comment; it's good to have him around, no?
Whoo hoo! Go Franklin! Can we all say we knew you when?
Squeee! Jumping up and down! I know, I only lurk, rarely comment, but I read your blog religiously (har) and I'm so happy for you! And for me! I get to buy a book full of your writing! I'm so excited, I'm even going to pay retail. Be impressed. Be very imressed.
What took 'em so long?
Go get 'em!
What a great Christmas present that you told us! Even better present will be when we have it in our hot little hooves....
Congrats Franklin! Is Dolores going to be in the book? Will it also feature your drawings? It sounds like it will be great!
Good luck with the writing!
Oh, Franklin - Congratulations! Never in my life have I placed an order for a book before it's even been published, but I'm DEFINITELY preordering yours.
Julia in St. Paul
Can I pre-order yet on "Amazon?"
Best. Blogger. Book. Deal. Ever.
Congratulations!!! What a fabulous opportunity! I'm driving down to Chicago for the first signing party!!
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Can't wait, you must stop in Seattle for the book tour!
Awesome! I can't wait!
interesting how a simple post such as this can make so many people happy! congrats on the project - we are all very excited to see what you come up with :)
Hooray! Way to go Franklin!
Sign me up for a copy.
That's wonderful. Congratulations.
Please God,
Please don't let the deadlines kill Franklin.
Congratulations! Can't wait for your first book tour!
Congratulations! Couldn't happen to a nicer blogger....
Mazel Tov! We should all be proud to say, "We knew him when..." But I know the Rockettes will be sorely disappointed.
Congratulations, Franklin! Put me on the list of folks who would pre-order today if I could.
That is so cool...congrats...but won't a little something called the Son of Dolores law prevent you for partaking of any profits?
Whee! and what kind of book? Knitting? Cartoons? Delores? Witty raconteurish-ness?
Just asking. I'll take any of the above.
If Dolores doesn't get a centerfold,
your readership will be sorely disappointed.
Mazel Tov!
Congrats!!! I had a feeling.... and couldn't be happier!!!... Can you order it on amazon yet???? LOL!!!
Many Hugs of JOY!
Mazel Tov!!
YOWSA!!!! Congratulations, Franklin! I can't wait for the book to be out, so I can buy it!! Is Dolores going to write a forward to the book? Does the book have a name yet? Are you going to illustrate it? I'm so happy for you! Hooray!
How cool! Congratulations!
CONGRATULATIONS Franklin! I'm so proud of you! I can't wait to read it! Just like I can't wait to read each new blog entry!
OMG a Franklin book! Congratulations! I can't wait! Merry Christmas to you...
My verification word is CAUSD. Hmm.
WooHoo! I don't even knit, and I'm buying one. Rock on.
Congratulations and good luck!
Wooo! I was wondering when the inevitable would happen!!!
You are just too funny to NOT get published!
Fantastic. Fantabulous. Looking forward to it, and don't let the sock-yarn get you down...
And obviously, no expectations or pressure whatsoever!
[In London, most of the Tube stations have posters of Stephen Fry and Alan Davies kitted out in white tie for... oh dear... mind blows at that point... some sort of "QI" promotional Christmas thing. They both scrub up predictably well...]
(I'm assuming you'll knit, or at least cartoon, a chequered/checkered flag for when pre-orders are open?)
Wow! Great news!
Ooh, so did Dolores call Stephany or vice versa?
When can we place our advance orders?
And (as they said on the Electric Company)"what about Naomi"?
Just askin'
You must come to Powells in Portland for your book signing. Everybody does it. The Harlot. Crazy Aunt Purl. Now Franklin.
Be still my heart!
'bout time!!!!! Can't wait, and congrats- you deserve it!
Hahahahaha! Best laugh I've had all day. I'm thrilled for you regarding the book. Hooray.
Excellent news! Can't wait to read it.
I'm so thrilled you're finally being unleashed *en masse*. Can't wait!
What absolutely wonderful news -- that you're not planning on leaving the Midwest! Oh, and congrats on the book deal. It will be on my Christmas wishlist next year.
i haven't finished reading your post or the comments but i am totally ready to preorder.
i'm so proud of ya!
marie in florida
Congratulations! I can assure you that it's already a success, I really enjoy reading what you write.
That's awesome!!! Big big big congrats! I love your writing and can't wait to have it on my own shelf in book form!
Congratulations! I'm especially proud of you for being able to do that despite the 'help' from your housemates.
Can't wait to get that book. Yay Franklin!
That is so very cool.
I can't wait to see it!
Squeeeeeeee! That's so exciting! Congratulations to you and best of luck on the writing. Man, the Harlot's got a big head start, but I'm sure you can catch up in no time.
