Thursday, September 09, 2010

Urban Legends of Knitting No. 2

EZ Photo: T.S. Zimmermann

Franklin Goes West

I'm knitting and writing about fourteen hours a day right now, finishing up as much work as possible before I take off for what is turning out to be quite a nice little tour of the West Coast. Here are the details:

Seattle, Washington

Sept. 20, 2010: Two events at The Fiber Gallery (7000 Greenwood Avenue North). From 5 pm–6 pm: book/calendar signing. From 6 pm–9 pm, "Photographing Your Fiber." To register for the photography class, call (206) 706-4197.

Sept. 22, 2010: "Introduction to the History, Methods, and Styles of Lace Knitting" at The Weaving Works (4717 Brooklyn Avenue NE); call (206) 524-1221 for information and reservations.

Eureka, California

A whole weekend at the wonderful Northcoast Knittery (320 Second St, Ste. 1A).

Saturday, Sept. 25: "Introduction to the History, Methods and Styles of Lace Knitting" 11 am–2 pm and "Lace Edgings: Before, During and After" from 3 pm–6 pm.

Book and calendar signing to follow!

Sunday, Sept. 26: "Photographing Your Fiber" from 11 am–2 pm.

For information and to register for classes, call (707) 442-YARN (9276).


Unknown said...

I can't wait to try this!

Jason said...

This needs to be animated! Great cartoon.

Lisa said...

LOVE! Have a wonderful West visit! Who is in charge of the place while you're away?

Anonymous said...

i hope this means you employed full time as a "knitter".

marie in florida

Cathy said...

San Jose ????? Please? It's just a little jog south of San Francisco --

Diane in Chico said...

Great cartoon! Wish you were coming to Chico, CA - just about 4 hours SouthEast of Eureka :-)

Natalia said...

That cartoon deserves to be framed (and up on my wall!)

Terri Lynn said...

Lol, and if I click my heels? I got some joy hoping you would stop in Denver, for a second.

chellebelle said...

Elizabeth would have laughed out loud, just like I did.. brilliant.

chellebelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shannon said...

no portland? :(

Anonymous said...

Yeah, no Portland? We're right in the middle between Seattle and California, and we have lots of great yarn stores.


Lori said...

I have to say, I'm totally excited to be attending your workshop in Eureka. I can hardly contain myself. I'm traveling from Colusa, which is in the middle of the Valley (Southwest of Chico :)) Yay!!!!!

Eileen said...

I hope you've got someone keeping an eye on Dolores.

(Don't make Harry do it, that's asking too much!)

I'm jealous of all those westerners. When will New England wake up and invite you out OUR way??

Alwen said...

But if you say "Hex mesh," you get Herbert Niebling!

Jen said...

I can't wait for Eureka!! I didn't even know who you were when I registered for the class, no I watch daily for your blog :)

ccr in MA said...

Please, please bring your "Photographing Your Fiber" class to New England, I need that class! I love taking pictures, but yarn is a challenge to me.

janna said...

Oh, dear. I feel like such a bad knitter. When I first looked at the cartoon, before I read it, I thought that was Jon Stewart peering over her shoulder, not EZ.....

Suzy said...

I am very excited to attend your class! Thanks for gracing Humboldt with your presence!

LoriAngela said...

We're heading to Eureka as well, but about a week ahead of you. Sorry we'll be back in Canada when you do your classes. Thanks for the heads up on the great shop!

Cathy said...

Franklin!!! I just moved AWAY from Eureka! It's a small town and I never would have imagined we could lure you there! They did and I'm not going to be there. I could just cry. Seriously. Just cry.

FiberQat said...

Pity you'll be missing Oregon Flock and Fiber. It's that weekend.

If you are driving down and taking a couple of days to do it, swing into Ashland and visit The Web-sters. They're a lovely gem in the middle of Oregon Shakespeare Festival country.

Bonnita said...

WHAT! Not Portland? :o(

Anonymous said...

Oh, i just visited northern CA last month for the first time ever. I couldn't believe how much wonderful empty space there was!
and that's coming from Texas! have a great trip!

Jean said...

CALENDAR signings? Is there a new calendar? Or are we all re-using 2009 (I am) and bringing that in to be signed?

Love from Jean

Jody said...

when oh when are you coming to the northeast? Haven't seen you since Rhinebeck - two years ago! Tsk tsk.

Anonymous said...

Well, damn! I am so disappointed. I (and my DH) would love the photography class, and we're in the Northwest. Trouble is, we're out of town in the East those weeks! Damn, damn, damn. I am bummed. Please return and soon.


Kathleen said...

Is that midnight at the *start* of Hallowe'en, or the *end* of it?

Anonymous said...

This spooked me because I have "The Opinionated Knitter" on my desk as I read this and I had to do a double-take.

I can't get enough of Elizabeth Zimmermann - I worship her. Not only talented, visionary etc. - but very funny too!

So funny! I'm finally going to get to see you at the Vogue knitting thing in NY - can't wait!

Keith said...

AWESOME cartoon. David even appreciated it. Maybe he's starting to get the "bug"? Gosh wouldn't it be great to have a partner in fiber crime?

Safe travels!

Yvonne said...

I'm so happy that you're coming to Seattle! I'll see you at the Weaving Works! Can hardly wait. (Happy Dance)

Rachel said...

I'm thinking that we need t shirts for your devotees saying "I've got a Franklin habit"

Linda said...

You have to know we are all going to try this....

Daniel said...

Sounds like Harry is happy to be making the trip to the westcoast!

PNWBookGirl said...

To those who commented on the lack of a PDX stop, you have to ask your local yarn store(s) to sponsor a visit.

If driving south from Seattle, you may wish to add in a stop at Shipwreck Beads. I'm in no way responsible to the dent to your pocketbook if you do stop there. Just a friendly suggestion. ;-)

KarenJ said...

I´m absolutely going to try it!

BTW, maybe you need to vet your comments. Check out #36. Someone´s trashing your comments with a promo. Yuck!

Shelda said...

OH! I want that cartoon on a knitting bag (especially since I'm a Halloween baby) Fabulous, as usual!

Pilar said...

I love it!!! Can I please post it on my blog in order to show your art? Somehow I feel that a link is not enough.
Thanks in advance

Unknown said...

i'm gonna try it this halloween.

Rosi G. said...


Dee said...

Cute cartoon, I love the look on EZ's face. I am heading off to camp with Meg and Amy in a week so EZ's been on my mind lately. said...

Pretty effective data, thanks for the article.

suntik putih said...


Anonymous said...

Kondiloma akuminatum ialah vegetasi oleh Human Papiloma Virus tipe tertentu, bertangkai, dan permukaannya berjonjot. Tipe HPV tertentu mempunyai potensi onkogenik yang tinggi, yaitu tipe 16 dan 18. tipe ini merupakan jenis virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada kanker serviks. Sedangkan tipe 6 dan 11 lebih sering dijumpai pada kondiloma akuminatum dan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks derajat ringan. Kondiloma akuminatum ialah vegetasi oleh Human Papiloma Virus tipe tertentu, bertangkai, dan permukaannya berjonjot. Tipe HPV tertentu mempunyai potensi onkogenik yang tinggi, yaitu tipe 16 dan 18. tipe ini merupakan jenis virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada kanker serviks. Sedangkan tipe 6 dan 11 lebih sering dijumpai pada kondiloma akuminatum dan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks derajat ringan.

World Goverment said...

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