The book deadline approacheth. Apparently there have been pre-orders, and not all of them are my mother, so I have to finish on time. Above you can see seven (out of seventy-five*) inked cartoons on the drawing table, each awaiting the finishing touches of watercolor wash as needed.
This isn't the sum total of my progress, of course. It's just that I'm having trouble sending the other finished panels to Interweave because once they go into print I can never, ever change them.
That's been the biggest surprise of this whole process–the realization that at some point, final art is final.
It's enough to make my hands shake, so I try not to think about it. Nonetheless, my usual creepy-crawly line may look a little creepy-crawlier when the book is published.
*Somebody asked whether the book will be new material or stuff from the blog. Both. Some of the cartoons will have appeared here, but the majority are previously unpublished and all but one will be completely re-drawn. Some essays will incorporate material I've used before but, again, I'm reworking everything and much is brand new. OhgodIneedadrink.
De-lurking here to say I've been reading your blog for a while now and get quite a laugh!
I like seeing the objects people place on shelves at their desk environment. I did spy the Orthodox icon on the far right of the bottom shelf. Being Greek Orthodox myself,as well as an artist, it made me feel somehow connected to your space!
Ok.. now that table is drool worthy.. oh.. of course the items on it will be to... now quit reading comments and get back to work!
Thwack goes the whip!
I thought you said (in your 100 Things list) that you don't drink. You must mean a nice drink of lemonade or something. With a few nice cookies. There. Now back to work.
What a wonderful drawing area :) I too am a lurker, that pre-ordered the book. Can't wait to see it! BTW would it be copyright infringement if I got a small tattoo of Harry ;) He's my favorite.
I'm sure it's going to be wonderful and done on time. Just breathe.
I didn't realize how deeply your last post had affected me until I dreamed that you and I were having tea and my homemade brownies while your Dolores and Harry and my Henry rough-housed in my living room. We kept yelling at them to settle down, but Dolores was kicking Henry's arse on the Wii and he was sulking rather loudly. (I don't own a Wii, so that's what gave it away as a dream.)
You can dooooo et!
You are my hero, living the dream. I can't wait to read your book.
I hope Delores behaves herself for the next little bit. And, I'll be buying that book myself. I'm sure the work is amazing and clever--now let it go.
Also delurking, to send you the virtual drink of your choice. (Mine would be an Appletini...just sayin').
Can't wait for the book to come out.
Will there be a book tour?
Yes yes, a book tour?
Love the table! I'm off to make some cookies, shall I email you one?
Nice worktable. Of course you can do it.
I like the light box, is that underneath the desk? Also, the water color wash. How do you do that without ruining the drawing?
Can't wait for the book. Yours and Brenda Daynes. Delicious.
Now,now, don't drink. I see Lucy on the shelf. Talk to her.
All those other spirits and guides are there, too. Turn it over to them and let go so we can have it!!!
Gerrie in St Paul
PS: If I had known you were staying here with others, I would have made the bag of goodies bigger. You could have been killed bringing that little into a house.
I will of course buy your book, but I would rather my copy be autographed and I read someone wanted a "Harry" tattoo - way cool, I wouldn't have thought of that. Hang in there, the book is going to be fabulous, daahling!
what an inspiring space!
I noticed the peanuts and pooh figures.
you have a lovely apartment; how DO you keep dolores from spilling booze and leaving cigarette butts on your drawing table?
anne marie in philly
Your book will be a huge success and all will enjoy.... after all how many years have we all returned to read your blog. You can't get rid of us.
WHERE did you get that drawing table? That rocks. I didn't preorder your book. I kept meaning to, but now I don't want to add to your stress.
Also, at the risk of getting serious, it is most difficult to reach for that zen-like tranquility in times of highest stress. Try 2 minutes at your altar, with your eyes closed.
We KNOW you don't drink. So get back to the drawing board. Your space is so white, yet full of good karma. I thought I might see Harry sitting on the shelf to assist your concentration.
Book, book, book - can't wait.
As one of the pre-orders, I can't wait.
Oh, just relax! It's us who will be buying the book -- us -- your buddies, friends, cyberpals. We love you. Since some of the stuff is reworked from the blog and we love the blog, we'll love it. MaryB
Breathe innnnnnnnn..........Breathe oouuuuuttttt.........
Rinse & repeat.
Or, in the words of one of my former colleagues, "At some point, you have to shoot the engineer and ship the product."
I'd prefer (given my druthers) that you shipped without the shooting!
All best,
Hi Son (just kidding). I'm one of the ones who pre-ordered your book! I'm looking forward to it.
I'm behind in reading your blog. Will there be a book tour? If so, I hope that somewhere in the Denver area will be included.
You can do it!
It's like when I agonize over picking the blue one or the green one for a friend. The friend never saw the choice & is perfectly charmed without the angst. We will see the finished art as the only possible way it could be. We won't be able to even imagine it any other way. We will love it. You have a proven track record making us laugh.
I'm anxious to buy the book!! Here's hoping the stress level ebbs a bit for you, eventually. (I'm sure Dolores isn't helping at all, either.)
What a beautiful workspace you have. And, I'm really not sure why, but the song "Anticipation" keeps running through my head.
