Thursday, December 11, 2014

Me, Elsewhere: Lion Brand Blog and Knitty, Winter 2014

I don't know if I've mentioned here before that I produce a monthly illustrated essay for none other than Lion Brand Yarns. Have I mentioned that? Well, now I've mentioned that.

The December edition is newly up, and the topic is what to do when you're a knitter who doesn't feel like knitting. It's also about what to do when you're a weaver who doesn't want to weave, a crocheter who can't be bothered to pick up a hook, a tatter who is shuttle-weary, etc.

And right on schedule, it's the Winter 2014 Knitty. My "Stitches in Time" column for this edition offers for your consideration an 1880s pattern for a pair of gloves, along with thoughts on why knitting gloves is not difficult, and why you should. Also: thoughts on mid-Victorian knitted faux-ermine muffs, and why I won't.


Ethel News

Sewing on Ethel's dress continues apace. The bodice is now complete except for the high collar, the hook-and-eye closures at the back, and of course the lace trim.


I haven't settled on tatting or knitting yet for the lace. There was a comment (I believe in jest) in the comments for the last entry that I do it in crochet...unless I subscribe to the notion that crochet is inherently ignoble. 

For those of you who appear not to have caught the tone of that commenter's comment, I want to be perfectly clear that I do not hold any such ideas about crochet. In fact I am publicly on record in many places (including one of my own columns) as saying that I find the modern custom of keeping knitting and crochet in separate, armed camps is stupid. Neither do I believe one is superior to the other.

The lace won't be crocheted because at present I haven't got the chops to do it well at the required gauge. I'm learning, but I'm not up to crochet with thread just yet. The kind offers to do it for me are much appreciated; but to paraphrase Hotspur in Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part I, she's my dolly and I'm a grown man and I have to do the work.

Travel Knitting

I'm about to go on the trip that is, remarkably, not for work. I won't have Internet access for any of it, so this is the last entry until just before Christmas. The important packing is complete, which is to say I know which needlework is coming along. I'm particularly excited about what's going to happen to this...


It's Shibui Staccato (merino and silk fingering weight) in Blueprint and I would sit here and stare at it all afternoon if Ethel were not reminding me that she expects a skirt sooner rather than later.

See you in a few weeks, kids. Be good.


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Alice said...

Your reference to Hotspur in Henry IV is just one of the endless reasons I love reading your writing. XD

Beverley said...

I've knitted many, many pairs of gloves. People always are amazed. They aren't hard, just fiddlely. And small and fast.

Becky said...

I have a question about an old pattern of yours: the Iceland Sky knitted shawl. In April, 2012, you blogged about it, showed pictures, and said you had sent the pattern to the editor. But I can't find any other mention of it or any place to buy the pattern. Is it available??

Elizabeth said...

I laughed aloud at the waist-shaping for guinea pigs, and both columns were delightful. Ethel's bodice is very becoming (I'm impressed by the fit), and now I only wish you would post here a bit more often. :-) Reading your blog is always a pleasure; thanks for sharing.

Diatryma said...

There's a doll like Ethel at the local Mennonite thrift store. I am so tempted and then I remember that I am not you.

Louisa said...

I knit gloves all the time - spurred on by the fact that I have teensy hands and regular ladies gloves don't fit me. Also I don't much like mittens. Gloves aren't hard at all! Just a bit fiddly with all those beginnings and endings. Yours are very handsome, Franklin!

Ken said...

Shibui yarns are amazing! Thanks for providing a picture. I'm off to my LYS to get some tomorrow!

Ethel is coming along quite nicely.

GinaF said...

Have fun. Very pretty yarn!

Overstap said...

Those Gloves are stunning.
Esp. the great colour!
Will try to find a substitute for the yarn.
But Hell: needle 2
Love, Jan

Jane S. said...

I finally figured out who Ethel reminds me of. She looks a bit like Angela Lansbury. :)

I've always been scared to try gloves, which is silly since I love doing socks and mittens. Yours are really great though, and I think I see some gloves in my future!

Anonymous said...

Sir, I am not certain I can be good. Therefore I will be careful. Is that an acceptable substitute?

Have a GREAT trip!

kmkat said...

Shibui yarns are to die for. I am on the last 10" section of Multigrain, a Shibui pattern for Pebble, Cima, and Silk Cloud. If 80" of seed stitch were not so deadly I would happily knit on this thing for another six months just to feel the yarn.

=Tamar said...

"If you can't be good, be careful. And if you can't be careful, try to keep it under 45 verses, tops, okay?" - Frank Hayes, in his (c) song "Lamb to the Slaughter", the short-form version of Matty Groves.

tritne said...

