Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I was thumbing through sketchbooks the other day trying to find a particular doodle to serve as the jumping off point for an illustration for Marilyn, when I ran across this wordless tableau.

This was on a heavily-scribbled page otherwise occupied by drawings of sheep knitting, ice skating, eating cookies, watching television, doing the frug, and generally engaging in unsheeplike activities.

I haven't the faintest idea what made me draw these two. I don't even know what the curly-haired figure is wearing on her (his?) head.

And yet it cries out for a caption, don't you think?

So give me one.

Need to see it again?


Anonymous said...

Okay, I don't have a caption idea, but the doodle does marginally seem to echo the theme of the "cashmere scarf vs. Red Heart aran" discussion of a few days ago.

Yvonne said...

"I told you I had to use what was in my stash...now I'm ready for Mardi Gras!"

Anonymous said...

"Hello again!" "Turns out I am the poncho type...you should see the jockstrap I have on underneath, it looks a little like my hat!"

(Yes, stealing from your contest)

froggiemeanie said...

How 'bout...."How much for the scarf?". Seems like the type who just can't get enough knitwear.

Anonymous said...

"Knitted together" or "Ready to go, Honey?"

Cyndilou :) said...

How about "Couldn't stand to knit the whole sweater, eh?"


Anonymous said...

"I just love my new poncho."

Anonymous said...

"Why yes, it is a Rick Mondragon design. How did you know?"

Anonymous said...

"Want to touch my tassels?"

Tactless Wonder said...

"Still just knitting scarves? Lookkit my hat, even matches my poncho!"

Unknown said...

"It's all acrylic AND it's aerodynamically tasseled."

Cheryl said...

"After all the work I put into making the tree skirt, I couldn't bear to put it away just because Christmas was over."

Anonymous said...

Glad to meet you you Pope Benedict.

Christina said...

"...and then I trimmed it with Fun Fur..."

City Wiccan said...

I was trying to think of something along the line of Cheryl's and I left and came back . . . and Cheryl said it very well. I like her's.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what rock chick said.

Anonymous said...

I heard your grand-daughter has taken up knittng...
Yes, and she just sent me this poncho... she says she used the hat as a gauge swatch.

Anonymous said...

"I tried knitting, but crochet called to me."

The hat is one of those three-cornered jester's hats, with tassels added instead of bells.

I like the fact that they are both smiling and having a cheerful conversation.

Vanessa said...

It started out as a simple scarf.....

Anonymous said...

"I love Knitters Night at my LYS. Last week they taught me how to do Fair Isle and Fringe, this week I'm learning how to put arms in!"

"Believe it or not, I did it all on a Knitting Loom!"


Anonymous said...

"Lily Chin was right--it only took me five minutes!"

Anonymous said...

"You can't just buy something like this..."

Or the guy on the left:
"Nice hat..."

Anonymous said...

definitely Rock Chick's comment - haven't had enough coffee to come up with my own - but who could beat that one?

Britt said...

"So who do you think Grandma loves more?"

Anonymous said...

"Too bad I'm a line drawing. Don't you wonder what colour this is?"

Anonymous said...

I think it is a toss up between Rock Chick and Lee Ann, though I'm amazed no-one got a Martha related caption in there.

John said...

Anybody seen my umbrella?

Anonymous said...

No caption - but what is "doing the frug"?

Ann said...

It was the cover outfit in a magazine for hip, young knitters, why?

Anonymous said...

I wanted to write you but this seems to be the only option. I just got some books that I think you'd LOVE. Someone gave them to me for Christmas.

It's a trilogy by Pamela Aidan called Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman. I tell you, I felt like I was reading Jane Austen again. It's the Pride and Predjudice story from Darcy's viewpoint. And the books are really beautiful.

Rabbitch said...

"And nobody can tell I'm not wearing any pants!"

Anonymous said...

"It's a free pattern from Martha. I'd be happy to show you the link"

A'tuin said...

I love this cartoon! And all the captions, but I just had to offer up my own two cents:

"I know you don't believe me, but you can't measure love by square inch of knitted fabric, even if you give extra points for wool."

dpaste said...

