I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I'm enjoying putting it together. It's a wall calendar, and it combines three of my very favorite things. Photography, yarn and...
No. Why try to explain in words when pictures will be far more eloquent?
90% of the ladies and at least 10% of the gentlemen, I give you Guys with Yarn: The 2009 Calendar. If it takes off (you should pardon the expression) I'll consider a feminine companion (Gals with Needles?) for the remaining percentages for 2010; but in beginning I felt it best to stand on personal terra firma.
I plan to have the calendar for sale by October. It will not only feature fine yarns in a splendid setting (a Chicago historic landmark, the Henry Rohkam House) but will have a host of yarn-centric festivals, holidays and historical dates pre-marked for your convenience.
Wholesale inquiries are welcome (portraits at franklinhabit daht cahm). Gentlemen's phone numbers, however, will not be given out. I promised.
Oh my goodness! My two favorite passions - yarn and men!
What a great idea!!! Good luck.
In one of my former lives, I was the buyer of non-book items (some books, too) for a wonderful INDEPENDENT bookstore. Calendars had better profit margins than books, and we typically carried 1,000, (yes one thousand) different calendar titles.
Those soulful firemen holding their large firehoses brought giggles from women, who wondered why the "men of..." calendars were so obviously aimed at the gay audience.
Buy adding yarn, you have cracked that "glass ceiling" though perhaps not 18,000,000 worth. I'd say you've found a previously overlooked calendar subject.
What do Delores and Harry think?
obscure (on Ravelry)
Franklin, this is made of win.
So excellent!
Oh, dude.
I'm all about the calendar. Consider me preordered. But seriously?
That first guy?
Can I just buy *him*? Please?
For that, I'd even share my stash.
Fabulous! I'll take several! maybe make wallpaper! You could make a screensaver....the possibilities are endless.
(And what does it say about me that I didn't notice the knitting content until the third picture?)
How selfless you are, to go through all the toil of doing gruelling photo shoots, just for us.
We who are about to drool salute you.
I'm with the others. Can I buy an 11X14 of the first guy? PURRRR!
Oh my....did it suddenly get warm in here?
I can't imagine how you're pulling this off (!?!) without excessive "help" from Dolores -- put me down for 5 calendars, you just took care of Christmas shopping!!
You are an evil genius. Clearly.
Rowrrrrr! Especially model numero uno! Nothing like sexin' up the knitting. I love it!
Even though I'm not seeking, I feel compelled to remark: No phone numbers? Spoilsport! VBG!
It looks like a winner.
Oh, Frankin. I am in awe of the brilliance of you.... :)
Oh, my stars & garters. Somebody turn up the A/C, quickly.
I love the strategic placement of the two, er, skeins of yarn in the 3rd photo.
Well, jeez, who would want a boring knitting calendar with pictures of YARN when they could have THIS??
Oh. My. Freaking. God. Will someone please bring the smellin' salts?! (Yes, I'm ignoring the fact that they would be so not into me. Yup, just gonna ignore that fact and enjoy the eye candy.)
Oh dear. I think I'd better not let my husband catch me drooling. I don't think he'll buy that I'm just looking at the yarn...
This is possibly the best thing I've seen in a long, long time.
I would totally share my stash with these guys. Especially the third guy. This was a fantastic idea!
My captcha word is "paxgoue". Someone needs to title a yarn project that.
I don't usually buy calendars...but it seems like 2009 would be an excellent year to start! Consider me pre-ordered!!
**fans self**
hubba, hubba...
Who the hell needs another Far Side calendar when we can get this? Have I mentioned I love you?
Well yes I suppose I have. But you keep doing things that make me have to say it again.
I remember way back when you mentioned you always eventually figured out how to make money off your hobbies. You weren't kidding!
Keep them great ideas coming... they just getting better and (I'm sure once we see the other 9 months) better!
Yeah... but do they knit?
All I can say is WOW. I want one too. Intense
I'll buy one for daughter, but she MUST return the favor! I really need this calendar.
Is it bad that I want to know what projects they are "working" on?
Aaahaaargh!!! AWESOME! And dare I think the third gent down actually knows how to hold his uh...needle?
do they actually knit? that would make the sexay times 10! i think i may order one and have it sent to miss violet's soi can hang it there!
Oh, and also - a bunch of us knitters in Cincinnati have been working on putting a female version together. It's been interesting so far. Probably not nearly as exciting as something you could produce, but it's fun.
Ummmm...yes, yes, and more yes.
Also, please, one little favor, Franklin...if you do a female companion, please find a different term than "gals." I'm not sure why, but "gals" always makes me think of grandmas playing bingo. Chicks with Sticks might be better. Or Dames with something or other. Of course, if you wanted to be completely ribald, you could do Chicks with Balls...
