I cast on in November 2008 at O'Hare Airport, waiting for a flight to London. I knit it in the air, I knit it (just a little bit) in England, I knit it on the sea voyage home. It went to Maine, Montana, Florida. It had layovers in New York and Minnesota. It has been on the subway and the bus, to restaurants and bars, to hotels, to the gym, to the library, to the homes of friends. It has been worked in moments of great happiness, of quiet reflection, of depression and frustration. It has been cooed over and it has been sworn at. (Mostly sworn at.)
I knit it specifically to show students who take my Introduction to Lace class what they'll be able to do with basic skills. It isn't a complicated project, really–just an endurance test.
Not that I didn't learn stuff. It's a rare and sad project that teaches you nothing new, right?
My great eureka moment came at (you should forgive the expression) the tail end, during the weaving-in. I remembered from Sharon Miller's Heirloom Knitting
I knit this stole to show the students in my Introduction to Lace classes what they'll be able to do with their basic skills. I didn't have any large-scale inspirational pieces to hand since all my previous ventures in lace have been given away. (It's hard, sometimes, being a boy.)
The pattern is clear, it's free, and provided you take care at the transition points (i.e., picking up stitches for the border and grafting the ends of the edging) success is well within a beginner's grasp.
And it's so pretty. I am totally wearing this the next time I go to a monster truck rally.
Shout Out
I was invited to knit last night with a group of librarians from the Music Library Association (they're in town for a conference) and had a marvelous time. Thanks, y'all–especially Lisa, Laura Gayle and Cheryl. (I told them to check out Loopy's Knit Night tonight. Wish I could be there.)
Another Shout Out
To everybody who left encouraging comments for the creators of Redress. They've read them, they appreciate them, and they've promised to keep us posted about future incarnations. Thank you!
The Knitter Who Came in from the Cold
All systems go for this weekend's events in North Carolina. The photography class on Sunday morning is full, and a nice crowd has already signed up for the talk/reception on Saturday evening. (If you're interested in hearing my squeaky voice, more information is here).
A very nice North Carolinian wrote to warn me that the weather there is nippy and to bring sweaters. Honey, we in Chicago would sell our grandmothers for a day or two of "nippy." We rejoice in "nippy." We run naked in the garden when it's "nippy." I'm sitting here looking out the window at sheets of ice the size of Madison Square Garden bobbing on the lake. Still, you are kind to worry about my comfort, and I promise to reciprocate with a weather advisory should you ever visit our fair city in winter. (Our version of your "nippy" is "bone-crushing.")
Your Print O' is beautiful! Where are the deets though? Yarn, needles, length, width. Inquiring minds want to know. I checked your Ravelry page and there's nothing there either. I made one in sea silk in 2006/2007 - http://www.ravelry.com/projects/hifidi/print-o-the-wave-stole
Ooohhh... Wow, your stole is gorgeous!
I'd never heard that, about weaving in ends while lace is blocking, but for fine gauge stuff, it totally makes sense. I'm going to have to remember that in case I ever finish any of the lace projects I've started... :-p
I removed my previous comment because I got a little carried away.
I cannot wait to see the stole in person. the thought of it makes me shiver with antici...........pation.
The stole is beautiful. I think you might consider making a lacy shawl for your winter comfort out of something that's fingering or dk weight - I have a male friend that sports one at home on chilly nights in.
Your stole is sooo lovely! Very monster truck appropriate :). I am about to finish my first shawl and was thinking about weaving in the ends. Your tip about doing it while blocking makes so much sense! Thank you for sharing it!
Franklin, I think it is just wonderful that you knit an inspirational piece for beginning lace knitters. I think for pretty much everything, people are really insecure. Showing them this piece is going to give them confidence (hopefully) to dive right into the wild world of lace knitting.
I should know this but I don't...is 1000 knitters project complete?
Forgive me if i ask the obvious. I just don't know.
Yeah yeah yeah, that stole is OK if you like that sort of lofty, lacy, angelic, red kind of thing.
Just beautiful...and inspirational. And the photography is lovely. Of course and as usual :-).
Very pretty! It looks like Valentine hearts to me.
