Daruma says, "Franklin, kindly finish that Big Nameless Project so you can give me my other eye."
Daruma says, "Did you finish recording your Hallowe'en piece for Cast On yet?"
Daruma says, "Why don't I see that second cabled sock around here anywhere?"
Daruma says, "If I had arms and legs I could ski down that pile of dirty laundry."
Daruma says, "Weren't you supposed to remind folks about RSVP'ing to the Dulaan Knit-In as soon as possible?"
Daruma says, "So, how's the new sketch for the shop coming along?"
Daruma says, "Your photography Web site has been sitting there untouched for so long I think mice have nested in the Javascript."
Daruma says, "If you're going to design a Christmas ornament this year, now would be a good time."
Daruma says, "I was checking out your list of deadlines for freelance clients and wow, are you ever in trouble."
Daruma says, "Hey! What are you doing with that rolling pin? Help! Help!"
Thanks for the Daruma link; that's fascinating. And so, so... annoying (isn't strong enough) that slavish political correctness has changed what seems to me to have been a well-rounded, satisfying ritual. How fortunate I am not to have an entire row of one-eyed Darumas glaring at me. Or perhaps the trick is to deal with one thing at a time?
Send Delores my way, so I can buy her a drink. You might as well send Daruma my way too, so you can get some piece and quiet-I'll send him out drinking with D
(but whatever)
I've got the same Lance O' The Free woes, darlin'. Deadlines up the wazoo and then there's that wee little memory problem thanks to the head...
What clients? :-)
Maybe you could put Daruma at the entrance to the uni with the Welcome sign and sneak out to Rhinebeck.
Holy crap, Franklin, I just read that Wikipedia entry, and take a look at this:
"Because of the low center of gravity, the daruma doll will return to its upright position after being tilted to the side."
Um, sugar? You've got yourself the world's oldest Weeble there. Just thought I'd mention it.
Andrea to Daruma: Either DO the laundry or stop complaining about it. Those are your choices ;)
I'm destined to be reincarnated as a sea slug, I suppose.
I can help with laundry, but, alas, I'm incapable of anything creative on your list. Which seems to be the rest of the list.
But let me know, dear friend, if you need help with the laundry. I may not be able to draw, but I can fluff and fold with the best of them.
When you mentioned Cast On, I first thought you meant the magazine (no comment). What!? Franklin has a design pattern and he's not putting it up for sale at The Knitting Vault?!
OK, I'm calm now. I'll be listening...
As you work on the Daruma's other eye, don't forget to make a wish.
tie a blindfold on it so it can quit watching what you aren't doing!!
I've got an extra rolling pin you can have....
At least you got one thing done on your list: reminding them to RSVP on the Dulaan Knit-in.
Having Dolores do the laundry would be a bad idea. One cranky day and a bottle of bleach later that will be the end of that. I say take up Aidan's offer.
Slap an eye patch on that bad boy and come rock helplessly in the corner with me. It'll be more fun than freaking out by myself.
I think Daruma needs a time-out. Just turn his little one-eyed face to the wall and let him contemplate Right Speech in a zen fashion for while.
BTW, I've been meaning to send you the link for the MD Sheep and Wool cover art competition.
There. Never say I didn't point you at some $, although downside is you are selling the rights to the thing forever. The winner from last year is the one shown - which I thought was excellent - but previous years have been anything from incredibly detailed etchings to cartoons. Besides, if you win, then you'll have to come to S&W for the thrill of watching several thousand people all wearing your t-shirts! Or there is always the sheep fine art competition for photography and drawings. Maybe we'll have to send out the press gang and some SWA tickets to make you come along.
Speaking of things I've been meaning to do, I've been meaning to share this:
There is a high school near us whose sports teams are called the Rams.
Guess what the girls' teams are called? Did you guess "Ewes"?
[wicked giggle!]
The girls' teams are called the "Lady Rams".
Of course Daruma is a cranky noodge! What do you expect from someone who cut off his own eyelids? Have Dolores fix him a saketini. That should quiet the nagging for a while!
Daruma says "love my Good & Plenty"
Daruma says "Really rings the bell"
Daruma says "Love my Good & Plenty.
Don't know any other candy that I love so well."
I'm pretty sure Daruma isn't supposed to nag. Give that dude a time-out.
Christmas ornament? You design Christmas ornaments? Really?! (I'm getting a little too excited about a Franklin Christmas ornament. Oh PLEASE tell me this is something that I can obtain. I'll do your laundry if you ship it to me in Tucson.)
Do you have a butsudan? I don't remember seeing one when I visited.
Perhaps you could, you know, lock up your daruma in the butsudan. Out-of-sight, out-of-mind kind of idea. (Not the correct or proper use for the butsudan, I know.)
Yeah, well, it took Daruma 7 (or 9) years to achieve satori, so he shd cut you some slack, I'm sure the laundry pile hasn't been there for THAT long...
I have one of those around the house...his name is Husband. I am thinking of finding myself a wife. I hear that they are handy to have.
Oh my, my confirmation word is "scehxx".
Perhaps I need a Daruma around to nag me. Then again, perhaps not. I might damage him in a fit of resentment. The fact that you haven't yet done more than threaten with a rolling pin says a lot, Franklin!
Annoying little critter, isn't he? He does remind me of certain members of my immediate family.
I love that you are "quoting" Daruma! Yay!
I just printed up my BLogger Bingo card and therefore have in hand evidence that you've not been shirking in all departments. You and Debbie make a great team.
Jude in obscureknitty
Daruma says: Have you finished any sketches for Marilyn's book?
The Wikipedia link says that Daruma is hollow. Stuff some candy in him before you go at with rolling pin & you'll have yourself a heck of a pinata. Hmm, stress release & candy. What's not to like? Very zen.
How about if you sic Dolores on Daruma? That ought to fix him.
The problem is that they seem to be bottom heavy like Weebles. If you slap the Daruma it will just spring upright again.
I find it much more productive to focus on the things I've done, as opposed to what I haven't done.
I also highly recommend getting a wife. They are very handy. Mine (Thaddeus) does all the laundry, and cat feeding and cleaning, so I can focus on the important things, like lace knitting.
Hey I think Daruma's evil twin has taken up residence her in my house!
Somebody beat me to it, but I think you need to put an eye patch on Daruma and trot him out next September 19.
I think your daruma has lost sight (ha) of his purpose - he's supposed to HELP you with your WISH. Do you wish to be free of all those nagging tasks? Ask 'im to 'elp you out!
Having had good luck with making wishes with some serially monogamous darumas, I recently picked up a 4-pack of darumas of different colors at the new Japanese 100-yen store north of Seattle http://www.daiso-sangyo.co.jp/ ... the Japanese clerk very earnestly took a moment to explain that I should be careful with them, and wrote out the different corners of the house I should put each color in and the kind of wish that goes with each - but now I'm too chicken to fill in their eyes at all... but is it worse to have a box of no-eyed, no-wishing darumas than to wish badly???
Ha! Daruma fears no rolling pin. Daruma has only compassion for those whose violent actions efface their own souls and destine them to be reborn as insects. Not to mention it's said of Daruma, "Seven times down, eight times up."
So Franklin, why is it that the Daruma doll is weighted on the bottom and sits on a rounded base? Know this, and it's a Zen lesson absorbed.
So, I don't actually suppose it will have effect.
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