Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Rick Takes It on the Chin

That's it. I am ending this now, because I am in my heart a humanitarian.

The result of yesterday's first-ever Panopticon Challenge, Lily Chin vs. Rick Mondragon in bare-knuckle boxing, ended thus:
  • Lily: 80% (240)
  • Rick: 11% (31)

While the Medic Sheep look after the loser, and the victor writes a press release and arranges for another appearance on David Letterman, I'm considering the next bout. Apparently the taste for blood is widespread around here, and I aim to please.

O Sainte MĂ©daille

I would like to thank everybody who took the time to write nice things about the Knitting Olympics Gold Medal. I had fun putting it together.

Since I finished my project, I guess I should display it, eh? VoilĂ .

There was a question about whether the medal can be adapted to have a black background. By all means - have fun with it. You earned it.

I've also had two other comments about the medal by e-mail which I'll have to answer later on, as they deserve special treatment.


Cheryl:) said...

yes this is a beautiful are very talented.

I finally figured out what they did with all the stupid aol disks that come in the mail every week...they made olympic medals out of them!!!

Aidan said...

A superb job, as usualy, dear Yonkele. The medal is really creative, well executed, and manages to incorporate a touch of your wit. I especially like the homage to anchient Greece...using a discus thrower and ball of yarn was brilliant. It must have taken hours to do...I, for one, can't thank you enough. Next SinB, your TeaTini or Harvey Teabanger is on me.

Yvonne said...

I'm agreeing with Zooks. I think it's gorgeous.

Lanea said...

Thank you so much for making the medal. It's wonderful.

--Deb said...

I agree--the medal is just stunning. You did a great job, and I'm proud to display it.

Elemmaciltur said...

It's great and lovely medal nevertheless!

Aidan said...


Anonymous said...

I do hope that the 2 emails you're referring to are the kind that deserve 'how thoughtful these people are to have taken the time to write this lovely note' special treatment, and not the 'how sorry it is these people have such miserable little lives they need to spear others to make themselves feel better' kind.

Sadly, I didn't earn the right to display the striking gold medal of success, still having 40ish percent of my project left, but I think it's great. Very classy.

dpaste said...

I almost wish I knitted. Almost.

Rana said...

I love the medal.

It makes me wish I'd finished on time! I'd be very proud to display it alongside the pictures of my (now) finished project.

Anonymous said...

I love my medal. I posted my medal. It's stayin' for a looong time. Thank you most kindly :-)

Anonymous said...

I love the medal!

Anonymous said...

Hi Franklin- Since you didn;t seem to mind a little tweaking of the medal. I took a small liberty for all of us runners up. Please visit and see if you like!

Laura said...

I absolutely love the medal! It's so wonderful that I almost wish that I'd competed. But then, I still wouldn't have earned the right to display it on my site, so I guess that's just as well. LOL Great medal, Franklin. :-)

Anonymous said...


Liz said...

The medal is breathtaking, Franklin. Much more beautiful than I'd imagined, even! Thank you for making it.

Kathleen said...

Hi, I wasn't part of the Knitting Olympics but I think your medal is great. I would never know where to begin to design something like that. Looks ideal.

The socklady said...

Probably the ones that complained the loudest didn't win the gold.

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