Friday, May 19, 2006

Make a Spectacle of Yourself

Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you the following message on behalf of Aidan, aka Mollywobbles.

The second annual Worldwide Knit in Public Day will take place on June 10, 2006. This event was the brainchild of Danielle Landes, who maintains a site with details and history here. There are listings of where local meet-ups are happening and who's in charge of them.

As is so often the case around here, Aidan has taken the burden of local organization on himself. If you're a Chicagoland knitter, here are the details for what should be quite a happening:
Millenium Park, Chicago
Boeing Gallery South (just east of the "Faces" fountain) - barrier-free access
Noon–4 p.m.

Bring a lawn or folding chair, sunscreen, and your knitting.

In case of rain, kniters will meet up at the Randolph Cafe on the first floor of the Chicago Cultural Center at 78 E. Washington St. If that happens, you can skip the folding chair and the sunscreen.
Aidan asked me to design a flyer for the event, which I've done. Then I decided to put it on a shirt. Then I decided to put it on lots of shirts, marked with the names of places in which people might be knitting in public.

If you not only wish to have been there and done that, but also wish to have bought the t-shirt, have a look in the shop. There's a bunch of cities already available on shirts and bags, chosen off the top of my head.

If your city, town, or country isn't there, let me know at franklin at franklinhabit daht cahm by Wednesday, May 24 and I can create a version for you. Please use the subject line "KIP T-SHIRT" or your request may well vanish into thin air.

If you use the above e-mail address to write and say, "Franklin, you stupid pig, how could you make a shirt for __________ and not for my beloved, sparkling municipality of _________," I will send Dolores over to your house to do something nasty on your doorstep.

If you are one of Danielle's local leaders and you'd like to use this design for your KIP Day flyers, write to me and I can send a blank version in PDF format that you can fill in with your local information. (I'm sorry I can't do local information layouts for's a touch busy around here.)

Danielle Landes, if you're reading this, I think that for this idea you ought to get a free shirt. Drop me note, won't you please?


Jerry & Maxy said...

Awfully clever, Franklin. Here's what I have been wondering: is this day about solidarity, or are there people afraid to knit in public? Is it a faux pas no one ever conveyed to me and I've been happily knitting where ever I please? I figured it was an etiquette question, so you are the man to ask. Thanks!

Franklin said...

You know, I'm not really sure what the exact purpose is. I just consider it to be a nice alternative to the other things people are doing en masse in public these days, like killing each other. (I'm expecting all KIP events will remain peaceful, unless somebody purloins somebody else's cashmere.)

Anonymous said...

Franklin, speaking of your shop...

I just ordered a Dolores shirt from Cafepress. The "Meet Dolores" model. Well, I have to tell you...

Those two little lines of text you can barely see on screen? One is a byline an the other is your web url (I think)? On a girl, those fall in EXACTLY THE WRONG PLACE, if you know what I mean. And I think Dolores knows what I mean.

Any chance you could make a couple of edits to that design and tuck those babies away in a less embarrassing spot? I'm sending this shirt back to cafepress, unfortunately. Hopefully you've got another design in there that doesn't, you know, draw attention to my nipples.

Anonymous said...

I missed the fee list until today, and laughed aloud at the hike in fees for cat talk. I don't mind cats (such a lukewarm phrase, isn't it) but I loathe chatter about them, too.

Anonymous said...

Franklin, thank you for adding Honolulu to the WWKIP shop. If you ever come back for a visit, the Aloha Knitters will be delighted! Of course Dolores is welcome as well, although the state still insists that she obtain a "special permit" first (I don't think it has anything to do with that weekend in Waikiki...).

Anonymous said...

Hey Franklin,

This is somewhat relative to this blog- I just came across it now:


Slow hobbies have never been hotter. The number of knitters under age 35 is up 50 percent since 1998, and two-thirds knit to reduce stress. "Studies show that the rhythmic, repetitive dance of the needles can lower heart rate and blood pressure, lulling the knitter into a peaceful state," according to In Praise of Slowness. Among the knitterati: Uma Thurman, Courteney Cox, and Debra Messing."

