Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Scenes from TNNA

I've been back home from TNNA for two days, and already my memories of the weekend have taken on the candy-colored hyperreality of an especially lucid, potent dream. The things I'm remembering can't be true, can they?

Did I really sign previews of my little book? Did I really sit under an umbrella and chitchat with Clara Parkes? Did Annie Modesitt and Janel Laidman really give me copies of their new books?Did I even go at all?

I would say no, except the pile of stuff still waiting to be sorted indicates otherwise.

TNNA Gatherings

I have no photographs, as there were advance warnings that anyone snapping a camera on the show floor would be flogged with iron rods and dragged naked through the streets of Columbus. I had to resort to making little notes and sketches, which it is my pleasure to share with you now.

I wish I could have taken you all with me, but there was only one bed in my hotel room and I snore, so you would not have got much sleep.

This is me at TNNA.


Here is me with my fun friend Carol Sulcoski and her fun friend Laura Grutzeck. They wrote Knit So Fine.

Carol and Laura

I got to meet Jess and Casey! I got to meet Mary-Heather, too, but she moved before I could finish the picture.


This is a diagram of our dinner table on Friday night. (I had a salad and Yarn Harlot put a sock in my mouth.) You can see actual photos at Anne's blog.

TNNA Dinner Table

At the Interweave Press booth I finally got to meet Anne Merrow, who is the editor of my little book.

My Dear Editor

And I got to meet Eunny Jang who edits Interweave Knits.

Eunny Jang

Jeane Hutchins, the editor of PieceWork, showed me the advance copy of the article I wrote about my Grandma for the summer issue. I was happy I could express my appreciation in person.

Jeane Hutchins

On Saturday morning I signed previews of my book, it was fun!

Signing at the Interweave Booth

At TNNA when you are not working you can wander around the show and collect free samples, but you have to be pretty good at sweet-talking the vendors. I wasn't very successful at first.

Goody Bags

Here is something I noticed about three famous people I met at the show.

In the Zone

I had male bonding with Drew Emborsky, the Crochet Dude.

Crochet Dude

I ate miraculous Jeni's Ice Cream with Stephanie Pearl-McPhee and Sandi Wiseheart. Mine was Belgian Chocolate. Sandi is even nicer in person than you would think. You should meet her.

Jeni's Ice Cream

I walked around the show for a little while with Stephanie. It took us two hours to move fifteen feet because some people recognized her and wanted to say hi.

Stephanie P-M

Some of the vendors were wicked nice to me.


I kept meeting cool people and being geeky at them.

Veronik Avery

Really geeky.

Cat Bordhi

There was terrific yarn everywhere! And I got some!

Westminster Fibers

Abby Franquemont even gave me some yarn she spun herself. I loved watching her spin; she's so masterful the fiber and the spindle are like extensions of her hands. She has very graceful hands, like little white birds that dance together in the air.


I hated to leave but at some point you just have to go home or your head will explode. Thanks, everybody, for making the new boy feel so welcome. I can't wait until next time.

Listen to This

A couple of weeks ago I had a long, jolly chat with David Reidy (the sexiest male voice in knitting podcastery) and the interview is included the latest episode of Sticks and String. I've been listening to Sticks and String for a long time, so it was funny to tune in as usual and hear myself. The segment is so well-edited that I sound almost coherent.

David, it was great talking to you. Let's do it again, next time in Australia, preferably when it's February in Chicago.


Angie said...

I think I enjoyed your sketches as much if not more than actual photographs! It sounds like you had a great time and you look good with a sock in your mouth.

Vanessa said...

Best Post Ever. I love the drawings, and can't wait to get your book.

Unknown said...

The sketches are way better than actual pictures. In fact, I may go this route at the next family party!
And i am wicked jealous over all the goodies! Like anyone would dare give you a rock!

Anonymous said...

Franklin, you are soooo right about that 10 foot radius. Even just having one of them (Jillian) in the room incites all sorts of fun and moistness. Just ask Beth at The Spinning Loft!

