If Meghan Trainor's bouncy ode to the curvaceous posterior, "All About That Bass",
can spawn a Star Wars version, a high school literacy version, and a forties jazz version, et al., I see no reason why we knitters should not have a version of our own.
can spawn a Star Wars version, a high school literacy version, and a forties jazz version, et al., I see no reason why we knitters should not have a version of our own.
I sing like a screech owl and haven't got the time to make a video (perhaps the Mason-Dixon ladies will oblige?), but here's my contribution to the boom boom on the dance floor.
Because you know
I’m all about that lace, 'bout that lace,
No cables.
I’m all about that lace, 'bout that lace,
No cables.
I’m all about that lace, 'bout that lace,
No cables.
I’m all about that lace,
'Bout that lace, lace, lace.
Yeah, it’s pretty clear
I need a size 2.
'Cause I been swatching, swatching,
Like I’m supposed to do.
'Cause I know what you need to make it all lace–
All the right holes in all the right places.
The knitting magazines down at the local shop,
You want a pretty shawl? They got a bumper crop.
Yarn over, knit together, and never stop
'Til every inch of it
is perfect
From the bottom to the top.
You know my mama she told me don’t worry about the size,
She said a shawl can be tiny or cover you to the thighs.
You know I won’t knit your sweater for Christmas like
Santa’s elf.
So if that’s what you want you can knit it your own damn
Because you know
I’m all about that lace, 'bout that lace,
No cables.
I’m all about that lace, 'bout that lace,
No cables.
I’m all about that lace, 'bout that lace,
No cables.
I’m using silk and yak,
I like the way my little needles clack,
I maybe wish I hadn’t chosen black–
But I won’t give up
'Til every inch of it is perfect
From the bottom to the top.
You know my mama she told me don’t worry about the size,
She said a shawl can be tiny or cover you to the thighs.
You know I won’t knit your sweater for Christmas like
Santa’s elf.
So if that’s what you want you can knit it your own damn
Because you know
I’m all about that lace, 'bout that lace,
No cables.
I’m all about that lace, 'bout that lace,
No cables.
I’m all about that lace, 'bout that lace,
No cables.
I’m all about that lace, 'bout that lace,
No cables.
I’m all about that lace,
'Bout that lace.
Hey, hey, ohh.
You know you like this lace.
1 – 200 of 291 Newer› Newest»Just as catchy as the original, if not more so. ;)
You are awesome.
Thanks for something worth humming...er...
Let's pit women against each other over their appearance and base their worth on their attractiveness to men. Oh, in the lyrics she says she's just kidding, ha ha. But then she says boys like more to hold on to. That's a pretty definitive statement that purposely excludes a subset of women. It's too bad that such a misogynistic song is so catchy.
I love this so much.
Just as I got that bloody ear worm out of my head ... Damn fine parody!
Hahaha- thank you for a good Sunday morning laugh :)
You've really worked hard on this!
Love it!
So much better than the original :-) and yes I am another lace addict
lol! Everyone has a version...lol!
This was mine :http://prettyknittyjewelry.blogspot.com/2014/10/all-about-babies
That is hilarious! Because, for me, it really is all about that lace.
This. Is Hilarious.
where is your video?
Bravo. This would make for a perfect Flash Mob at a knitting event.
Oh, Franklin, I do love you! You are such scamp.
LOVE it!
Another example of why I love you.
Let's make a video! Now I will sing your version _every_ time I hear it. Brilliant!
This is truly awesome! Better than anything else I've come across lately, the original included.
Thank you...i'd never seen the original version....Are we doing kickstarter to fund the lace version or starting a White House petition?
Awesome. Just abso-friggin'-lutely awesome.
I love it. :)
(And to the negative anonymous commenter ... aren't the negative-but-catchy songs the ones we should WANT to rewrite? I'd much rather have knitting lyrics stuck in my head than misogynistic ones! :) )
I'm pretty sure I've been giggling. Husband is giving me the side eye.
What a hoot !! Thanks for the giggle
Thank you!
Oh I love it!
Omg, i love it franklin! wish we could get someone to put it together, I'd play it at work (LYS)
Just sang your version to my family, we love it!
Finally singing the song of our people :)
Nothing short of brilliant. Thanks for this.
I just sang this to my son!! I thought it was awesome sauce. I prefer your your lyrics Franklin!!
My 12 year old knitting daughter and I have been singing your version all day.
For a parody that exceeds the original, this is on a par with Weird Al Yankovich's "Word Crimes". We love you so much!!!!
photoknitgal - you are so right! Please, someone organise this at the next Stitches? And post incriminating videos? (says she hiding on the other side of the world)
Awesome! Because when I'm not knitting lace, I'm all about the socks...
I for one am glad you were distracted! This was the highlight of my day!
This feels like it was written for me!
Haha! Clever, too!
That just made me snort in the most unbecoming fashion. :) Hilarious!
Dear Franklin,
You are a lyrical genius and I think you're just super. That is all.
Some of us did a version called "You gotta check that gauge" for our fall retreat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frjYaZYaE9A
Oh, good lord, this will be stuck in my head forever.
Thanks, that is hilarious.
I have been known to wander around my house mumbling, "I'm all about the cats, 'bout the cats, no doggies..."
I LOVE this! Thanks for creating a version just for us knitters. - Joe-in Wyoming
Poetry. Sheer lacy poetry. U rock. The end.
What a hoot! Thanks for making me snort!
I LOVE IT!! A few years ago, I came up with alternate words to Robert Palmer's "Addicted to Love", here's a sample:
I see the charts, but I don't read
I'm kntting at a different speed
My needles click double-time
Another stitch, the sweater's mine! Allll Mine!!
I can't be saved
A finished sweater is all I crave
Stay up late, of course I do
To finish this, all for you
You might as well face it,
You're addicted to Fuzz.
You get the idea. And of course, the video would be the gorgeous Mr. Palmer signing, but with knitters in the background instead of the band made of models.
Thanks for the laugh!
That was awesome. I love parody.
I love it!
You've done it again, made me spray my beverage all ovah the keyboard. I haven't even seen the original, but I still get it. This will be an earworm for the next three days, thanks.
Yes please. Do this!
I LOVE this! Thanks for posting it - you made my Friday ROCK!
Love it
Love it
Working this up on the uke this weekend to play at the SnB next week. Thank you for the inspiration!
You crack me up!
Made me cry with laughter. The dogs just came over to check I was ok...
What's up with the cable bashing? The knitting world is big enough for lace AND cables, come on now... #skinnybashing #cablebashing
That is fabulous. I may be singing it for every knitter I know over the weekend :)
I love it so much, thanks.
This is awesome! thanks :)
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So Awesome! My husband liked your lyrics, too, and chuckled as I sang them to him.
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I think you misunderstand the message of the song. All women: skinny women who think they are fat, and plump women, are perfect, every inch from the bottom to the top. The point is to not be judged by your appearance, and its OK to not be magazine perfect, which no one is.
I think you misunderstand the message of the song. All women: skinny women who think they are fat, and plump women, are perfect, every inch from the bottom to the top. The point is to not be judged by your appearance, and its OK to not be magazine perfect, which no one is.
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