The Imperialist Bunny Hat, above, is now finished except for embroidering the face on the crown. I'm looking forward to doing that - I learned to embroider before I ever knit, and this will be the first time I have a chance to combine the two.
While dear Victoria did agree to another modeling assignment, C has suggested that I should consider augmenting my cabinet des mannequins for the sake of variety.
To that end, I offer the following:
Fully realized. Bravo!
cool! ;)
This is what I get for reading your blog during school (or in this case, right after)...trying to control my laughter with a student in the room taking a test is not easy!
Laughed my Head off...I especially loved nessie!!!!
Where is Franklin in the bunny hat???
The Charro is classic. Coochi choochi!
marx rocks! (what else did you expect from a socialist, er, sociologist?)
really, very becoming and well executed!
Just perfect!
Now your talkin, my favorite is Charo. Goo-chee! Goo-chee!
Oh my dog. I think I just hurt myself laughing. Thank you for the bunny hat pictures!
Franklin, here is something in your neck of the woods. You might want to give them wide berth. They make the bunny hat look elegant!
That look works for Ghandi. And Joe. I needed that laugh today.
Cheryl, honey, Gandhi and I look so much alike you can get the basic idea from his picture.
...I had to come back and tell you again how funny today's post is. I mean, seriously.
Franklin, you are a silly man.
I love you.
My favorite is Field Marshal General Doctor Idi "VD" Amin Dada.
rabbitch got me here, too, and i'll say what, you are one funny dude! i think karl looks the best, except for where his hair sticks out of his ears. get some small pointy scissors, honey!
Omg that is a CUTE HAT!
Loyalty precludes my vote going to anybody but QueerJoe. Franklin, can Lily Chin try on the hat?
Karl & Tallulah are my faves. Tallulah because she looks absolutely ravishing in it, which is surely a feat few others could have accomplished. Karl because, well, you know.
That is TOTALLY the look for Tallulah.
Too funny!
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