Anonymous said...

This post is absolutely hysterical and has brought much needed levity to my humdrum day. The one with you and SPH is particularly hilarious!

Looking forward to seeing you in Toronto on the weekend. Do you have a favourite cupcake?

Dr. Steph said...

Great post...love the "photos". The Charlie Brown Halloween one is the very best of the bunch (we use that line all the time at home).

And Toronto might not have as much free yarn as TNNA, but we're just as much fun.

Patty said...

So much FUN!! Are you shitting me??? Love it.

Patience said...

I saw the picture of the carton (Xmas sweater) on Carol's blog. Is that from the book?

Will we be able to get cartoons from the book on t-shirts/bags through you at Cafe Press, or do we need to lobby Interweave?


Anonymous said...

great post and illustrations..they are hilarious.

i heard you on sticks and string the other day..it was a good interview and had me laughing right away.

aija said...


Carole Knits said...

Your cartoons are so much better than photographs. This is the best post I've seen on TNNA.

Courtney said...

Oh, the drawings are hilarious! My toddler ws looking at me weird because I was laughing so hard. LOLOLOLOLOL Better than photos, but the one Yarn Harlot put on her blog of you with her sock in your mouth is pretty funny, too. :D

Anonymous said...

OMG, too wicked funny!

"I got a rock" - and it's not even halloween, charlie brown!

lucky lucky you, hanging around with all the famous people. you are going to have people bowing down before you and asking you to bless their children before too long!

smooches! :-)

Anonymous said...

This is, hands down, one of the funniest blog posts I have ever read. WAY better than photographs, seriously! I especially liked the Stephanie worship one, and the Cat "zero gravity" drawing.

Keep up the great work, you really are an amazing writer, knitter and artist. Thank you for putting it all out there for us to read.

m1k1 said...

just like being there!

Chris said...

OMG, your stick-figure drawings made me cry with laughter, and now my coworkers know for sure that I'm weird.

Anonymous said...

You're a HOOT Franklin! Thanks for making me laugh today! :o)

planetKnit said...

By far the funniest (and best) TNNA post I've read.
Better than photos ANY day. :)
(waiting impatiently for your book to come out...will there be a book tour?)

Anonymous said...

Your stick figures are better than the photos; they tell more of the story! Glad you had a good time, and looking forward to your book.

Kit said...

OMG! Franklin Habit does an homage to Charles Schulz... with yarn! That TOTALLY made my day on every possible level. I want that on a t-shirt.

PS - pre-ordered your book, can't wait!

m1k1 said...

Thanks for the link to sticks and string. Not your everyday astrophysicist is David! That's the way this internet thing goes - hear about someone who lives nearby from someone on the other side of the world.

jillian said...

Positively the best giggle I'll have all day. Probably all week!

Anonymous said...

I just listened to your interview and enjoyed it a lot. Maybe the question if you learned to knit in prison has something to do with Martha Stewart wearing that Poncho crocheted in prison.

Steph said...

Franklin, you're a renaissance stick-man artist.

Thanks for the mid-afternoon laughs (which were hard to disguise on a teleconference).

I especially like drawing of The Harlot. Add a character saying, "my feet are sweating" and that would have been me the first time I met her.

Anonymous said...

It was nice of her to stop you before you finished the full prostration. Those convention hall floors can be filthy.

Love the cartoons (and Stephanie's hair!)

yarmando said...

"...dragged naked through the streets of Columbus."

I waited all weekend in front of the Convention Center to see this. Maybe next year.

Lara said...

If it's February in Chicage, what month is it in Australia? ;)

Love, love, LOVE the drawings! Way more fun than photographs. I think they capture the feeling of the event better than a photo ever could. (And they're funny.)

I think this is the only TNNA post I actually read all the way through.

Anonymous said...

Totally hilarious, Franklin! Your drarwings are the BEST.

