Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Search Continues

Notice to the public: the deadline for the Dolores Look-Alike Contest has been extended to November 28, 2007. I've had about as many pleas for an extension as I've had entries, and it occurred to me that the combination of holiday drinking and Dolores-flavored accoutrements might yield some terribly, terribly interesting results.

By way of inspiration, I place before you this ensemble put together by one of the panel of judges, Carol of Go Knit in Your Hat and Black Bunny Fibers.

The New Dolores?

The resemblance, you will doubtless agree, is almost frightening.

If you are willing to do this to yourself, a pet, or a loved one, or some other unfortunate creature you manage to subdue and drug, you stand to win some of the following:
If you've already sent an entry, I'll send you a confirmation of receipt post-Thanksgiving. The rest of y'all, go hunt up late Aunt Sadie's cat's-eye glasses and get to it.

And, since I'm bound to get lost in the midst of tomorrow's flurry of roasting and baking I'll say it now: a very Happy Thanksgiving to everybody out there who's celebrating it. Travel safely, dine well, and I hope your team wins.


Carol said...

My son's first foray into cross-dressing.

I couldn't be prouder.

Anonymous said...

I am glad for the extension. My model has not yet been completely convinced that this is a good idea.

Since Carol's one of the judges, she's disqualified, right? I don't want to be up against that photo, it's way too good.

Carol said...

Although I would do unspeakable things in order to obtain a skein of Rabbitch's yarn (I already have Stitchy's book, which rocks), I draw the line at awarding myself a prize.

Sigh (thinking longingly of a signed Dolores drawring.)

Alwen said...

When I was in the 6th grade, I was told I resembled Nelly Olson from the Little House TV series.

I think that scarred me for life as far as look-alikes go.

Unknown said...

Not to worry, Carol's child was on a significant dose of Ritalin and has already started therapy to forestall permanent psychosis.

I was picturing what I could do to decorate Franklin in a similar outfit, but I don't think that picture would qualify for a prize either.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't intending to participate but that list of prizes is droolworthy. Mhmmm wonder if I still have my specs from the 70s.

I'll get back to you later!

Lisa said...

All I can do is wipe the tears from all the giggles. I love the picture and Carol should be most proud!

dale-harriet said...

whooah, hold on: "Dolores Look-Alike"? The mind reels........where is that pig...

Laiane said...

Prizes?! Wait a minute... There are prizes? I sent in my entry with the hope of just giving you a chuckle. ;)

Unknown said...

Oh my GOD..... she is perfect. Can't wait to see the new entries. I hope you post the five best and have a vote???

Happy turkey gobble to you too!

Ruth said...

Squee!! I thought I'd blown the deadline (some of our Doris-ish accessories disappeared into the dress-up trunk, a black hole if there ever was one).

Anonymous said...

happy thanksgiving to you, dolores, and harry and the sock yarns.

can't wait to see the contest winners!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you Franklin! And Delores and the gang too.

Anonymous said...

May I submit invisbleinsanity (Courtney) on Ravelry. Just go look and see if you don't think so:

Anonymous said...

Yes, that is how it is spelled. No, I didn't forget an "i". :)

Anonymous said...

Go to My Friends on Ravelry.

Search for DutchJan

Take a very close look at the picture picture!

Gosh, yeah.......

Without a doubt: DUTCH DOLORES!!

(P.S: YES, 2 hanks of the Lorna Lace yarn is fine to me!!! You want my adress? let me know and you get a mail from DutchDolores!!) :-)

Calvin said...

A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well, Franklin.

Mel said...

You should have heard what Rabbitch was telling me about her ideas for an inspirational Dolores costume. But then, I'm sure you can imagine.

Hope you have a wonderful Tofurky Day!

Anonymous said...

I am rather not sure if the colour Iris garden will suit DutchDolores in the face..... so perhaps another gift?
I have never won anything in my whole life, so if I don't win anything this time my self image and self confidence will really go to the minimum!!
So .....
I am going down already!!!!!!

Rabbitch said...

Oh good god. You call that a sheep? Just you wait, missy! (this note was for Carol. I am in no way implying that you are a "missy", mister).

Helen said...

I think I may have to abstain from the Dolores contest - my husband already thinks I have some mental issues, and I can't afford a divorce...However, Ican safely wish y'all a Happy Thanksgiving, even though we don't have it here (and don't really "get" it either but never mind...) Oh, and our team didn't win... :-)

Helen in UK

Carol said...

Is it me? or did Rabbitch take her competitive pills this morning?

Geez, that's the last time I compliment her damn yarn.

Unknown said...

Oh my lord. It has now become overwhelmingly tempting to go over to Cafe Hon, pick up a set of cat's eyes and a boa (see the hon kit at their on line store if you doubt me) and dress innocent Peaches (my cream colored poodle) as a sheep. Since she's actually enrolled in sheep herding lessons, this might scar her for life, so let's I can resist.

Anonymous said...

::snerking madly:: Oh lordy, I can hardly wait. This should put most of us on the floor with the hysterics. Good luck to all the entrants!

Hope you're having a Happy Thanksgiving, Franklin; that Dolores is at least mixing drinks as well as drinking them; and Harry and the rest of the Ball Band don't get so excited that any of them fall in the gravy!

Unknown said...

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ucapan valentine said...

kata kata ucapan valentine
kata kata ucapan ulang tahun
kata kata romantis
tempat wisata di jember
tempat wisata di blitar
tempat wisata di puncak
tempat wisata di singapura
tempat wisata di malaysia
tempat wisata di jember
tempat wisata di jawa tengah
tempat wisata di kediri
tempat wisata di magelang
tempat wisata di pekanbaru
kata kata cinta
jadwal bioskop terbaru
zodiak hari ini
lagu dangdut koplo