I don't write about it much, because frankly after 23 years (I started coming out at age 12) the novelty has worn off. I even forgot about National Coming Out Day until a straight lady reminded me of it.
So imagine my suprise at being listed among the "Readers' Favorite Blogs" in The Advocate, a gay and lesbian news magazine that's the community's equivalent of Newsweek. I'm not kidding. Here's a link.
This probably the closest I'll ever get to acceptance by the A-list gay community, so I want to make the most of it. David, who also made the list, says it doesn't entitle us to throw attitude at exclusive nightclubs. But maybe I can use it to wrangle a discount on the red underpants I saw in the window of Manifold that say DISCO BITCH across the butt.
Wow, I want some of those underwears and I'm just a b1tch (not gay.)
Congratulations on the recognition.
Okay. Enough already with the drop dead sexy portraiture please. You're killin' me. :o)
Congratulations. You deserve it.
Congratulations. I can definitely see why. You are completely comfortable in your own skin. You don't feel the need to prostelitize. You just are. Gay or straight, it doesn't matter. We should all be that comfortable with who we are.
Ugh. I meant "proselytize"
Hell, you're hot no matter what! ;-) Doesn't matter if you're gay or straight or whatever, you make the world a bit brighter!
The irony being that if you ever decide to change teams, one word on this blog and countless women would (hold on, I'm searching for the right and most polite metaphor) scoop you up like a chocolate dessert.
Okay, another hottie photo is just gratuitous. You had me at hello.
p.s. Congrats! No one deserves fame and accolades more than you.
You're the Tim Gunn of the knitbloggers. And thanks for humor in a time when we all need it.
Manifold should be paying you.
Dude. I seriously think you can go around now saying things like, "Don't you know who I am?" What's the point of being A-listed if you don't throw it in people's faces?
Oh yeah a little bit of attitude is in order. Congratulations!! And to think, I just might be rubbing elbows with you on Nov. 4 WOW!! BTW how big IS your site meter?? ;-)
Um,it doesn't matter. We can appreciate an attractive man! (that knits!)
Congrats on being on the list!
That rocks! Go you and your bad self.
If that's all it takes, I'm sure a bunch of us could take up a collection for the undergarments....
Mazel tov! It's well-deserved!
Fame in the Ghetto!
And a zhoozhey ghetto at that!
Our gay media here in Aus is a tad...more.."downmarket" shall we say?
Actually.."Low-brow" is more on the mark.
And I'd sooner flush my own head down the toilet than be mentioned in our local LOTL (lesbians on the loose).
If only we had a mag worthy of that kind of aspiration!
Congratulations. I'm not the least bit surprised. You deserve it. Your attractiveness, of course, is pansexual - even us lesbians appreciate you.
Congratulations. By some odd twist of cyberspace, I had yet to come across your blog until last week.
Now you're famous.
At least I can say I knew you when. Kinda.
Fantastic photo of you also!
Thank you for sharing your insight, humor and photos with the world.
No- you can't be gay, Franklin!! You don't have yr entire blog plastered with pink triangles & rainbow flags :-p
Deservedly so recognition & I *loved* those alumni stories. They may have attanded the uni, but they certainly didn't get an education.
Congrats on the mention, Franklin! I agree with what's said above, who cares about orientation, it's the person themself that's important, and you rock!
Hey, Franklin,
Congratulations! Do you get extra points for living with Delores?
Gay, straight or neutral, you are funny, cool, and a far better knitter than I will ever be.
Wow, Franklin! You rock! Um, er, would it be possible to get your autograph? Please? Pretty please, with the red pants?
And the rest of us love you because you are a talented smart-ass.
Congratulations. We like you. We really like you.
So, did Dolores take that picture? If not, I sort of expected to see her wooly little head peeking over your shoulder.
You rock, boy, and we all love ya.
Ha! You're famous, it looks good on you.
So am I the only one who isn't happy that you weren't the number 1 blog listed -- well other than your family that is-- don't they know the best out there?
Geeze -- They must have missed a post by Delores or something.
and nice picture :D
Well, congrats on the honor, but I've gotta say I'll be far happier when they finally make a list of the most grammatically correct blogs out there - and name you #1. I'm a loser, I know.
Congratulations! You deserve the recognition - you're blog is outstanding, and I've had several of my friends check it out, and they've become regular readers. Your blog is one of the best thing on the 'net. Thanks.
Congratulations, Franklin! And hurray for readers with taste who spread the word. May you get more readers who appreciate wicked smart and witty bloggers! Who just happen to knit, amongst all the other talents. ;)
and i'm sure you'd look so cute in htem too!
i hope like hell this comes out right. most of the blogs i have seen that happen to be pilotted by gay folk read something like this, "i like to knit, i'm gay, i enjoy chocolate, i'm gay, i love mylar, i'm gay." and i'm like DUDE or BITCH or wtf ever, we got it!!! i don't feel compelled to "i knit, i'm straight, i'm frigid, i'm straight" every time i blog. i enjoy reading a blog by a gay man that doesn't point out every other line that the author is gay. it's like non-stage makeup. less is more. i'm not saying i'm uncomfortable with it but unless it's like HomoAndHappy.blogspot.com or something, orientation shouldn't be the focus of every post. i said all that to say THANK YOU FRANKLIN, for being the only blog i check more often than postsecret. i lurrrrrrrve your blog!
and i forgot to ask in my last post, was tim gay?????
Wait a minute...you are gay? All of the good ones are gay...Thank G-d I already have a husband...I don'y feel so bad crossing you of the list.