Denise in Kent, WA said...

This post should definitely come with a Choke Warning ("Don't Read While Eating"). It's the most hilarious thing I've read in ages! Anybody can take snapshots -- witty cartoons take serious talent. :)

Sorka said...

AHH what fun! I especially love your drawing of Cat Bordhi! You captured her in a nutshell! And I get to spend all day Saturday with her!! WoOt!!

Anonymous said...

OMG my name is on your blog, twice... are you shitting me?!?!?! :)

Love, love, love this post!!

It was really amazing to meet you - it made me so happy! :) Yay for TNNA!

Anonymous said...

It was freaking awesome to meet you in person, Franklin. I just adore your drawings- they capture the weekend so well.

They had us laughing out loud- particularly the ice cream one with you, Sandi and Stephanie. Hilarious.

Stephanie said...

your sketches are even better than all the photos - reading your "trip report" took me right back :D

Abby Franquemont said...

Sooooo much better than photos. You totally nailed it.

It was awesome to meet you! Here's to hanging out again soon.

Shrinkie said...

Are you shitting me? Fabulous entry - loved the cartoons, you rock!

Mama Cat said...

I love this. I would have paid a million dollars (if I had it) to sit at that table - wow, all those stars sitting in one place. Your photo of the table should have shown the prostrate adoring fans littered all over the floor though.

This makes me want to open up a yarn store - not to make money or anything, but just so that I could go to TNNA.

cath said...

I really enjoyed your interview on Stick and String (listened this morning on the way to work), and this post is just too funny--I really must stop reading these things at work--people look at you funny when they find you laughing alone in your office. Would love to be in Toronto this weekend--but alas it is not in the cards. Maybe you will come photograph the Boston knitters one day.

Anonymous said...

I was NOT kidding, Franklin, when I said I would get a Dolores tattoo if you came to my shop to do a 1000 Knitters shoot. Just test me on that.

Also, I'm about to scan the drawing you made me -- I kid you not, a certain someone from Interweave actually *squealed* when they saw it.

10-ft zone indeed... xoxoxox!

O'Malley said...

I would totally be like that too!! :) Are you shitting me?! hahaha

And I totally started laughing and my boss is here.. gotta go!

Anonymous said...

I think it's fair to say we are all EXTREMELY JEALOUS of that dinner table.

Of the rest too, but especially the dinner company.

pandop said...

Fantastic post!

Susan said...

Who needs photographs??! Thanks for sharing the fun with us.

Angela said...

I'm so glad that cameras were verboten. The drawings were so much better--especially the commentary. Great interview on Sticks and String, by the way. You made me laugh out loud in the middle of the night in my bed. (Um, that's generally when I listen to podcasts.)

Sheri at The Loopy Ewe said...

Your drawings were WAY more fun than actual photos - loved it!

Lista said...

It's the Great TNNA, Charlie Brown! Thanks for the best laugh I've had all week! :o)

PS Your security thingy just made me type "laboy". Just thought you should know!

katerina said...

The pictures are so wonderful and fun and I agree - much more than photographs could be because they have so much YOU in them! It's like we got a sneak peak of what it would be like we got to walk around TNNA with you whispering in our ear :)
I am in the middle of your interview on S&S and am enjoying it just as much! I have ot say - in a non-stalkerish wya - you're one of the things I miss about chicago!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you got the BEST pictures I've seen from TNNA. So great!

Melissa said...

Franklin, I am so glad you are on the planet. Reading this blogpost was the laughingest part of a long hot humid day with many power outages at work!

I kees your feet!

(Maybe one day I will get to go to TNNA....)

Anonymous said...

Terrific post, Franklin. Loved it all. My daughter did as well, particularly "I got a rock" which is a much-loved quote at our house. Enjoy all your goodies!

Anonymous said...

I got even more vicarious pleasure than with yesterday's post.

Ginger_nut said...

are you sh*tting me?? We'd love to see you in Australia!