They are beautiful!...sigh. And the guys are cute too!
Seriously, very classic. Can they really knit? Or are they just drop dead gorgeous?
I'll take two whatever the price...They will be a hit for the young and old. I could set up a kiosk here in Sun City and sell out in minutes.....Great Idea!
OOOooo, Franklin. You saucy, brilliant, lovely man.
What if we make offers of handknit socks? To them? To you? What exactly will it take to get the digits out of you?! (I might be teasing.)
As long as your models are holding their needles correctly, we shall be generous with our praise.
You are so very tops, Darling F.
Cheers. - Mme. L.
Oh HELL-Ohhhhh! Best. Idea. Ever. <3!
OMGZ Franklin! Put me down for one as well!
You cured my Monday doldrums! Yummy men with needles and yarn-what more could anyone ask for?!
Giving yarn pr0n new meaning.
I have to have one of these as a Christmas gift for a friend. I hope you have enough, this is going to go over big!
Best calendar... EVER.
I love you.
Since no one has asked...
Which month will you be modeling for?
Great idea and great photos!
love (1,000)
Oh. My.
(sigh) WANT!!
Oh my God I can't wait I can't wait oh my God.
hahahahaha. The yarn placement on #3 is priceless.
Ohhhhh, Franklin, you have outdone yourself.
And you will outsell this calendar, I'm willing to bet!
Ok here is the question, when are you going to have the actual calendar available for wholesalers? And why can't I find your email address anywhere? I think those photos have me all flustered. Email me. Laura@theuniquesheep.com
Oh Franklin, I am not about men, but I LOVE the concept! Count me in if you need to sell one, I will most certainly buy it just because of the yarn!
Please warn us if you'll have them at YarnCon (oooh, I hope you do), we'll need to get you a bigger space for the line that will be forming at your booth! And maybe smelling salts.
So gay. Not that that's a bad thing.
Do they come with instructions--either charts or written? Looks like this could this be the start of another book--it would be a bestseller.
Chicks with Sticks, obviously :)
And really, you need sexy firefighters and EMTs knitting; I will lend you mine if you like.
I'm guessing it's all wool, as acrylic would've melted.....
oh Franklin - you're such a tease!
Love the photos!! this should be a sellout!
Brrrrilliant! Absolutely brilliant. I know what all my knit-sibs are getting for the holidays!!!
Oh my! So, you promised no phone numbers? And it seems several people have dibs on gentleman #1. If I wave some cashmere yarn at you, will the fumes cause you to cough up the email for hottie #2? Pretty please?
(fans self)
And to think I have Steph's knitting calendar on pre-order.
Absolutely wonderful! I want one- and one each for my friends as well.
I actually seriously thought about taking a day off to fly down to London and see you. Because you are my idol. But then I realized that I was a crazy knitting nerd and decided to stay home. I'll read the blog instead :)
However did you know that a bald man knitting is Teh Sexxay?
Oh, I get it now :wink: :wink: You have a mirror!
Franklin, I believe you have hit this one out of the park. My fingers are crossed that you build a large retirement fund out of this budding empire.
3 words - Fab. U. Lust.
Sigh. GORGEOUS. Great photos. Wonder if my husband would notice if I put that up next to my computer...
I bet dolores tried to entice each one, and ne'er received so much as a pat on the tushie.
but we uppity chicks CAN dream, can't we...
count ME in for one of these!
PS - my word is "zouayta" - sounds like a lacy project name...
....okay, not so much into the beefcake, but that's awesome! don't think the wife would let me have the girl version either, but I'll gladly check it out! You rock! any chance you're thinking of moving out west? It is about time to go all nomadic, right?
wow! The portraits are amazing and I love the lighting. awesome. What a great idea! Best wishes. can't wait to see more.
I'll take one of #1 and 1 of #3 please. Oh, I have to buy a calendar and not the actual yarn-guy? pfui!
Great concept, Franklin. I look forward to hanging THIS in my office (maintenance has the buxom girl calendars despite my complaints so I will hang this).
Serious eye candy! Great idea, photography, dudes and, oh yeh, yarn...
BTW, I agree with many others, the first guy is a knock out. But I really like the second one best.
*cackle* The fella keeps telling me how he is going to build me a craft room in Vancouver...
...I wonder if he'd reconsider if he had any idea that I'm planning to pin-up this calendar on the back of its door?!
My craft room may just become the female equivalent of a car workshop.
Saucy calanders, yarn pron, tools on every surface and work-in-progress in pieces across the craft bay!
I'm not a calendar person ... never buy them ... whenever I was given one, they were tossed in a cupboard, no matter how cute, etc., BUT ... WOW.
I want one!