Forget about being a boy. Drape this sucker on a table and enjoy it as a tablecloth or runner, or put it on the back of your black sofa for a dramatic look.
If that doesn't work, you can always send it to me. Luckily I am a girl....
Jane, waving like mad from Chilly Hollow
Beautiful Stole!
You're making me homesick--I'm originally from NC and now living in Baltimore; I was just thinking this afternoon I could use a bit of Southern hospitality and weather that only called for a sweater!
Enjoy your trip; wish I could be there!
I think you should keep this one forever. A boy deserves to have a bit of lace, too. And, bravo on unventing a technique a la EZ.
Stunning! Breathtaking! Oh that scarlet red had me at hello! What a beautiful piece!!! I wouldn't mind wearing it for you. And red is my favorite color. Albany, NY right about now is almost as cold as Chicago and today just about as windy.
Spectacular. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Every other superlative you can come up with. Yowsa!
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for sharing the stole with us. I would never have believed it was a beginner project. You have inspired me to attempt a large lace piece.
I am so sitting next to you at the Monster Truck Rally and I promise not to knock over your beer or your spit cup on the shawl.
You do need a webcam to share your Habanera. Just be sure to clean it after Dolores is done with it.
It's lovely, and the color is ravishing.
Gorgeous lace, lovely color.
Absolutely gorgeous!!
Thank you for the finishing tip! A most beautiful stole.
Your stole is beautiful. I knit the same pattern for my first big lace project and it was very easy. I love wearing mine but mostly I keep it draped over my stash. I'm sure you can find a use for yours. Thanks for the tip on weaving in the ends.
Its truly AWESOME..how awesome....ok...its awesome. Beautifully done. Pat your self on the back and have some wine...and be proud. I'm just learning how to lace knit and I don't think I will do this well...
Oh Franklin, Franklin! How do I love thee? Let me count the ways! I adore you and your blog and sweet Tom with his cute little ears. I just can't get enough of reading you. I guess I'm just a hag! This shawl is to die for. I think it would look wonderful over a plaid flannel shirt, don't you?!?! But please, please take it off before you start flicking food out from between your teeth at the Monster Truck rally with the matchbook.
Yours in yarn,
The shawl is gorgeous. I started my first one, and it's your fault. I've been looking at your lace projects, at Stephanie's shawls and finally decided it won't hurt for me to try!
I would like to know when you're wearing it to the monster truck thingy. I would love to be there ;-) I will drive all they way from 'nippy' old Montreal to witness that!
Lovely stole. That pattern was my first "big" lace project--for my wedding. It is perfect for your class.
A lovely stole. I hope the introduction to lace students are suitably inspired. I also got a kick out of North Carolinians warning about the cold. Hmmm. (though yesterday Obama made a joke about coming back to Ottawa in May next time; as if he isn't from Chicago or something; it wasn't even cold. Up around 32F.)
Dear Franklin:
OK. Define Beginner. Like: Beginner that Only Knows How to Make Scarves and Nothing Else?
Beginner like: Got the Knit and Pearl Thing Down and Ready to Try New Things Beginner?
Or should I try something else first. Would lace make me set my hair on fire if I try making it too soon?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Too bad it wasn't finished before you were at Threadbear. Would have loved to see it in person. It's absolutely beyootiful!!!
I always knew you were un enfant de Bohème.
why must you tempt me with such things! I may have to make one!
terrific work!
Stole to be worn at monster truck rally had me LOL.
Bravo!! the shawl is lovely!!
Don't DO that to me! I thought sure it was going to be a tragic case of "stolen before it could be worn or given away". What a relief to learn that it was no such thing. Have a good time at the truck rally. Tip: it's hard to match reds, so wear it with a blue truck.
Oh wow - that's beautiful. You may have to put a security tag on it because I know if I got my hands on it in a class, I would be sorely tempted to take it home with me. Accidentally, of course.
It's beautiful Franklin but to be honest, I can't picture you cooing over anything. Swearing yes.
You will look fab at the next monster truck rally.
Ya know, I work Monster Truck rallys on a regular basis.....And I knit during them.....
