I know that in the grand scheme of things, missing a fiber festival ranks low on the list of tragedies that can befall a person. I know I haven't exactly been deprived of knitting events lately. My anger came more out of the manner in which my vacation was revoked, and that's symptomatic of much larger issues with my employer. But I don't write about work in here, so that's all I'm going to say.
Here's something nicer to think about. This was taken in a village on the island of Crete called Kritsa. It's not large, but the main business street is packed with small shops selling beautiful handmade needlework. This is one of the reasons why.

There. That's better.
where is this? I wanna go.
(I'll even take the spousal unit).
you will be missed at Rhinebeck certainly, but posts like this one are WHY people will miss you.
I will probably never be fortunate enough to meet you personally, but knowing that folks like you are out there is inspiration enough.
thank you for your kindness, goodness and humor.
*sigh* How very disappointing. I must say that I'm less than impressed with your employer. However, since you won't be making Rhinebeck, you definitely need to give me a shout when you come visit Sue.
The detail on the work that lady is doing is just stunning. It amazes me to see work that is art.
Your not going to Rhinebeck makes me feel better about my NOT going. It'd be a fun time I am sure --and I still am recovering from Maryland Sheep and Wool!!
you know in the grand scheme of things most all of our problems aren't huge -- but you are still allowed to be disappointed and whiny when something you look forward to is snatched away. My rule is that I am allowed to feel sorry for myself for a day if it is something really disappointing. That post was your day - but you are still allowed to mutter to yourself occasionally and the more creative the muttering the better ;)
Great picture by the way...
What a lovely photo - I wonder how many acres of lace those gnarled hands have created over her lifetime. I don't think emotional authenticity is such a bad thing in blogs, but for my own part it functions as a bit of a mirror: when I proofread too much whining in a post, I cast about for something positive to say - and invariably feel better as a result.
What a cool photo, and not just the knitting! I really need to practice my "pitcher-takin'"!
I think most of us understood your post about missing the chance to go to Rhinebeck, something similar has happened to just about everyone, I would guess. But I also know what you mean, who wants to be perceived as whiny, even if just for a few days?
My suggestion for the day you are working at alumni weekend? Make up excellent stories in your mind about the alumni you have to deal with - it always keeps me from getting totally depressed about *having* to be there!
You're a better man than I am Franklin.
Or something.
I love the photo.
She's beautiful, Franklin. Thank you.
boy, those look like very THICK glasses. I guess it is something to look forward to!
There you go-there's no whining in knitting. Stuff happens for a reason. Knit thru it!
but isn't she crocheting? I only see one needle. (nutin' wrong w/ crochet, just wonderin')
I'd do some serious investigation of this finishing school chain gang weekend and Delores's signing the new agreement. It is mighty suspicious!
Yep, that looks like filet crochet. Lots of lovely filet crochet everywhere in Europe, or so I've read. And that is one fat roll of edging! Lovely.
Franklin, that reminds me of all the Yiayias (grandmas)we visit in Greece!Did you have any knitting with you? Whenever any of the older women see my knitting they're in shock. They can't believe that we actually know how!
Haven't been to Crete yet. DH is from Corfu so that's where we always end up. Sorry to hear that you won't be at Rhinebeck. Hope that weekend isn't too miserable for you.
Wear your new socks to that nasty event, whatever it is, and smile smile smile. You can grin to yourself at the thought that you might be the only person there wearing socks that you knitted yourself!
What an awesome photo! The bright, cheerful and decorative edging is such a sharp contrast to the plain, somber clothing of the craftsperson.
Love it.
I'm sorry, but missing a fiber festival is a GREAT tragedy to me. I feel your pain Franklin, and since I won't be going to Rhinebeck either, I'll mope for the both of us. Hell, I almost missed MDS&W this year because of a cousin's wedding. Thank goodness I got out of THAT huh?
You know how much I'm going to miss you. I wish there was something that could be done. I think you and Chris are the only Wolvies who won't be there.
Get your ass east, willya? It's the only solution. As has been discussed...
Franklin, you'll just have to come to the Greencastle (IN) Fleece Fair in April. It's probably not as glorious as Rhinebeck, but any port in a storm, eh?
Awww. What a cute little Cretian yiayia. Interesting to think about how much she's created in her life...she's a widow, you can tell by what she's wearing...lace for her wedding, garments for her children, for their kids...amazing. Kind of makes me miss my own yiayia. Thanks, Franklin, that's just what I needed today.
I'm truly sorry you're missing Rhinebeck. Best of luck.
Bless you, Franklin. I hate whining, too. Life is just way too short to spend it stewing over the things that don't go my way.
Thanks for helping me collect smiley wrinkles...not frowny ones. :)
beautiful Franklin, crochet is my first love. makes me want to start a roll of edging myself. the greatest of cary along ease. thanks for showing us that.
As with many others, I'm disappointed that you won't be at Rhinebeck. However, the picture is just wonderful. How long did you sit and watch her knit? I just love to watch people doing stuff that they do well.
That's a very moving photo for a knitter.
Thank you for this honorable image
I could get you to a happy place.
Much better. What a great photo!
I grew up seeing yiayiathes (grandmothers) in northern Greece knitting, spinning and tatting. Great picture and welcome sight for someone homesick for Greece. Thank you.
I think that the picture is everyone's Grams. I looked at it an saw my gram with her work in her hands and she was always so focused. Of course, this is the same woman that gave me yarn (mohair), needles and a pattern (cabled sweater in mohair no less) for my 8th birthday. It brought tears to my eyes. Gosh I miss her and my Mom and their incredible talents and love.
In the spirit of anti-whining, here is a snippet I have posted over my monitor: All of life's big problems include the words "inoperable" or "indictment"'. Eveything else is small stuff. I might add "bankruptcy" to that comment (kid in college=tight budget), but otherwise it is right on.
Great photo! It might inspire me to pick up a crochet needle again.
This can't succeed in reality, that is what I think.
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