Friday, June 03, 2005

I Was Just Curious



Anonmous said...

I vote for the Princess Leah cin-a-bon hairdo...kind of that jaunty galatic That Girl kind of look...

Anonymous said...

we really need to get this star wars thing out of your system as soon as possible, sweetie. i will put together an intergalactic intervention just for you. and yes, you can wear the buns.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to add another vote for cin-a-bons... though the yoda ears are quite fetching *hehehe*

Try growing up with the name "Leah." I wore those blasted buns on my ears every halloween for as many as I can remember.

Colleen said...

I vote for Yoda ears. Very chic.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Leia is the best.

Sorka said...

Leah all the way!! Definitely!

Cheryl:) said...

Lose the cinnamon buns....
but they sure did crack me up!!!
Darth Vader should look so good!

Anonmous said...

But if he does the buns, when you nibble on his ear...its so much more tasty...

Of course, het might have to stick his head in the microwave first....

Anonymous said...

Hey now, looks like Darth has been workin out. Those light sabbers really do something for upper body developement. : )

Anonymous said...

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