North Carolina weather can get weird. I was there over Xmas break one year, and it was threatening to snow when my plane was landing. A week later I was sitting outside Whole Foods wearing jeans and a t-shirt in the sunshine. I hope you enjoy it! Chapel Hill is nice, but I hope you get to swing by Raleigh, too!
Gorgeous stole, great photos. I would like to know which yarn you used and what needles, please.
Beautiful Stole!!! I love the color.
This is truly exquisite! Something we all can aspire to, beginner or expert alike.
Aren't you the guy who wrote a book with a comic telling us to leave our gender stereotypes behind?
You could so rock that stole! :D
Your stole is beautiful. - and the weather in Denmark is nothing to write about - cold - foggy - wet. 2 to 3 month to springtime:-)
Gitte from Denmark
Franklin, your stole is gorgeous. And once you are done with the Monster Truck tour, you can sport it at any Nebraska Husker event. You know, Go Big Red...and all.
Thanks for the knitting inspiration.
Simply gorgeous!!
I will have to check your Rav page for the yarn!
LOL @ nippy - you are so right!!
Hey I was born and raised in Racine, WI (next door to you) and now live here in Charlotte, NC (for 16 years now) and it's nippy to us here at 42 degrees Hahaha!
When you make it here please throw me some Garrett's! Please and thank you! ;op
Love the lace, love the color, love the photos.
But that's not why I'm commenting.
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed "It Itches", which I just received. It's funny!
Diane, a panopticon fan
lace is a quiet thing for me. can't concentrate when around other people, drop stitches, no lifeline...
your stole is LOVELY!! it's almost enticing enough to make me want to attempt lace again...almost. :)
fantastic RED lace. i thought i was the only one.
marie in florida
Monster truck rally? You are adorable.
Beautiful knitting, Franklin. A classy piece of work in a classic pattern. That's a great tip for weaving in ends. Lace CAN be such a pain when it comes to tending to ends that any little bit of advice helps. Have fun in NC. Joe-in Wyoming
There are times when I really suffer for the want of a wolf whistle to add to these comments.
That's what the stole deserves.
What a beautiful piece of knitting. Personally I hear the first part of Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade, but that's just me.
And for the NC folks, here is a webcam looking from Lake Michigan towards Chicago:
They have Knit night in Baseball, what a GREAT idea to have knit night at the Monster Truck Rally? I love the shawl, going to look up the yarn you used. Lovely.
Stunning in red. I agree with all prior comments, but to echo a few:
- yarn used?
- seam or no seam?
- thanks for the finishing tip!
I have had this in my queue for a while but was debating between using a laceweight or fingering weight yarn (preferred). You have inspired me to take the plunge.
Very nice work, Franklin. I hope to see it in person some day so do not put it away.
It's so fun talking with beginner knitters and how impressed they are by lace. "I can't do that!" Sure you can. It's all about two stitch types and how they're placed. There's nothing so wonderful to find a pattern that's only 4 lines of pattern that makes people just drop to their knees and call you amazing.
My confirmation word is bredagua. I think that's the country I'm from, where people are well spoken and loafshaped.
"It's hard, sometimes, being a boy."
You're so cute.
FRanklin, You're getting to be a Habit (evil grin!)
. Prolly not the first person to do that to you, ner the last. . . the red would go wonderfully with a monster truck. Maybe even with the driver thereof. One never knows! The Sock-Shaped State strikes again. . . ==Marjorie
I love the stole - add my name to the list of those enchanted with the red.
Hey, look - if the monster truck rally doesn't work out, how about a biker bar?
Margie inMaryland
absolutely beautiful!
Franklin, You might be surprised by that "nippy" weather in N. Carolina. Those warm weather climates can be tricky. I am from MN and know bone-crushing. We have it here most every day in the winter, but I was surprised at how cold I was last winter when I visited my sister in Southern California. I think it is that people in the Midwest do cold well. We dress for it, we do a good job at insulating/heating our houses to keep out the cold. Prepare for nippy. Pack that sweater - in fact, take a Chicago jacket.
The stole is perfectly luscious! Especially in person! So enjoyed meeting you at Yarns, Etc. in NC Saturday. Love "It Itches" and can't wait for the next one and the one after that and the one after that...........
Thank-you for coming to North Carolina, I had a blast attending the signing and I feel that your shawl is a piece of art.
