Tuesday, December 16, 2008
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Franklin you are great!
Season's Greetings !
Hee! Yarn snobbery begins!
I needed a laugh today - that's too funny. I agree - you are great!
Of course, Santa, cashmere, silk and qiviut will be okay too...
Thanks for the wonderful smiles you give us with your humor and warmth and caring!
Amen! Love it!
Amen, sister!
Kids these days, such a sense of entitlement! Why, when I was a child we felt lucky to get acrylic crap. Our parents walked uphill through the snow to bring us acrylic crap that they ordered out of the Sears catalog . . .
What is this verification word, "Obaryl"? Over a barrel?
Am I the only one that thinks Santa looks a bit like Franklin dressed up as Santa?
Hey, I think you're right - Santa does look like Franklin! But no Franklin Santa would *ever* give anyone acrylic! Thanks for the laugh, Franklin, and I hope Santa brings you lots of wool!
Thanks for helping cheer up a not so cheery day!
Oh Franklin - that's hysterical! Thanks so much for the giggles - y'all have a great holiday too.
he he!
So funny! I love the way she tugs him by his beard! I love your book. My sister who lives in NC sent it to me. Christmas greetings from South Africa - very hot and humid here. Alida
So, how many knitters around the world are printing this out and putting it up on their refrigerator for their family to observe? Talk about a wish list!
This is OUTSTANDING, Franklin.
Happy Holidays to you and yours ;) ENA™ must be at a GREAT age for the holiday season, hope you get to see her!!
Funny!!! I hope Santa listens!!
Alpaca will do as well! :)
Hey. That kid looks a LOT like one Miss Abigail. Sounds like her, too. Ok, maybe she isn't quite ready to comment on the acrylic v. wool debate, but she is already a girl who knows her mind. I can see this coming...
Thanks so much for sharing with us. I look forward to your posts and enjoy them all. And Happy Holidays. Come back to Austin, I'll bring you salsa.
Merry Christmas Franklin! (and Dolores too!)
Warm, fuzzy wishes of the season!
That is awesome!! (Especially considering I have been the very recent recipient of a rather large pile of acrylic crap from 1970).
And how exactly did a knitter that young come from parental units that do know know from yarn??!!
Happy Holidays to all in the Habit Household! (god, I luv alliteration!)
Happy Holidays!
Please, oh please, tell me you are going to sell prints or cards of this one!! I love it!
Franklin, you've brightened a dark dreary day! Happy Holidays to you and yours!
I have a 10 year old who takes my beginning knitting class... can I print a copy of this for her? (To leave as a hint for her mom and dad :)
AMEN! :)
Happy holidays!
Amen, sister!
Happy Holidays, Franklin!
To the point.
I like that little girl.
Merry Christmas
Franklin, you're something else! I read your blogs like taking a daily vitamin of joy, laughter, fun and your wonderful knitting projects are with much insipiration given by yourself. This cartoon is way cute! I feel like printing it up and handing it out at my local "chain craft stores" to women who stand there for much too long fondling the acrylic and ooohing and aahhhing over it. I confess I used to use it before I knew better...but like when you have your first taste of a REALLY good chocolate or authentic Mexican food - there's no turning back to the old candy from the drug store or the fast food Mexican - or the acrylic. The very best, wonderful, insanly out of the box Christmas wishes to you!
I love how she grabs his beard; what a great detail.
Happy Holidays, and safe travels! Can't wait for the pictures of your niece Abigail.
Happy Holidays to you and yours!
Heh. I've gotten the scary acryllic (I felt like my hands were covered in oil working with it), so I can support actual wool! Or a nice bamboo, soft cotton... just not 100% squeaky acryllic!
Is that a glimpse into one of Abigail's future visits to Santa's lap!?! After all, she should have genetic code that requires needles to be held on a regular basis!!
So true! I love it!
May I post this on my blog (bygoneknits.blogspot.etc), with full credit and a reciprocal link? (Of course!) I know my readers will love it too.
Sorry, I couldn't find an e-mail address here to e-mail you directly.
Have a Very Wooly Christmas!
Hey, Franklin. This is only a rumour,but I heard that the Fibertarian candidate for president offered all the proceeds from your book to your governor so that he'd appoint her senator. You might want to check with whoever does your accounting to make sure nothing's been diverted.
Merry Christmas!
This is great! Thanks.
I knew sooner or later children would discover the wonderful qualities of real fiber and protest the acrylics. Even my dachshunds can tell the difference. They prefer those afghans and sweaters from natural fibers every time they are allowed to choose!
Great cartoon!
Ho Ho Ho, Franklin
Every time I see a drawing from you it makes me smile :-)
Thanks for all those great moments
Franklin, that was PERFECT! Thanks for all the smiles. I hope Santa brings you only silk, cashmere, and alpaca!
This should be renamed the knitters christmas wish list!
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