Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Not Constaninople

The first of the photographs. I'll put them up port by port as I go through them, which is going to take a while. I have a callous on my shutter finger and permanent squint in my left eye.

I shot about 2,000 frames. A lot of them are just tourist shots–you know, where you take a picture of a thing because it's in front of you and you want to remember you where there. I'd rather not bore you (and me) with that kind of thing. You want to see a shot of the dome of the Blue Mosque, Google it. Instead, I'm going to put up the photographs I like best from each place we went.

That doesn't mean they're good. It just means I like them best.

The usual legal stuff: these images are held in copyright and permission is not given for their use in any form or medium without the express prior consent by the photographer, namely me. So play nice, or I will stop this car. Don't make me stop this car!

A lamp shop in the Grand Bazaar

Same shop, different angle

Cat in the burial ground of a small mosque near the Bazaar

At prayer in the Blue Mosque

Through the window of the women's section, Blue Mosque

Fresh pretzels (are they? they sure looked like pretzels)

Oil lamps, Haghia Sophia

Entrance to the central hall, Haghia Sophia

Court of the Eunuchs (ow), the Harem, Topkapi Palace

Sultan's private chamber, the Harem, Topkapi Palace

Self-portrait in the Harem, Topkapi Palace

Handheld long exposure of fireworks over the Golden Horn

Sailing out at night: the Topkapi Palace and the moon

A last view of Haghia Sophia and the Blue Mosque


Aidan said...

So beautiful...I don't have words. Just thank you for sharing them and your talent.

cdc said...

The pretzel-like things are called simit. I OD-ed on them while I was in Turkey. Been back for a week now and am going through simit withdrawal!

Glad you had a nice trip!

Anonymous said...

Isn't Istanbul wonderful? Glad you visited the Grand Bazaar — it's certainly a maze of wonder.

marie in florida said...

lovely; thanks

Sarah said...

Wow, so gorgeous. I can't wait to see the rest of your photos!

Angie said...

All beautiful but I particulary love the lamps .

Elaine said...

I love the way your eye chooses perspective. You just don't see things the same pedestrian way I might. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Please, oh please, can I have a print of the first shot of the lamp shop???

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, the mind boggles. Thanks for sharing these Franklin.

Anonymous said...

A belated welcome home, Franklin, and thanks so much for sharing these photos. The oil lamps with the globes twisting different ways, the night shots, the doorways, the self-portrait - wonderful viewing!

Vaedri said...

Gorgeous photos - thanks for sharing! It's so nice to be able to travel and to see the world through someone else's eyes.

Sorka said...

Franklin... QUIT your day job man.. and just go take photos and knit!! Absolutely beautiful.

The Hagia Sophia.. oh I am jealous.. That was in my kids homeschool history curriculum.. I would so love to see it in person.. but your photos are a close second.

pacalaga said...

I love the lamp shot too, but my favorite is the fireworks. What wonderful photos. I wish you took our family photos - people would actually beg to see the slides from our vacations!

Angie said...

Just passed on your bog address to my friend Tony who loves Turkey .He has a visitor from there at the moment and is very busy but asked me to tell you how much he loves your pictures.

Angie said...

Considering what a "bog" is slang for in England warn Dolores to be careful when she visits the John ..a man called Tony might be sitting on your ceramics..sigh ..sorry.

Yvonne said...

Franklin, I know you've been told this, but it bears repeating. You are incredibly talented with a camera. amazing.

Treesa said...

Nice work! You and my mom, a zillion photos and only a baker's dozen or so worth showing. Wow!

Roggey said...

My favorite is the lamp shop, what colors and patterns!

Angie said...

The "Pretzels" are called "Simits" b.t.w.

Liz said...

Franklin those are beautiful! Thank you for sharing them. Can't wait to see your other photos.

aija said...

Beautiful... thank you for sharing.

Sara M said...

Oh, WOW. Did you get a lamp from the lamp shop??

Anonymous said...

They are all so beautiful! My favorite is the Court of the Eunuchs (ow), the Harem, Topkapi Palace. Love the texture, colors and perspective. And the kitty. I like that one too. Thanks for sharing. I love that the travelogue continues!

Mandy said...

Beautiful, beautiful photos. I'm looking forward to more, thank you for sharing these!

rho said...

WOW these are just beautiful -- I can't pick a favorite -- can't wait to see more.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous. Welcome home, darling.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. But here's my question. They let you into the woman's section?

Elisabeth said...

Oh, the kitty is so cute (I am such a sop)!

How did you get into the women's section of the mosque? Did Dolores lend you a dress or something?

Mel said...

I imagine the cats were rather like the ones in Rome - ubiquitous and much-photographed. Lovely photos. I'd always thought Istanbul would be a neat place to visit. Now I really want to go.

debsnm said...

Your photography leaves me absolutely speechless! Thanks!

Kathleen said...

GEEZ, I love those shots. Can't wait to see more.

Anonymous said...

The lamps, the Blue Mosque, the oil lamps, the Sultan's private chamber.... Just breath taking. Thank you for the beautiful pics!

Anonymous said...

Oh Franklin, these are incredible. What a gift! Thank you so much.

Milinda said...

Fabulous. You are a real artiste with the camera, sir. Thank you for sharing those with us. I look forward to the next set.

Fidget said...

Thank you. I'll never get to go there, but you are showing me exactly what I'd want to see!

Carla said...

Dang, now I have to go book a trip to Turkey. Beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing!

dpaste said...

You know my favorite shot is the one of the kitty cat. But they are all beautiful.

Anonymous said...

What an inspirational picture from the lamps in the bazaar, and maybe great to use it for a knitting design. Must be nice to have a scarve in the colours and with desing-shapes of the lamps.
And it is lovely to read your blog here in Holland almost everyday

Anonymous said...

The pictures are just breathtaking!! You have an eye for taking the most common sites and giving them a magical look about them.

Hannah said...

What incredible photographs!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photographs Franklin. Just stunning. I especially loved that photograph of the cat in the graveyard. Beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing these.

Anonymous said...

Stunning pictures. Thank you so much for sharing them!

Would you mind sharing the details on your camera?

Tracey, in MI said...

The grand Bazaar scared me to death-- all that shopping and apple tea- and men chasing me with deals.....:) I'm jealous of your pics- mine were pathetic.


Anonymous said...

Really great shots! Can't wait to see more!

Anonymous said...

Franklin, your photos are absolutely stunning. Thank you for sharing!

World Goverment said...

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