The stole is breathtaking in person (even though I am not generally a fan of red and the color did not match your sweater), especially when worn over the head of a wonderfully creative bald gay Buddhist man looking for all the world like a still from a movie about a sweet young thing finally achieving her life's ambition of becoming a nun that was made in an alternate universe during a time when innocence was neither snarky nor societally imposed as a power trip.
There may be people more creative, encouraging, genuine, and *charming* than you, but I have never met them.
And your stock went up 50% when you referred to David Sedaris. You have always been filed right next to him in my brain. That explains a lot about my thinking. : }
Thanks for visiting NC!
Gorgeous, gorgeous shawl. You're absolutely right about them often being more feats of endurance than of difficulty. And I feel vindicated cause I always weave in ends in lace after the shawl is dry - they don't pull out as easily and it's much easier to see the best places to hide them, but other lace knitters thought it wasn't somehow kosher to do that.
thanks for the tip on weaving in ends for lace knitting. i am never quite certain how to do that part. it terrifies me.
Oh my Gawd! Stunning! I have been back to see it 5 times!
I really want to see you in it at a truck rally, snort giggle.
Franklin, it is gourgous. What Yarn did you use?
Beautiful stole! Perfect for a monster truck rally. ;)
It was lovely meeting you last week. Thanks again for spending some time with us crazy music librarians! Hope to see you in NYC next month.
Carmencito, c'ect toi! (Excuse the familiarity.)
Why knit it in a color so flattering to you if you're not going to give it a home?
Seriously, keep it. It would be stunning over a solid cloth for a formal table setting, or draped over a sofa (as you've no felines to play tag with it...mind, I don't even want to think about what Dolores might do, if she gets into the bourbon again, but sometimes taking a chance is the only way to go).
I've never been to a truck rally but if you're going to be there in your lovely shawl....seriously, the shawl is stunning. I have lacelexia so I appreciate fine art.
Here's to Bone-Crushing cold! What I wouldn't give for a few "nippy" days in Duluth.
the Print'o the wave stole totally kicked my arse. and I consider myself a pretty good knitter. I refuse to be beaten by a project you think a beginner could handle. I'm dragging the )(*&^%$*@#& thing out of the bottom of the bag, and we are going to have a talk.
Yoursis LOVELY by the way, more than lovely, it's stunning!!!
I learned things at your photography class! Thanks!
Wonderful stole, Franklin.
I'm still waiting for the weather to improve sufficiently so I can block the 'flowerbasket' shawl I knit a while back. I want it to dry, not moulder!
Oh, that & where is big enough to do it?
Absolutely gorgeous! I love the color! I'd love to hear your rendition of Carmen, the shawl must have brought out your best ;)
That's one I considered for a wedding shawl, but I started something else instead. Please don't talk me into changing my mind at this point!
Dear, dear Franklin,
Thanks SO much for accepting the invitation to knit with the Chicago-visiting Music Librarians...it was indeed a treat and you are an absolute treasure!
Thanks for the suggestion to visit LOOPY; Cheryl, Jane and I got there for Friday evening's Knit Night, which happened to be UFO Night too...we enjoyed ourselves immensely, and much yarn was fondled and purchased.
LOVE your "Print O'" - really must finish my hot pink one, one of these days...
...and I want an invitation to that Monster Truck event...when you don your Carmen get-up, replete with shawl!
Hugs, hugs, HUGS!!!
Lisa (LisaRae on Ravelry)
Seems like there should be more opportunities for men to wear lace, no? Monster truck rallies, sure, but those aren't every weekend.
My word verification is "quene". Hmm.
This was an epic knit but fitting for my knitting and spinning sister's 50th. Why did I hate picking up all those edge stitches? The blocking made up for it. Yours is truly stunning in red.
It's glorious, and I am green with envy. Which would clash horribly.
Mind you, this week is kicking me. I cannot knit temporarily (RSI), Dad's having an operation Friday, and some schmoe has just tried to buy a camera with *my* creditcard that's still in my wallet...
One day, I shall make one. And float about too (and try not to fall down the step in my hallway).