Delores may have trouble getting through customs/quarantine, but I am sure Harry and the boys will be fine...

hmmm...come to think of it... Delores would probably enjoy getting through our border security. I can just see her demanding a strip search....

Anonymous said...

So...you had a good time? Are you shitting me?

silverarrowknits said...

Thanks for sharing the awesomeness that was your trip.

Anonymous said...

This might be my favorite post ever! I love you!- Hey you should come to Geneva IL for knit in public day!...Please!

Kaviare said...

It's times like this that I know I am truly truly part of this group. The idea of meeting, say, Brad Pitt, is exciting in a distant kind of way. The idea of meeting teh Yarn Harlot has me hyperventilating at my keyboard. The idea of sitting at a table with Jess and Casey, two stephanies, Amy Singer, you... can't type, world swimming in front of eyes.

I am so niche, it hurts.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to comment to say I'm so sorry I can't come to meet you in person for your Toronto visit this weekend! It sounds like it's going to be a blast. :)

Fantastic drawings as always, this post just captures so much about the knitting community.

Anonymous said...

This may very well be the best blog entry I have ever read. Thanks so much for sharing your trip! :)

Anonymous said...

Love (1,000,000,000)

Alwen said...

Just remember, it was a TNNA rock.

Wow, that sock has been everywhere now. I'd like to rub its little, er, heel, for luck.

Unknown said...

You have totally channeled the event in those drawings, it's uncanny. What a pleasure to meet you. Next time I'm totally going to ask you to bless my unborn inner child.

Anonymous said...

I remember you being more of a yummy, strapping muscular fellow when we met in Minnesota than these drawings indicate...

turtlegirl76 said...

That entry was so much better than any blog entry with actual pictures. Simply hilarious!

Miriam said...

It was great to meet you Franklin! I wish I could have had more time to talk with you.


Linda said...

Ok, I may not be very witty here, but I must say: your synopsis of TNNA made me laugh a lot. Thanks. I really needed this at the end of a loooonnnnggg day of drudgery.

shannon said...


Anonymous said...


Jessica said...

You have captured the experience perfectly. It was great to meet to you finally.

Anonymous said...

Loved the instantly recognizable portraits of Cat Bordhi and Stephanie McPhee!

dale-harriet said...

Hardly seems fair - you draw better STICK FIGURES than my digital photographs!! And yes, they are superior to photos, but I must be (I LOVE YOU) slightly prejudiced in your favor. You know, in a Jewish-Bubbeh-Looking-After-the-Nice-Boy kinda way. I'm writing, but not the kind of thing that would ever get me to TNNA - can I be your Duenna next time?

SunshineDreams said...

ONGoodness, I so needed that laugh right now! Thank you.

Can't wait until your little book comes out & we mere bloggers can buy it.

Anonymous said...

OMG the dinner table!

You're a stronger person than I am, Franklin. If I were flanked by Stephanie & Amy Singer & staring straight at Abby F. I would DEFINITELY pass out.

You are so there, btw - forget about kidding yourself that your not in the Famous Knitters lineup. It's all over - adoration & baby blessing ahead...

Tracy in Qatar

Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud at Yarn Harlot with her ice-cream :0. Thanks for a fabulously funny post

The Country Mouse said...

Really enjoy reading your blog, and got a big kick out of your interview with David Reidy. If you're ever coming to Northeast Ohio and want a place to sleep, we have a nice guest room on a 40-acre farm that's just waiting for you.

And that's a real offer, not a let's-do-lunch-sometime offer.

Anonymous said...

So funny--reminds me of the old Stick Figure Theater. What an adventure!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I was reading Knitspot yesterday when Anne posted this lovely picture of yourself, Ms. Singer, the Harlot, Cat Bhordi...and the view out the windows of the room ya'll were looked oddly familiar. I come over here today to find out that you were in my home town??!! At the (zany and funky colored) Convention Center??!!! and I didn't know??!!! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!
I have to go lie down now with a cool cloth over my eyes! Well. Looks like a lot of fun was had by all...and this post is one of the best ones yet!! Glad you enjoyed yourself Franklin!