Purely for the knitting content :)
I'll take the one in the middle. :)
You probably could skip the calendar part . . . seriously . . . just do the pics! LOL.
This? This is pure genius! Is it too much to hope that they're actually knitters. Wait... it doesn't matter. Let's just us pretend they are...
Wait--how did you get to shoot at the Rokhamn house? Do you know a real estate agent? Perfect setting, btw.
oooh oooh... will you be at Yarn Con with said calendars?
Yummy! Please make November a good one!
I will be buying several - I have lots of friends who will love these as Christmas gifts!
the first guy really does it for me.
Weeeeooow. [fans self]
Did it just get hot in here, or is that just me?
The setting makes it. Both sexy and hilarious!
uhm. drool. ;)
Shoosh - I want one..
Holy Cow!
Good job! I like the Fiber Fellas calendar idea! Please add some mature (older) guys to round out the mix so I don't feel like a letcherous old woman ogling young men...
This is hilarious! I want one!
*insert incoherent babbling here*
Oh wait! Look! There's knitting, too! ;)
Totally awesome. Will watch your blog for when the calendar goes on sale. :D
What a fantastic project!
I'll be ordering one as soon as they are available.
Hubba Hubba.
Must have this calendar.
Franklin, I have thought it many times and never actually told you...you are a genius! I'm so ordering one!
::hastily grabs drool bucket::
One for a cyber-sib.
One for behind my computer. One for my bedroom.
Have I mentioned I love you lately?
(Note to self: Lay in more drool buckets.)
Is this really sad...? I was lusting after the wallpaper, mantle, and lambrequin, not the main "features."
What a fantastic news!
Sweet Mother of Yarn! You're a genius!
Oh wow! I like number 1. But please please please tell there's going to be a cowboy with yarn included!!! Just imagine the hat, the boots and some strategically placed yarn.
{Fanning blushed cheeks} God bless you, sir. I think you should call it "Pecks with Sticks" And I mean the muscular group - pecks.. keep minds outta gutter onto yarn. ;)
Number #1, baby!! Yowza! Fill a calendar with studs like that and I'll buy a wall calender... although I haven't used one since college... Bring on the manly men!
Darling, you just made my month. I can not wait for this!
Just yum.
I can has?
Oh dear, every passing day I find new reasons to enjoy my knitting.
I assume Delores did some quality control on this?
Franklin, dear man, knit somebody a thong for the photo shoot! I can see the colors now and I bet that yarn is a hot seller. :- )
Ditto on teh men over 50! yowzaa
Just the thing to make me smile on a day that has otherwise been filled with at least 3 kinds of crummy.
Tell us though Franklin, which month has the self portrait???
Mmmm, mancandy!
oh my goodness gracious ... can i keep one?
Where is the splorf warning! What a great idea!
Which month will feature your portrait?
Forget the "gals with needles" - go for Firefighters with Fiber (You could have them doing the burn test with different yarns) or Cowboys with Yarn Lassos. The mind - it goes so many different directions... :)
I am SO ordering that. Perfect timing for gifts, my dear! What a genius you are.
grrrrrrrrrrr. ;)
I call first dibs.
And there is a relief of a woman at a spinning wheel on the west side of the Rohkam House! Such synchronicity. (Of course, I'm sure you knew that already.)
Couldn't we have a Playgirl a la Burt Reynolds type center fold, only with yarn, and NOT Burt Reynolds. And I mean the yarn would cover, or not, the spicy bits. Woo Hoo!
I am so learning to knit!
Franklin--please tell me your yarn-toting companion Viggo is the centerfold.
Wow, the guys from the Lucky Horseshoe!
I'm guessing that Delores was beside herself while these photos were being shot.
Great idea.
Another useful knitting tool that I must have for the new year....
Ooh, la, la!
Oh my. I've found my calendar for 2009. Those nekkid Maine gardeners will have the year off!
Very nice, Franklin. It looks like a nice gift to get for my mom. And which month are YOU???
“I keep waiting to meet a man who has more balls than I do.” ~Salma Hayek
You've succeeded! Now I have to pick myself up off the floor.
Oh yes! Guaranteed to be a huge hit, and I'll be one of those purchasing an advance copy as soon as I can.
Gorgeous yarn, in the hands of handsome men. The only possible improvement would be that one of them does excellent finishing and I could buy him along with the calendar.
Very cute!
Oooh aaah! I reeeeelly like the idea of that calendar!
Oh Blessed Baby Jesus, you are brilliant! This calendar could actually make people want to learn to knit. In that "When Harry Met Sally" I'll-have-what-she's-having sort of way. Best of luck in this new venture!
Brilliant idea. I'd buy one for all the dates and history, otherwise, I really like the 3-D Man at Home.