The stole is breath-takingly lovely. I tried knitting it once..."tried" being the operative word. Now, I have a teeny bit more experience with lace...I wonder if I dare give it another chance. Your FO sure makes me want to. You hero, you.
I am inspired! It is truly gorgeous. I've been lanquishing on a couple of lace projects that just haven't grabbed me. I think this might be just the ticket. And no nupps! Not that I mind nupps, but I'm not ready for more right now.
That is one heckuva pretty stole. But then, I'd expect nothing less off your needles.
YOu've probably already got several of these, but I gave you a Kreativ Blogger award. Check out my blog for details.
Thanks for sharing so much wonderful stuff with us all ! :)
Be still my heart! That is the MOST beautiful shawl I have ever had the pleasure to wear. Thank you for bringing it to Pittsburgh and letting it's radiance shine down upon us. I hope you can come back and teach a lace knitting class on a Saturday so I can try it out....although looking at this shawl up close and personal--wow...I created a digital scrapbook layout of the event, it will be on my blog if you are interested. Thanks again! We love you!
This stole is absolutely gorgeous. I want to make it. Just Beautiful.
Beautiful, beautiful work... And now I have Carmen stuck in my head.
And thank you for sharing where the stole has been. One of my favourite parts of giving someone something knitted is telling them where the piece has been and what it's seen (most notably Dresden Dolls - yes, I was the one knitting the shiny pink thing).
Your stole makes me want to learn to knit! Very beautiful!
beautiful! thanks for the tip re the weaving in, makes sense!
What a great colour for a lace scarf. Looks so modern.
I am sure you and Dolores will fight for this to wear:
So may the strongest win ;-)
Utterly Gorgeous!
Franklin where are you? I am longing for an update.
For some time I have felt like we're friends (as I'm sure many devoted readers feel) since I know so much about you. But you wouldn't know ME if you bumped into me on the street.
Well, last night I had a dream with you in it, and you knew me too. We were actual friends! Hope it comes true someday...
Coming out of lurkerdom to say:
Count me in as the (x + 1)th person who wants to know the specs on your lovely shawl. Not that I'm intending to knit anything like that any time soon. I'm still mastering yarn overs and knit 2 together decreases! :D I'm just curious. Knitted lace has an unexpected (to me) beauty, and I'm sure I WILL tackle some, someday.
Going back into hiding....
Congrats on your interview in Simply Knitting! I just bought the latest (for us in the US) issue today, and it was a lovely bonus to see "meet Franklin Habit" on the cover! I hope you see this, I would have emailed but didn't spot an email address for you on your blog.....
Thank you Franklin, we loved having you in NC! Full thanks here; http://yarnsetc.blogspot.com/ and here http://yarnsetc.com/news.html
You are wonderful!
Gorgeous red!
Isn't it magical how the "blob" turns out so beautifully with blocking.
I knit Print o the Waves for a retirement gift for a friend. Started in November 2007 and ended in June 2008 (6 months after she retired, but I am forgiven). My grafting skill had improved greatly over my previous attempt, so it looked wonderful. http://www.ravelry.com/projects/kvicknits/print-o-the-wave-stole
I added beads along the wave diagonal, and was pleased with the effect. Using Malabrigo, I found it felted a bit working the edges back and forth, was a bit afraid! And hating to leave any yarn unknit, I worked to the last 2 grams! Touch and go near the end
Last two rows and beads to go on Evelyn Clark's Angel shawl, then the seafoam blob will be another work of art.
Gorgeous ! Came to your blog via a long route...very amusing all the way.I'm going to bookmark you to keep an eye on what you do.y'know "Panopti..etc" Keep busy.
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This post made my husband laugh out loud. He's not a knitter, so that's an accomplishment.
First visit to your blog, having a giggle at your writing and chucking out regular 'ooh's at the beauty of your knitting.
Small question - did I read right you knitted on your flight to London? You took needles thru security? Brazen or surreptitious? Dying to know,
That is magnificent. One of the members of our Socknitters board posted a link to your site, and I dropped in to have a peek. I'm reading and enjoying and reaching for the "add to favorites" button when I scroll down just far enough to see the book cover. "Holy bat, Crapman! It THAT guy! Cool!"
Then I hit the "favorites" button.
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