Ye-ah! Hearty congratulations to you!
I knew, I just knew it, congrats! AND the cartoon is the best ever!
Congratulations, it's absolutely great! I can't wait to buy it.
I almost never comment here, 'cause really, you need more commenters? But this is fabulous news! Congratulations! and I'm really looking forward to plunking down some cash for you book.
Abso freakin Wonderfull!! Congratulations
Finally! Sign us up for a stop on the booktour - I hope to have the first full size cut out of Franklin and Dolores in the store!
I can't wait.
Can't wait to read it!
Wow! De-lurking to say congratulations. Please do let us know when we can pre order. Can't wait!
That is fan-friggin'-tastic news! CONGRATS and I agree, it's about time :)
I can't wait!!!!!!!!!
Yes! Can't wait for the book. Although I just watched 300 and would have loved to have seen you in the musical.
Supercool! Congratulations for your book deal. I've already informed my hubby what I want for my birthday next year.
Yay. This was such exciting news!
Ah, what grand news! Congratulations! I've enjoyed your blog for many months and I'm looking forward to your book.
Wonderful news!
The cartoon assures me that you will not become a lonely recluse of a writer.
Looking forward to the book, congratulations!
damn man, that is such great news for the holidays!
working title?
can I get an autographed copy?
Congratulations! Whatever format or topic(s) it is I'm buying it!
Congratulations, Franklin.
As all my writing teachers have said, "Don't quit your day job."
So, we now have Stephanie, Laurie and you to file under knitting humor. Think we'll get a separate section in B&N?
(dancing, whirling a bit dizzily, giggling rather fanatically, typing quite badly)
My local yarn store gets my money, as does my local book store. Does that do bad things for the book sale stats?
(dancing some more)
I can't wait -- and now the Google searches will show "Franklin Habit pregnant".
Yeah! I can't wait.
Congratulations! That is wonderful news, and you are a wonderful writer. Can't wait to buy it!!!
Oh I'm so glad!
CONGRATULATIONS! I look forward to reading it, Franklin.
Hurrah and Congratulations! I can't wait to make my purchase.
Well darn, I was so hoping it'd be O, Leonidas! But Xerxes? A Persian, in all those robes? C'mon. You know we would've much rather seen you in a skimpy little off-the-shoulder Greek chiton number...
More seriously, a book - WOOHOO! Congratulations! Hurray! Slainte! Oooh...book tour? (Note to self: make sure to pester Powell's.)
And quick, password your computer so Dolores can't help you 'edit'!
Couldn't happen to a better person or a sweeter more talented guy!
You deserve this!
Come on, give us a bit more. I'm assuming it's a knitting book but assumptions can be dangerous. Don't be a tease. Hell, I'll buy it no matter what it's about.
Marvelous! Congratulations! Now what will you do with Dolores when deadline time comes around?
yay! congratulations ... can't wait until it comes out (do a book tour please ... and come to Nova Scotia!)
Ooh! Now you definitely have to let me interview you sometime.
~Knitter #258 (mom to #258 1/2) in CA
Love your blog - can't wait to get the book. I know it will be GREAT. Congrats from an avid (mostly lurking) fan.
I was sort of hoping for pregnant.
Son of Delores? Eeeeee.... Although daughter or litter would be scarier yet.
YAY! And everybody else took most of what I was going to say, so you can just reread their comments again. ;-) I can't wait to get my copy!
Well, that's just cool!
Judging by the response here, you'll be able to quit the wretched job soon!
Y'know, you might be able to fully complete the first 1,000 Knitters project and get well into a second, all at your very first book signing! But, first, you might have to buy a sheepdog in order to meet your deadlines.
Count me in on the pre-order
Congratulations! What kind of book...do tell!
I can hardly wait! Congratulations!
"I am not moving to San Francisco"
Well, that sucks. But totally big congrats on the book deal!
Very good news, INDEED!
Yay!! Can't wait.
Franklin, from you more than any other blogger, I am thrilled at the prospect at having something I can hold and open and read whenever I want, without having to wait for your next post.
Mazel tov!
Coming out (all over again ^_^) to say, "Hooray! Franklin's writing a book!" Although I do think Madam Harlot would have said "Eat my dust, eh, bitch!"
Congrats Franklin!
Are you illustrating it too? (I hope so)
How great! Will there be a coast-to-coast signing tour, too?
Will be waiting eagerly for the book release.
Congratulations! I'm looking forward to it.
A book? Wow, I can't wait :-) Congratulations!
And no matter what Delores says, she should NOT get the entire cover to herself.
When's the booktour? Is it going to be scheduled only based on the best yarn stores in the areas?