CAPTION: Who knew "knitting 'til your arms fell off" wasn't just an expression?

Anonymous said...

why, yes, i AM Queen Curmedgeon; how did you know?

marie in texas

Anonymous said...

No caption: I'll leave that to the folks more clever than I. Nice to see that David took a crack at it.

I'm with June, though. "Frug"?

Carrie Weiner said...

"I designed it myself!"

Anonymous said...

"Sure, I can show you the weighted tassel technique. Step over here to my Pontiac..."

Carol said...

"Do you think the colors are too loud?"

Anonymous said...

"My design. It was inspired by Martha. I call it "Freedom Poncho Gone Wild."

Anonymous said...

Ralph - why is your poncho so long and thin?

Anonymous said...

"I think having a matching hat and poncho is slimming, don't you?"

Anonymous said...

Your cashmere scarf is OK, but wait until you REALLY learn the finer forms of knitting. I got all this yarn for only $6 at [fill in box store name] and it came with a free pattern! Can you believe it?

Melissa Barton said...

...so I took all my leftover stash and designed something really flash!"

Aidan said...

"...And then Irving took off knitting and he hasn't looked back! You should see the lovely cover he made for the toilet tissue..."

Anonymous said...

"It's my traditional clan Aran design; it's been around thousands of years."

Jen said...

"Okay...I may have modified the pattern slightly!"

anje said...

" ... blah, blah, blah, Doesn't that just blow you AWAY?"

Anonymous said...

"See, I told you you don't have to do gauge swatches; if the yoke on your Lopi sweater comes out too big, hey, it's a poncho!"

Anonymous said...

“I‘ve been so looking forward to the winter carnival. I’m going as the carousel!”

Anonymous said...

Actually, I used boning to hold my knitting in shape, too!

Anonymous said...

"This year I'm DEFINITELY winning the Miss Acrylic contest!"

Anonymous said...

Knitting: the first time its a mistake, the 2nd time its a pattern.

dragon knitter said...

" . . . and it's machine washable!"

kathy b said...

"I am the ghost of Christmas future, that's why its windy on your side of the page"


Why aren't you wearing the scarf I made you?

Cheryl said...

The Frug was a mid-60s dance - post-Twist, pre-Hustle. My middle-aged back seizes up just thinking about it.

Rock chick, David and Aidan: Y'all are funny!

Anonymous said...

"No, no, what until I add the tartan trim and the sideways fairisle, then you'll understand true design excellence!"

Anonymous said...

"Are you SURE you don't want me to knit you a pullover? I have some great patterns and lots of colors left in my stash!"
P.S. I LOVE your drawings!!!

Anonymous said...

Harold was beginning to wonder whether he wanted to get into this knitting thing too deeply.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the frug. It's a dance. Now I feel ancient.

Ok, you know The Swim? Add some hips to that and flap the arms a little more and you have the frug.

The closest I could come to a caption had to do
with mugging a court jester....

littlelixie said...

Love the suggestions. The woman reminds me of the UK's Queen.

Sweet Camden Lass said...

A totally off topic comment: last night, at Liberty of London, with the Rowanettes, we had three men knitting simultaneously. Three. One had just learnt that night too. So, I took a picture, so we could prove that men are welcome (that was Yvonne's idea).... http://www.xanga.com/pink_hebe

Anonymous said...

Now if I wash ashore after a shipwreck, they'll be able to identify me.

Anonymous said...

[I'm late to the party, but here goes...a little long for a caption, but you know...]

"So there's this 'boyfriend sweater curse' thing that, apparently, mine hasn't heard about."

"Actually, he may have. Ever think he might be *trying* to get rid of you?"

Anonymous said...

"George, I just LOVE your scarf! I siimply ADORE the simple look!"

This reminded me strangely of my paternal grandparents, who will never know how much more that dimension of your sketch made me laugh and laugh and laugh...


Anonymous said...

I'm playing Ponchous Pilate in our church's Passion Play...you know, your scarf could use some tassels.

judi bola said...

Simply wanna tell that this is handy , Thanks for taking your time to write this.