Steve Madden "Ajax" Boots.
Item Two.

Hat form from Wilshire Wig. I've named her "Hedda."
Thanks, Mom and Dad!
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You sir, are a treat! I love that your parents know you so well. I love that you are who you are. Happy New Year!
Yes, indeed, your parents know you best!
Too much fun! I had almost the exact same form at the shop back in the day (and staffer Helen painted an odd face on her).
We, too, named her Hedda.
Your boots, sir, are amazing! ENJOY
I love both presents. Awesome parents you have there.
Lucky you! Happy New Year.
Now those are parents who treasure their son! Hooray!!
I'm looking forward to seeing what you create on your hat form.
The gifts are AB FAB. As are you (and your parents, obviously)!!
[Astro? Are you a JETSONS fan?]
I thought you said it was impossible to take a good picture of your own feet like that.
Those are some awesome Gifts!!! I like the boots! They go well with Utilikilts? (Look at those hairy legs!)
Woo! Sexy legs! Thanks for making my otherwise uneventful day! :)
Also Hedda is a perfect name. Is she going to remain just a Hedda, or is she also going to get a bodda?
Sexy legs....and Hedda is great to have as well. Love that you are who you say you are and that you are who you are.
my very similar looking hat/wig form and I have enjoyed our seven year friendship and look forward to many more years together. even though i've never asked her name. oh dear. I hope she hasn't been offended. I think I'll have to knit her a new alpaca hat to make up for my rude ways.
good to know thats a hat form--which was not the first thing that came to my mind.
even funnier: if i were to take a pic of my legs sporting my new black heels they would look strangely similar to your pic but without the socks.
Love those bad-ass boots, and so does my son to whom I showed them. Now he's got a pair on order!
Happy New Year, dear Franklin...
From head to toe, your parents have you covered! Merry Christmas!
Cooo, haven't you got hairy legs!!!
Thought that was you on the Red Line today but wasn't sure. If you'd been wearing short pants I'd have been sure and would have said "hi". I was traveling with the model of your Lady's Travelling Hat. :)
OMG, LEGS! (faints)
That first photo had me thinking your parents were suggesting you become a porn star. (I'm sure Tom will have it framed for his mantle!)
But -- the second photo convinced me that your parents know you almost scarily well. They'll be hard put to top those gifts next year!
(P.S. to Harry: I heard on the news that Prince Phillip said the best "get-well-soon" gift he got was a batch of homemade snickerdoodles! Did you have anything to do with that?)
Great boots (and legs) and great hat form with the perfect name. (I, as a woman of a certain age, used to read "Under Hedda's Hat" in the LA Times when I was a girl too young to catch most of the innuendo).
Excellent choices by your parents!
Get down on your knees and thank the stars above for such parents! I mean it.
Can you tell your parents that if they ever want to buy Me a Christmass Present I would be Very Very Happy with those Boots....size 43,5 would be Perfect..
Awesome presents. Awesome parents.
Cool gifts and very cool parents to get them for you. If I had a head form like that I'd name her after one of my aunts-Hedwig. Really-that was her name. Though we always called her Aunt Heddie. Happy New Year Franklin!
Tee hee, you named your wig block Hedda! I love you!
Gosh, it must be great to have parents you understand you like that. I'd kill for that hat form - okay, maybe not actually kill, but I'd tickle someone until distraction for it.
Are you gonna draw a face on that? Give it some personality?
Great boots...stunning legs!
I hope the wig block is a 23 inch...
top to toe covered! LOVE the boots, and I'm sure we'll see Hedda soon in some fetching headwear.
How absolutely perfect!
Hah, I name all of my friends (er, props) too.
Alphonse is the headform, Percival is the first hand form, and Millicent is the second.
I have a new head form and her name might be Beatrix, but I'm not sure yet. She looks a tiny bit like a cylon, so I may need something more...robotic.
Dear, dear Franklin. Those boots are screaming for a pair of hand knit socks! Will you wear them to VK Live? They are awesome!
Oh! "Hat FORM". At first I thought you wrote "hat from". And then I thought, wtf- I gotta see a picture of that on your head!
Jealous of both your gifts, you lucky thang you!
VERY nice! Happy New Year, Franklin!
I saw the boots and thought to myself "I want those boots." Then I saw the head . . . I am sure my cellmates at work were wondering what I was mumbling about this time! "boots" "head" no wonder they give me lots and lots of room.
I like the versatility of your boots, you can zip or tie. They are beautiful too.
you give a name for hat form?? o_O are you serious? LOL))) it's epic))
Awsome article and right to the point. I don't know if this is in fact the best place to ask but do you people have any ideea where to hire some professional writers? Thanks :)
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How wonderful! You are a lucky so-and-so! so are we. Thank you for sharing!
I really wish that the receiver and her mother and father will not only appreciate this perform of awesome elegance and care, but will use and shop it such that years to come will really like it as well. This one is awesome.
good supers sohbet
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