Monday, February 14, 2011

This Might Sting a Little



Susan H said...

Thanks for the Valentine's giggle!

sjanova said...

I really love this one! Thanks for the big laugh!

Nana Sadie said...

Oh that's rich! Happy Valentine's Day, Franklin!

thestashattacked said...

I want my Ravelry funny button everywhere!

Yvonne said...

Ha ha! I hope it wasn't a Blackthorn!!

Beth said...

That's gonna leave a mark.


My verification word is 'hooffedn'

Elizabeth said...

This reminds me of my neighbor, a very nice lady in her sixties (at the time) who once ran to our house to have my mother remove a tiny, extremely sharp crochet hook from her butt cheek. Memories.

inklenaomi said...

Oh those dpn's, so easy to mistake for the real thing!

Anonymous, too said...

Hope this wasn't based on any first-hand (or first-butt-cheek) experience!

A belated Happy VD to the entire Habit/VanHoofen/Bollasockyarn household.

Yuliana said...

OMG! Thanks for the valentine's big laugh! I really love this one.
Happy Valentine!

I'm gonna tell Mom! said...

That is Classic.

Elysbeth said...

Love it! Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference I admit it.

Anonymous said...


Rebekah Pope said...

LOL cute!

chellebelle said...

snort.. Lovely.. so glad there are other twisted minds out there that find this kind of thing funny.. and a very brilliant mind that writes them.

SusieQ100 said...

Those dpn's are more use than Cupid's Arrow!!

Eileen said...

Franklin, you are my valentine.

What would the world do without this kind of humor?

(I know, actually. It would be very dull.)

Rona said...

And removal is very painful. First hand experience.

Sara in WI said...

She might be getting the "Bent Needle Award" at camp this year!

JK_in_KC said...

You know it was a Blackthorn! Those things are invisible! (Word verification "irertafe" as in, :It irertafes me when I accidentally sit on a DPN."

Carrie#K said...

That could be misleading.

Voie de Vie said...

Stealth knitting leads to stealth love ... er ... then again, maybe not, just a pain in the you-know-what. Nicely done. :)

Word verification: imatruck. Excuse me? From the word verification system? Sheesh. :)

anne marie in philly said...

love love love! smooches!

Cheryl said...

I really, really need a print of this. Please? When you have a spare moment?

Paula P said...

Thanks for your part in todays wonderful "On Point" on knitting ... so much was said yet much more left out ... maybe he will do a follow up ? Thank you again

Unknown said...

How wonderful to tune into "On Point" last night after a LONG day at work to find that knitting was the topic and that you were a featured guest! I've never enjoyed that program so much. You were marvelous! Thank you.

Pam Sykes (aka Pretty Knitty) said...


Anne O'Nymous said...

(sound of more distant laughter and applause)

Unknown said...

Great post. Looking forward to meeting you at Madrona and attending your class. Safe travels.

Rusty Boyd said...

Thanks Franklin. After a bad day at work today, this really lifted my spirits.

laura gayle said...

loved this. and, scored a copy of your calendar when visiting Philly last week at Loop. When I last checked Interweave's site, it was sold out (and this was in December, I think)!!

Heather said...

That reminds me. Time to get a tetanus shot!

joan said...

Franklin, I very much enjoyed your presentation at Madrona Saturday evening and I want to thank you for taking the time to sign my copy of It Itches. My daughter, Joy was in your class and brought it in for me. I hope you enjoyed your stay at the Murano and will come back to visit us again.

Joan, near Tacoma (where it's snowing today)

jacey said...

Dude, I need to e-mail you but don't have a real address! mine is jacey at (my website url).


Chandramouli S said...

Ha ha ha!!!

angel Williams said...

The thought of encountering the stealthy invisible Blackthorn needle when I sit down on my similiarly dark colored couch has prevented me from purchasing them. They look dangerous!
