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ooh baby! yarn porn! LOL
So clever!
Hope your day is bursting with love and joy.
Salacious! Love it.
lol i love how the ball band is a kind of yarn condom
Nice. . .
So... what does that mean about superwash yarns???
I would love to see this available on a shirt or tote bag, maybe even an ornament!
thanks for making me smile!
Priceless. I am with Jen K from MN- this would be great on a bag. Or a notecard.
Sweet! :-)))
Moisture, heat and friction? Oh yeah!
Wonderful! It really did make my day.
I'd love to see this on a nightshirt,
once you felt, you're stuck forever. No going back.
H'mmm. Did Harry pose for this?
Awwwww! Love!!!
that's so cute!
Karen in MN
I love that is tagged "NSFW"
happy valentine's day!
Holy Balls o' Lint, Batman, Harry's got a girlfriend? And how do we feel about this? Does Delores approve? *sniff* They grow up so fast!
(Oh dear lord, word verification: peenfo... WTH?)
superwash is the equivalant of spaying and neutering your yarn :o)
Yes, please put this in the Cafepress shop.
Aww, so sweet. Soft-core yarn pR0n.
Much better than the rude, crude clusterf**k that results when you introduce a cable needle to a set of dpns!
Who is Harry's girlfriend?
Reminds me of one of my favorite songs from the 80s: I'll Stop the World and Felt with You. At least I think that was it...
Who says Harry's beloved has to be female? For me, part of the charm of this cartoon is that it could be two males, two females, or one of each.
OMG so cute! Thanks!
I agree, we NEED a tote bag with this cartoon! Love it!
Adding my vote for putting this in the product line. "Feelings. . ."
aww Franklin. this one's adorable
You are too cute!
So adorable!!! I wants it on a knitbag!
sigh...scrolled up and down but are DEF missing the updates on lopapeysa...!!!! where r 'we' at this moment of time exactly?
This is so adorable...I REALLY would love a set of note cards with this illustration on it. (a somewhat heavy-handed hint hint?)
I miss Harry!
Yeah, yeah; very cute. But what have you done for us lately?!
Franklin, this would look GREAT on a Franklin Creations 2013 calendar. Hint. Hint. My current one ran out on Jan 31st!
MatkaZ, Seattle,WA
I pinned your pineapple. I hope that was OKAY!
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Thank god the piercing was in the ear. I was afraid to scroll down and had my pearls all ready for clutching.
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