The Rockettes phoned (yes, they have my number, shut up).
They're going to sue for breach of contract. They say that a Ms. Van Hoofen, your business manager, signed on your behalf ...
Can I order 1 book now and please a signed copy!!!
I am sure it will be a toplistbook (for weeks on nr 1 I guess!!)
GREAT GREAT GREAT and I hope Dolores will appear in it too (or some of your other great drawings)
I was so excited to know this "in advance" since a little birdy told me while I was at the Knitters Review Retreat! Glad that neither the foreign legion nor pregnancy will drag you down. BRAVO. Can't wait!!
Wonderful news! I just knew I would read this post from you one day! Terrific, terrific!
congratulations! can I put it on next year's Christmas list now, do you think?
Awesome! Congratulations.
That is fantastic. I know you will do a great job.
Delurking to send my biggest congrats your way! Can't wait for your publishing date!
Whoo! Congratulations, Franklin!!
I can't wait to read it! Good luck with the writing part of things!
Very cool! I'm going to have to add it to my "To Buy" list! :D Congrats!
Sheep Mother of Yarn! That's so exciting.
I've been to Artfibers and had to ship a huge box home! I've even knitted up some of it :-)
I'm ready to pre-order your book, too! I'm glad a publisher recognizes your marketability. We readers already knew you were amazing!
I'm de-lurking to say that I am so happy for you! Congratulations!
Wow . . . congratulations! I'm guessing Dolores will be running the show in the book . . .
I stood up and cheered. I can't wait!
Oh Congrats, I can't wait!!!!
Hurrah and congrats on the book deal! (go, Interweave Press! )
Uh-oh. Does this mean you are *already* an initiate of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence?
We do expect and anticipate a book tour next year, O Please. Goodness, dear ImagiKnit might have to rent out the big room on the top floor of the LGBT (and Friends) Center...
Excellent News! Congratulations.
Rock the hell on!! Congratulations!!!!!
Dudes, I can't wait. Think you can get Delores to accompany you on the book tour? :)
Namaste from Joe, in Wyoming - Yippee!! I have been hoping you would write a book. I've been a huge fan for over a year and check your blog every time I get on the computer. Please put out a list of the signing tour stops so I can (hopefully) meet you in person at a stop in Colorado. (Or nearer.) Congratulations. I know it will be great reading.
Wonderful news! Congratulations!
I am so excited for you! Congratulations. I know it will be a big seller. I plan to buy it already!
You may not be pregnant with child, but you definitely are pregnant with words...or is it a book! :) Congratulations! Seems from the comments that the book/"child" will be an instant bestseller! Fare thee well.
Oh dear; I should be able to come up with something more articulate, but my command of the English language has temporarily legged it.
I cant wait to get my autographed copy!!!
:D :D :D :D :D
Couldn't've happened to a better guy. I'm so happy for you, Franklin.
(and I will ****definitely**** be buying that one, no question!)
Yay! Congratulations! As so many people have already noted, it's about damn time.
Congratulations Franklin! That's wonderful news!
SWWEEEETTTT!!! Congrats! Please give us more details as they develop. It will be on my wishlist on Amazon as soon as it's on the website! And you have to promise to come somewhere near Idaho for the booktour so I can meet Dolores and Harry!
*raises needles in salute*
So, it will be about photography, yes?
(Yeah, I like to pretend I'm funny.)
That is wonderful news!
Wow, Franklin. That's great news. But the fact that you are not pregnant is good news too!
Hey! Me too! How cool is that?! Congratulations!!!!!! Wooooooooo! :D
Holy Shit, Franklin. Congratulations! Can't wait. I hope it will include some of your humor, rather than strictly being 1,001 lace patterns. Only because I can't knit lace, of course.
I am so happy for you! I WLL be getting this as soon as it is off the press.
Congratulations! And Write On!
Did I say congratulations yet? I can't remember; it's been those sorts of days.
And I particularly liked the implications of your post label - Book One, eh? Nice!
I AM excited for you! All your wit and charm packaged in a book I can display in my house...or even sleep with under my pillow? Oh the possiblities....
Next autumn you say? This may be the earliest I've ever started my Christmas list ;-)
Congratulations! And about time!
I have just two words for you:
I. Can't. WAIT!
Oh. Ok, three words, I don't do math. Shut up.
That's just wonderful news, congratulations. Interweave, no less.
Better than pregnant, for sure.
So, does that mean you might be coming to Colorado at some point in the editorial process? Because I actually work at Interweave and I'd love to take you to lunch. Or on a tour of yarn shops. (I don't work in books, so your news is as much a happy surprise to me as everyone else reading your blog).
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