Except it's saying "Procrastination ... procrastina-a-tion ... "
I actually see my teddybear's cousin on that shelf and I am SO not surprised. It's true, this book is for US, and we LURVE you and we're patient. My mother always used to say "Good things come in small packages." No, wait - she always said "Be sure you're wearing clean underwear in case you get hit by a truck." OH for petessakes -- What I meant to say was, she used to say "Anything worth having is worth waiting for." Hokay then.
But ... but ... b-b-b-b-but it's so CLEAN, and neat and tidy and well lit and beautiful. How on EARTH do you manage to get any WORK done in such surroundings?
You are incredibly talented; don't sweat the small stuff.
I'm already excited for the book. :)
But, Franklin, you can't rip back a knitted gift once you've given it either.
Glad to see you managed to get the place sorted after Dolores' latest escapades!
I hear you. We always want to tweak the drawing just a bit, to change just one more word (I'm a writer and artist too, so I feel your pain.) Of course, if you go to slow, Delores will rip it all out of your hands and finish it for you.
There, that scary thought ought to get you going!
It is not final just because it is printed. If you read an first printing of "The Hobbit" it is different than printings from the 60's. Tolkien went back and 'fixed' the riddle scene with Gollum in the cave, because the published version didn't fit with the story in "Lord of the Rings."
Once it is sent to Interweave, it is 'a' version. Maybe it is the final version, and maybe it is not.
Chamomile? Lemongrass? Green tea?
*pours drink of choice*
Don't fret - it will all get done in those last few frantic hours before the deadline.
Then you will fall exhausted in bed and dream of playing Wii with steph.
If I were in Chicago I'd bring you a drink or three. Hang in there!
If you ever make it up Boston way, I'll make another batch of my strawberry daiquiri swirl (vanilla ice cream swirled with strawberry daiquiri sorbet), and make sure you have a good drink to go with it. My hubby will approve of having more ice cream in the house!
It sounds like you could use a bit of both (food and drink).
Well it's no wonder you're feeling so frantic. You have a clock and the White Rabbit right there in front of you. Switch them out for something more restful, like an O'Keeffe print.
(whatever you produce, dear, we will love you all the more)
I was giggling most about the alt text for the pic. "Still Life with AAAAAUUUGGGHHH." Hee! Ohgawd.
I won't tell you to relax - that doesn't happen in situations like this. I am shoving some Xanax through the modem, plus some homemade brownies. And you might want to temporarily remove the wee Dolores or two I see standing on the shelves, all ready to dive in and take over. Sort of like a vulture hovering--
Um. That wasn't helpful at all, was it? ::shoves more Xanax through modem:: You can do it! Then collapse afterwards. ::hugs::
Your workroom looks so wonderfull and it gave me a sentimental feeling about my youth with all the toys around you. Must be great to make your drawings in such an inspirational room. Is it correct that I see a dutch delft blue souvenir there from a boy and girl kissing eachother (or is it 2 boys?)
I'm one of the preorders and I'm hoping you'll make it out to Seed Stitch Fine Yarn (Northshore Boston area) so I can get your autograph too. I know, I know ... I want everything.
BTW, I love your work space.
Try to relax a bit! You'll be fine provided Dolores remains otherwise occupied and doesn't change the captions behind your back, thereby rendering your book pornographic. We all know what she's like.
I'm trying to work out on the Interweave site how to order your book internationally, seeing as 1-800 numbers don't work for the UK. I'd better figure it out soon or I'll start having spasms. Or too much strong booze.
Hey. It'll be great. Chill. But, btw, it's pretty normal to be stressed about sticking your work in front of the public. We luvs ya, remember?
The good news is, Franklin -- that even it if DID suck (which I am absolutely 150% certain it won't just by what I am entertained with here so often) we would still love you :)
Don't worry so much, you're a very talented man and now the whole world will see!
You could always have guest bloggers like the Harlot does when she's on deadline....just a thought.
At this point, whatever you do is fine, I am sure.
It's perfect already, so let it go....breathe in, breathe out...
I absolutely cannot wait!
I have a credit at a local bookstore and I am saving it for your book. I'll get them to order it closer to the publication date:)
You are my breathing in, I have few web logs and often run out from to brand.
Kondiloma akuminatum ialah vegetasi oleh Human Papiloma Virus tipe tertentu, bertangkai, dan permukaannya berjonjot. Tipe HPV tertentu mempunyai potensi onkogenik yang tinggi, yaitu tipe 16 dan 18. tipe ini merupakan jenis virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada kanker serviks. Sedangkan tipe 6 dan 11 lebih sering dijumpai pada kondiloma akuminatum dan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks derajat ringan. Kondiloma akuminatum ialah vegetasi oleh Human Papiloma Virus tipe tertentu, bertangkai, dan permukaannya berjonjot. Tipe HPV tertentu mempunyai potensi onkogenik yang tinggi, yaitu tipe 16 dan 18. tipe ini merupakan jenis virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada kanker serviks. Sedangkan tipe 6 dan 11 lebih sering dijumpai pada kondiloma akuminatum dan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks derajat ringan.
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