Janice said...

You have some great sketches there. I feel like I was there with you all at the "Secret Society of New Knitting Goodies and Things".

Anonymous said...

I'm coming out of lurkdom... thanks for making me laugh Franklin. It's a gift.

MBT said...

Loved meeting you, agree wholeheartedly about the zone of fun (and did you know there were those after the fashion show that were referring to us as the "dirty thirty"?), and thank you for the postcard you did for my daughter - she loved it!

Anonymous said...

If the saying "A picture says a thousand words" is true, your sketches say a million words. Thanks for sharing. Like all the other readers, the sketches made me feel like I was part of the hip and cool TNNA scene!

Anonymous said...

Franklin, you keep getting funnier. We're lucky to have you.

Pam said...

This recap of your adventures at TNNA had me rolling!

Anonymous said...

Best post EVER!

I can't wait to get my greedy hands on your book.

Julia said...

What a fantastic review! You know when people type LOL buy you know their not REALLY "laughing out loud"? Well, I totall LOL-ed. Hmm..maybe your next book should be some kind of graphic novel?

Look forward to seeing you in Toronto for WWKIP day!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful narration with the sketches, especially the homage to Charlie Brown!

Anonymous said...

Jealous (1). As in -- next year I better be recognized for my yarn dyeing and spinning abilities so that I can go too! ;)

Anonymous said...

Next year I want to go to TNNA with you! My own experience was much quieter. I'm looking forward to meeting you though - next weekend at Lettuce Knit. I'll be one of the invading Americans coming for KIP day & the big 4-OH.

Anonymous said...

OMFG, I love the sketches. Somehow, it makes it feel like I'm really there...

Ellen-Mary said...

Wow! Those illustrations were so engrossing I feel like I was there. You really know how to capture a moment. :)

Kristen said...

Oh man, I love this! Thank you so much!!

Anonymous said...

Hysterically funny post Franklin, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Got here via skamama via knitgrrl. Super super super fun post! I loved the booksigning sketch....you rock!

Anonymous said...

The sketches were MUCH better than any photos could have been. Great post! Sounds like you had a wonderful time. :)

thalassophile said...

You have definitely arrived, you are one of the knitting world's celebrities, maybe even a god. I feel good that I can say I recognized something special was going on when I started reading your blog before you became famous. ;-) Love you!

Anonymous said...

Just listened to Sticks and String. It was great to finally put a voice to your writing.

Please come to Australia and bring Dolores ,Harry and the Yarn Harlot. I will be there!!(Preferably nearer Melbourne than Sydney. I promise it is hot in February.

love your work


marianne said...

Love your blog and loved your cartoon reporting of TNNA! Can't wait to see your book! Are you doing a book signing tour?

knitspot anne said...

it was fun to meet you too franklin; the cartoons are completely hilarious . . i like the afterthought review even better than being there in some ways (for starters, you noticed way more stuff than i did, and know way more people . . .)!

Anonymous said...

That was the funniest rendition of the happenings at TNNA. I felt like I was actually there with you. Great stuff. (My favorite part was your meeting the Crochet Dude.)

Anonymous said...

OMG are you shitting me?? This was THE funniest thing I've ever read! I LOVE that there were no pictures! ME ENCANTA!

Franklin, lindo, bello y precioso: can I ask you a favor? Can you go over to vote for the Little Knits Trenna Design Contest?? PLEEEASE???


If you haven't already that is.

(Pssst...if you care, I'm the NYC Stole designer. Heh!)

Unknown said...

I thought I was always the one who got the rock!

Franklin, it was so fun to meet you, you're even more charming and witty in person, and quite rakish too!

I feel honored to have been at that dining table, and partake of all the amazing mojo that is TNNA.

Big Alice said...