Hubba hubba I want me some of that! Can we preorder????? What a wonderful idea!
Franklin, you ROCK.
Oh my...I would take 10 of the guys and the gals.
The teasers here are quite nice ((understatement)); and, I have so many friends in the community who would fall over themselves to get one...so they'd be awesome presents.
oh my good sweet lord.....Now I see why my knitting girlfriend pointed me to you. Mmmmmmmm! Delish. Looks like the calendar will be on mY Christmas wish list!
This is another one of those things that I didn't even know I wanted until I saw it was available. You are an absolute genius. And a saint.
yum, yum, YUM!
...and the men aren't bad, either.
I have to ask; can any of these guys knit? I realize it's not the first thing we wondered about...
Suh-WEET Fancy Moses! Mmmmm-mmmm! Forget the calendar, I'll just take one (1) photo of Gentleman #1. OK, I'll buy the whole calendar - but only if you're in it, too!
Thanks, I needed that!
Well. hmmmmm. Now I know why I haven't been hearing from you much lately. I would have been very glad to help with this project if you had asked. lol
Franklin, this is on my must have wish list!!!Ah, to be 20 or 30 something again? Not! Older is better;-)
Oh my! You bad man! I want a calendar!!! Several maybe. I think my MIL deserves one. I want two.
Are they going to be available for purchase at Cafepress?
Awesome, Franklin!! I've never bought a "men of" type calendar before, but this one is *definitely* on my must-have list!!
How hot is it to see a hot guy with his knitting?!?!?!?
Could gentleman number two be Mr. October? Please? Turning 40 in 2009 would be oh, so much more appealing knowing I had him to look forward to.
i can't wait!!! your a genius!
May I place my order for a GROSS?!!!
Ok, you promised no phone numbers -- how about an address or email -- you didn't say you wouldn't provide THOSE too, did you?
I was just surfing the latest Knitty--oh my but Tom is a-DOR-able!!!
The calendar is very appealing. However, the article in the Fall issue of Knitty is great. Congratulations! Of course, you wrote it, so not a surprise that it is well written and informative.
Don't know about your Monday, Franklin, but mine was actually fine, breezy & the sun shone, which has been an all too rare occurence recently.
So I got on & did the laundry. Three loads washed, line dried, & ironed.
My reward? Knitting, of course.
That is freakin' hysterical!
sign me up... that's awesome!!!! I probably would be 2 of 'em!!
my only question: are the guys "really" knitters? -
great idea and great job (as always!)
Fantastic!! Leave it to you to do this!!! I think you should just stick to the Yearly Men with Yarn calendar... women with yarn... I can go to the LYS to see that... and also - generally calendars are too small - can you make these calendars no smaller than 11 x 17 - but I think that 24 x 36 might be better for my eyesight! Thanks!!
A calendar like this is just hilarious (and while I would love a calendar for work... well, I'm sure someone in this day and age would object).
See you tonight!
This is forward thinking and i love it!
Hee, looks cool Franklin.
Oh Franklin you naughty, naughty, wonderful, talented, naughty boy.
congratulations!!! you know how to keep your readers tuned in. ;) i can't wait to buy a few. heeee!
Franklin, you rock my world. That calendar is FANTASTIC. I mean, sure, it's nice for us het women to have some knitting beefcake to look at, but really? I'm just delighted to have someone queer up the knitting scene with such grace and humor.
(elizabethgm on Ravelry)
Yes, we ladies like us some men with yarn. I can imagine you had fun putting this together.
Also, Gals with Needles could be a great addition to this collection.
oho oooohhhhhhhoooooo
mmmm yes. That was nice.
Thanks Franklin.
Must have one of these.
i think i'm going to finally learn to knit...
you are brilliant. can't wait to hang this on my wall =)
Oh, Franklin, you've done it again.
You've taken the good (sex), made it great (added laughter) and then, to reach perfection, you slipped in knitting.
A 21* needle salute to you, The Most Admirable Franklin!
Dogged Knitter
* ends with a 3 Needle Bind-Off
I would TOTALLY buy a Gals with Yarn calendar. Seriously.
And then hide it under my mattress so my friends wouldn't make fun of me :P
Absolutely Fabulous!
PLEASE, PLEASE reprint (and can I be in the 2010 calendar? ~morris
Great, I taught my boys to knit and now they knit for the girls in the office. In the Uk we need a calander like this, I am all in favour of EYE CANDY and even better eye candy and knitting.
That is SO freaking hot...
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In one of my former lives, I was the buyer of non-book items (some books, too) for a wonderful INDEPENDENT bookstore. Calendars had better profit margins than books, and we typically carried 1,000, (yes one thousand) different calendar titles.
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