Saturday, July 24, 2010

Knitting Camp Bulletin

I'm at Meg Swansen's Knitting Camp, watching a parade of projects that will be included in an upcoming book from Schoolhouse Press of revisited and new Elizabeth Zimmermann designs in garter stitch, many of which have been drawn from previously unpublished notes and sketches.

Incredible sideways gloves. A chic biased garter stitch pullover. Little slippers with curled Turkish toes. Piece after piece after piece after piece and they're not done yet.

I will beg Meg for permission to post a few pictures. For the moment, this is all I can show you:

Looking at...


Gamba Girl said...

LOL! Can't wait to see what you are looking at!

Anonymous said...

You are cute enough for the moment. Have fun!

chellebelle said...

Wonderful.. I would give up one of my toes to go to knitting camp (I need my fingers for knitting!) I cannot wait to see more of anything from Elizabeth!

Moondancer5 said...

I'm soo jealous. I never can get away in the summer. Work really interferes with knitting. When's that lottery going to pay up...

Mary said...


Janet said...

Hello Franklin - good picture!

Emm said...

Can't wait.

That splendid photo of you belongs in the dictionary under the word 'gobsmacked.'

anne marie in philly said...

I heard about this book - there's a blurb in the current IK. sounds (and looks, if looks could kill) interesting...will have to add it to my EZ book collection.

and YOU are as cute as evah! smooches and hugs!

LisaRae7 said...

MWAH!!! Love those new specs, and looking-forward to future camp pix.

Betsy said...

Franklin, that's just plain mean to tease us like that. Now get back to your job of honeyin' up to Miss Meg so you can get her to let you post some pictures (you can tell her that it will make each and every one of us buy the book...and we won't if she doesn't...believe that an I've got some swampland to sell you :>)).

Nancy said...

That's the expression 2.75 wore collectively!
We luvs us EZ!

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous! I would give up 'some' of my precious sock yarn to be able to attend!


lostarts said...

New EZ. Now there's a concept to blow your mind!

That's all I had to hear. I want the book already!

Lily said...

Loving the pattern for the goatee and could you possibly find one for merkins?

Anonymous said...

You look absolutely adorable.

Anonymous said...

I hope Delores doesn't cause an incident around the Smores campfire.

Have a wonderful time, camper!

Neeley Notes said...

Hope you can post some pictures! I am looking forward to adding the book to my EZ collection. Have (more) fun at camp.

DutchJan said...

O Dear.. hope the clock didn't rang or bell because your face will be like that forever...
but can't wait for al the designs!!!and I must have that BOOK

Yvonne said...

One year I'll make it over to Camp - the prospect of seeing you, Maureen and Kate at the same time is irresistable.

ps how soon is Meg taking orders for the new book?

Seanna Lea said...

I think that sums it up nicely.

Shan said...

My eyes are up here.

Yvonne said...

I am green with envy about knitting camp. I can't complain, though. I just got back from the Harlot's silk camp. Hope you have a wonderful time & can hardly wait to see photos!

Penny J said...

Saw them at 2.75...we are all just waiting waiting waiting for the new book....already have yarn for the slippers.

Bonnita said...

You're so cute!

Catherynne said...

Cripes! You look like you need a little lie-down, Franklin. Perhaps in some luffly yarn...

Anonymous said...

Wow! Talk about a teaser! Really looking forward to this publication, especially after that expression on YOUR face.


Elysbeth said...


Linda said...

That's exactly what I thought!

kj w said...

I live just up the street from the Holiday Inn, but couldn't get off work at the hospital to try to get into camp. Enjoy Marshfield. May I recommend the Thomas House for dinner sometime and of course, breakfast at the Kitchen Table or the Daily Grind.

Anonymous, too said...

You look like a kid on Christmas morning, finding out he DID get the bike, and the huge slot car set, and the Han Solo costume with lightsaber, and the puppy, and the remote-controlled Speed Racer Mach 5, and a couple sweaters' worth of handspun cashmere, and the life-size poster of Marky Mark in his Calvins, and the Doc Marten's with matching chaps, and, and, and. . . .

And why is my word verification "rearader"?

Sara in WI said...

And every time I looked at you during S&T you had the same look on your face! And with good reason. Everything was so fabulous!

Cathy L said...

I have seen and love the slippers, can't wait to see the rest. Hope you are allowed to give us a sneak peak!