Thanks so much for the travelogue (conference log? whatever). Your pictures are fabulous. It sounds like Knitter's Candyland.

WonderMike said...

Franklin, dude, your recap and expert illustrations are the MOST!!! It only reinforces the fact that you will take over the cartoon world. I can't wait for your book... or your first New Yorker cartoon. It's inevitable.

OH, and sexiest podcast voice... you and David are a close tie. *rowr*

Debbie D said...

Best post EVER.

well best post ever that didn't involve Dolores. How did you manage to go to TNNA without Dolores showing up?

Anonymous said...

Franklin, love, go read my comment on today's post.
Come back and I'll tell you something.

Rhichard meant that yarn to go to me.
No. Really.
He likes me better.

jessie said...

Of course you realize you are "in" now. One of "them." What is it like to have screaming fans falling at your feet?

You will probably never come to Vermont but I will admire your wit from afar. I am not shitting you.

(Do you have a comment screener yet, like S. P.-M.?

Cat Herself said...

OMG - I totally hear you about Jeni's Ice Cream - how am I supposed to actually lose weight while living in the same town as that???

Nancy McRay said...

You missed a shot. The one where 100 geeky people are staring at you, saying OMG! Is that Franklin?

I know. I was there.

KNITWHIT said...

I enjoyed meeting you in class Saturday morning -- very down to earth! It was my first TNNA also (I was in front with the question about RURAL shops). Thanks for taking the time!
Gaylord ImagiKnit

Amy McWeasel said...

You win The Internet with your post about TNNA. Best. TNNA. Post. Ever. :D

Anonymous said...

I haven't been in the knitting scene very long, so I'm fortunate to be completely oblivious to all of the big-name knitters. I guess that helps, because you're more genuine if you have no clue whatsoever. Anyway, your visit to our booth stuck out to me because you wanted to shake my hand for being the Heather of Schaefer Yarns "Heather". :) I'm in shipping, and just wanted to let you know that if you haven't gotten your yarn yet, you should be soon! :) (and thanks for making my day at TNNA!)
-Heather at Schaefer Yarn

Unknown said...

I think this was possibly one of my favorite blog posts of all time. From anyone. Love (1) Funny (1)

Lisa Carney said...

I have laughed and laughed. Love the cartoons. I've kept this post marked as new on my Bloglines so I can keep going back easily. Maybe one day I'll unmark it, but it won't be any time soon!

Anonymous said...

That dinner was like the Algonquin Round Table meets the G8 Summit of knitting. Whoo-ee.

rohanknitter said...

OK, these sketches are genius!
Thanks for the great laugh!!

ps. very much enjoyed hearing you on Sticks & Strings

Knit Purl Gurl said...

So cute.. I LOVE the 'sketch' comedy. ;P

KHM said...

As always, Franklin; love you, love you. Love the drawings (are you shitting me?)!

Anonymous said...

You are soooooo talented. I now need to go dry my eyes and fix my mascara. I will be back for more humor! Thanks!

Laura said...

Love (100)!

Anonymous said...

Kondiloma akuminatum ialah vegetasi oleh Human Papiloma Virus tipe tertentu, bertangkai, dan permukaannya berjonjot. Tipe HPV tertentu mempunyai potensi onkogenik yang tinggi, yaitu tipe 16 dan 18. tipe ini merupakan jenis virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada kanker serviks. Sedangkan tipe 6 dan 11 lebih sering dijumpai pada kondiloma akuminatum dan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks derajat ringan. Kondiloma akuminatum ialah vegetasi oleh Human Papiloma Virus tipe tertentu, bertangkai, dan permukaannya berjonjot. Tipe HPV tertentu mempunyai potensi onkogenik yang tinggi, yaitu tipe 16 dan 18. tipe ini merupakan jenis virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada kanker serviks. Sedangkan tipe 6 dan 11 lebih sering dijumpai pada kondiloma akuminatum dan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks derajat ringan.