I especially like the term "knitterati". It's in an article about slowing down in order to live a better life on MSN (

Jerry & Maxy said...

Really good point: peaceful group gathering. Thanks for clearing that up for me!

Please tell Dolores I said hi.

Anonymous said...

What does it say on Dolores' banner? Thanks.

City Wiccan said...

ok TORONTO people . . . what are we doing? I say we take over one of the subway trains and have an impromptu knitting party! :)

cori said...

LOVE the design. And you even have minneapolis! As I'll be utterly gigantic by June 10th, I'm ordering the tote bag! Yea!!! Thanks!

Angie said...

I bet that will go down really well with the good citizens of Reading U.K'll be me sitting in the town centre park alone .As William Penn worshipped here I shall consider myself linked with Reading Penn.I have wound skeins on my knee on the London tube and Holly tried to get off..the police would probably shoot me now as a suspected terrorist .

Unknown said...

Oh, Franklin! I'm impressed that you have Vancouver listed. I noticed the Vancouver stuff has no date. If I order one, can I have the date put on?

Anonymous said...

This is just awesome! The little banner with "Hide No More" on it is priceless!!! Excellent! You're just too darn clever. Thanks.

Elisabeth said...

Franklin, thank you so much for designing the flyers and making t-shirts and tote bags!

I think the idea of WWKIP is to simply draw attention to knitting in general and to assimilate those who have not yet been sucked into our web (or should that be gossamer lace shawl?).

Angie said...

Oh "Hide No More" ..honestly I'm not making this up I thought it said "Hoe no More" as it's quite small on my pooter .It was only thanks to "The Shield" we found out it doesn't mean a garden implement..well it was Dolores holding it.

Anonymous said...

You are a genuine hoot Franklin! I love reading your daily adventures and find Dolores absolutely captivating. I visit quite often to get my weekly jollies! Thanks for perking me up and giving me some of my happiest puter moments!

Anonymous said...

Hey Franklin--are any of these alumni in charge of handing out full rides to your university? If so, I volunteer to come along. I'd love to learn to quadrille.

Andi said...

Oh dear...June 10th is already so busy! I'm teaching a class in the morning and going to a wedding i nthe afternoon. Neither of which are really "public" venues. Lunch at the mall as I drvie from one to the other and knit up a few quick rows? At least then I would feel worthy of the t-shirt!

beadlizard said...

I actually have a knitting & spinning friend, Joy, who's in Kathmandu now.

Is it kosher to use a city (SF) that is nearby even if you don't cross the borders that day, or is it possible to add Berkeley? I'll be on campus and definitely knitting in public, and if I get them t-shirts my mom and dd will knit, too.

Nancy said...

I just had to order the San Francisco version, although on the day in question, I will actually be at Westside Farms in Healdsburg, spinning in public at the annual Spinners' Day on the Farm.

Anonymous said...

Gah! In St. Louis, June 10th is also the Susan Komen Race for the Cure Day. Would it be too weird if I knit something pink while I walk?

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful concept - I've contacted the Edmonton Alberta knitters and we are on! have you thought of something for St. Distaff's Day on january 7 for your spinning buddies?

Lucia said...

I will be in Windsor, Maine. I'll be knitting, but no one will notice. Camouflage, don't you know.

Sharon Rose said...

What a great logo! I'm getting a Seattle one!
PS - I have the Queer Knitting shirts on Cafe Press - I've raised a lot of money for HRCF with them! :)

Anonymous said...

Awrighty now! New York's in the house! Your illustration is SO FAB. I'm ordering mine! Jeez, now I GOTTA go and help organize the lazy/busy New Yawk knitters out there, and risk shade from the crocheters.

Are you back from the cruise, in time to make the event? said...

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