How about some Bobbin Lace, for the collar and such? Hope to see you around Madison sometime .

tritne said...

How about some Bobbin Lace, for the collar and such? Hope to see you around Madison sometime .

cantonlace said...

very cute!!

Anonymous said...

I am a bit late reading the blog concerning Ethel. But the timing could not be better for me.
Presently, I am dealing with 2 of my childhood dolls--well, really just one and a recent newcomer of the same vintage--complaining about their wardrobes. They--Long Tall Sally and Cousin Carrie--are upset because they are still clad in their Halloween/Fall outfits. I personally think their pumpkin hats are adorable but they are saying the style for this season is the Santa hat.
I have the flannel fabric and most of the pattern pieces--which were drafted a few years ago because these dolls are not the size of the popular 18 inch dolls--for some comfy soft pajamas. And the buttons are laid out. But, my desire to begin the cutting of fabric, pinning and sewing has not been strong enough to actually begin the process.
Long Tall Sally--who refers to herself as L.T. Sally--is becoming more and more discontent as she pointed out to me just last night there is only one week until Christmas and she would hate to greet Santa in her Halloween costume.
Before you ask, the dolls and I have strong communication skills with one another. I totally get the effect of Ethel's facial gesture.

Anonymous said...

Ethel certainly has the side-eye down pat, doesn't she?

Unknown said...

Love the glove pattern...

However, the stitch counts after wrong after rnd 25.
If we follow your instructions exactly there are only 33 stitches on needle 1 and 16 of them are for the thumb gore. I can count only only 15 m1's in the gore pattern, that plus the original 18 stitches is only 33.
In my construction i've assumed a missing m1 on row 22 to bring thumb gore to 17 but that still only leaves needle 1 with 34 stitches.

Now that i've figured all this out i can make a couple of minor adjustments so the rest of the pattern will work, I thought i'd send through my notes so far in case you wanted to fix it up.

I have a bit of an ocd problem when it comes to numbers and patterns and am doing my best to make use of it and get a job as a knit/crochet tech editor.

cara cepat membakar lemak said...

very good article . .

Bri said...

Ethel! You dyed your hair and sat for portraiture for Dec. 14th of Clark Griswold's Advent Calendar! (~12 minutes in if you don't want to watch the whole thing.)

Franklin said...

Thanks for the input, Luke. I've sent your comment over to Knitty tech edit. A few folks have already knit through the pair without incident, but if there's an error Knitty will post the corrections asap. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

I tried to link to your glove pattern on ravelry, no dice. so I left a comment for the editors and saw your comment. Nice to bump into you again even virtually. Thanks for the pattern. mine will be in Fortissima socka in a lovely sky blue. granjudy

Janet McKee said...

Looking forward to your return.

Janet McKee said...

Looking forward to your return.

Anonymous said...

Kondiloma akuminatum ialah vegetasi oleh Human Papiloma Virus tipe tertentu, bertangkai, dan permukaannya berjonjot. Tipe HPV tertentu mempunyai potensi onkogenik yang tinggi, yaitu tipe 16 dan 18. tipe ini merupakan jenis virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada kanker serviks. Sedangkan tipe 6 dan 11 lebih sering dijumpai pada kondiloma akuminatum dan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks derajat ringan.

Notme said...

I'm also enjoying the glove pattern, but like Luke I am having trouble making the numbers work. The current pattern as of January 8 is CO 56 knit 25 rounds including 15 increases = total 73. Now my calculator says that 56 + 15 = 71.

In more detail looking only at Ndl 1 we start with CO 18. We divide into 2 marker 1 marker 15. We then add 15 M1 between the markers and are supposed to end up with 2 marker 17 marker 16.

Given that all the instructions include "; p1, [k1, p1] to end of rnd." My guess is that there is a missing M1 on Rnd 22 before the second slip marker and a missing M2 after the second slip marker on 25.

Here's hoping the knitty tech editors post an update in the next hour before I need to finish rnd 25.

Charlene said...


Want to chat with you about German and Eastern European lace knitting.

Please email me.

Unknown said...

i like to read your writing, all your post have quality, thanks


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Caroline (UK) said...

I like these, they are similar to the hat I knitted for my brother's partner. but what does "Pu" mean in the pattern on Knitty? This is not explained in the pattern notes in the top. Maybe I'm missing something that is obvious?

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By the way, you might be wanting to remove the comments from Robi Erwansiyah and Obatwasir Alami. don't you check out non-English comments to see what they say? They are adverts for/links to STD "remedy" websites and extremely explicit!! Not what people are wanting to be reading here I am sure!

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