That's one thing I love about reading your blog: your sexuality is assumed, a background feature; not a Topic of Interest.
Congrats! Being out as a knitter may have as great an impact than being out as a gay man. Either way, the recognition is well deserved.
Conga Rats
Gay, Fay or Hay who cares, you write a good blog. Please find Delores where ever she has hidden herself.
I have a feeling that you would be voted a favorite anywhere. I am really happy for your recognition, you have the best blog around.
Round up the sock yarn and party!
Two super hot pictures in one week, what is a straight girl to do? Why do all the great looking ones have to be gay?
Nice pic! And congrats! The world will be a much better place once I see the same for you in Newsweek while watching all the tightasses unbunch their red undies. All this and brains too baby!
You're an incredibly erudite man with interesting and funny things to say. You're handsome and possess a great eye for composition. Many congratulations. You are loved!!
I'm very happy for you, I posted my own little tribute over on my blog.
Congratulations! I'd be tryin' to wrangle a yarn-related discount!
Congrats...well earned!
Heather from OH
You deserve it! I don't post often but I love your blog! I love your humor, your drawings, your knitting, your intelligence and kindness. All of these things, including your orientation, make you who you are. And I'm with the others, gay or straight (I'm straight), your pictures make me swoon! You are gorgeous! ;)
Albeit late, congratulations!
Sorry darling, I was so busy running from my brunch with Marc Jacobs and heading to a private cocktail soiree with Anderson Cooper and Sam Champion that I didn't have a moment until now to click virtual glasses and say cheers.
*air kiss*
*air kiss*
That sweater is just the bees knees, where DID you find it? Or did you make it yourself, you darling craftsman, you.
Oh, must jet. The Bass-Lehmkuhls are expecting me for a late supper.
I just came home from a wedding where the photographer was nowhere near as debonair as you. Mind, I didn't check his panties. Congrats on the blog honour.
Congrats on the well-deserved recognition! It's always a pleasure to visit your section of the blogosphere.
You deserve all the accolades you are awarded, Franklin. Gay, straight or bi? Being a "well aged" person I really don't care what you are other than kind, capable of self expression, possessed of a sense of honor and humor and at least a tad creative; you seem to be over the top in all the important catagories. Thank you for sharing yourself with us.
congrats to a deserving guy!
I have started reading david's blog because of you.
I now "know" someone famous.....
anne marie in philly
PS - hot pix (said panting)
Congrats, Franklin. Not only are you HAWT, but your POV is delightful, you write wonderfully, your cartoons are hilarous, you have a sweet soul (Dulann! Wish I was in Chicago!), AND your gay peers like you!
I read you and joe.my.god regularly. Better add a "friend of QueerKnit" flag to my blog, huh?
Congrats! It's a wonderful blog.
you are beautiful. In and out.
thanks for sharing.
GASP! Wait a mintue! You, you, you're gay? I know you mentioned you were gay, and you certainly seemed to be enthusiastically happy about your knitting. I just thought you were merry and bright. (thud) (speaking from the floor) I am stunned. _stunned_ You're GAY?? (stumbling over to fainting couch)(gently placing back of hand to forehead) Oh. Dear. How was a person to know?
Congratulations, Franklin! It sure took those people a long time to recognize what we all knew already. Besides being a great knitter, you're kind, intelligent, funny, and, since you have Dolores, you have the patience of Job. The world is a better place with you in it.
If this is a double post, forgive, pls.
To any publishers reading this: I would buy a book by Franklin. I would buy gift copies for my friends. Just sayin'.
Yep, it's that sweater that's the giveaway.
Congratulations, handsome! However, you've been our favorite read for quite some time now...
The word is out--can the web contain the accolades?
Came for the knitting, stayed for all you are...
Jude in obscureknitty
Fabulous! You are SO A-list!
I am shocked - shocked, I tell you! To think that you would admit such a thing. In public. If front of all these people. The whole entire world didn't need to know that you're 35.
Oh my God - I never knew!
Still, why should you get to wear the bitchy pants in the family?
Congratulations! You're so talented, eloquent, funny, and intelligent, of course, it's well-deserved!
So you're on advocate.com? Big deal! I'm waiting for the layout in Drummer. At least I know now what to get your Christmas...
And ladies, I've seen him in person and he is way hotter than mere pixels can convey.
Congrats on the recognition, you wholly deserve it, gay or straight. You are one helluva handsome man, as well.
And about the Disco Bitch undies; why don't you just wash Dolores' in some Eucalan and borrow hers? Then again, Lord knows where they've been...
You could, ummm, knit the underwear and sell it . . . it seems like everyone wants a pair . . . you could make a killing.
Mazel tov, Franklin! BTW, we enjoyed your charming bingo cards all weekend.
You are too cute.
Oh No I never knew ;-)
Well I guess that ruins my dream of ever dating you. I had visions of being at a yarn shindig of some sort, (music of Hymne a L'Amour playing in the background) we both turn at the same time, our eyes meet, we cannot look away. We slowly move towards each other, our eyes never wavering, our lips quivering. ;-) Okay I'll settle for just meeting you one of these days.
Congrats Franklin! For this reader, you're a must read (and see ... so talented). Now the Advocate knows what all of us have known for a long time.
"I don't write about it much, because frankly after 23 years (I started coming out at age 12) the novelty has worn off,"
...You're right! I only counted about twenty references to your sexuality in the average post. Once in a while, you also make a passing reference to knitting which is nice.
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