This was no pissant, garden variety, off-the-rack sniffle. It was epic. Five days of ceaseless misery; of labored breathing; of lying in bed and looking up to find a flight of angels beckoning toward a bright, bright light.

And I was like, Are you kidding? Have you seen all the Christmas knitting I have left to finish? And they were like, Whoa–nevermind.
So I was not gathered to my reward, and am expected to make a full recovery; but Dolores is working on a screen treatment of my story. We're hopeful that HBO or Lifetime will option it for a new picture in which I'll be played by either Steve Buscemi (if the former) or Valerie Bertinelli (if the latter).
I'm back on my feet just in time to trot up to Madison, Wisconsin to speak to the Madison Knitters' Guild (details here). The topic will be Antique Knitting Patterns. And you can wipe that look off your face because that's what they asked me to talk about. Those knitters up in Madison are hardcore. They appreciate the entertainment value of this kind of thing:
You just know it's going to be a wild night.
I finished knitting something. It's the neck warmer that launched a thousand swatches, and was begun in earnest while we waited in New York for the flight to London.

I could have skipped the swatching and been done with it in a week, if I hadn't decided it would be fun to work out my cable pattern.
And then I thought, wouldn't it be fun to work the cables the long way so they'll wrap around the neck? And then I thought, wouldn't it be fun if the cables flowed out of the edge treatment? And then I thought, wouldn't it be fun to make the edge treatment flow out of the cast-on edge? And then I thought, wouldn't it be fun to make the cast-off edge the mirror image of the cast-on edge?
And then I thought, wouldn't it be fun if I stopped swatching and knit the damned thing?

Look, children, at all the fun.

It still needs buttons. I haven't found the right ones yet. I'm being hyperfussy about the buttons. Surprise.

It has, to my eye, an air of chinoisérie, therefore I'm naming it "Calaf" after the hero in Puccini's Turandot. Calaf tells Turandot the Ice Princess that he thinks she's groovy, and she threatens to have his head cut off; so there's a subtle jest in using his name for a neck wrap. Okay, a very subtle jest.
Shut up. I bet they're laughing in Madison.
P.S. Lorna's Laces Fisherman Yarn in "Pine." Good stuff.
You are my hero. That is just beautiful.
Very lovely! I think it could one of those gifts that appeal to both men and women, which makes it doubly a great design. So, when are you going to emulate Jarod Flood and write your own pattern book?
I love it! I'm glad you stopped swatching, it would be a shame if it was 'still in the the skein'(TM).
That is the most beautiful neck warmer!
Loves the fun. Glad you are feeling better!
That is seriously gorgeous. But I'm not sure the word "fun" comes into it...
Lovely. Will it be aired for viewing at the holidays? Will you be coming this way as usual?
My verification word is "facism", which I believe must be discrimination against people who don't have faces.
I just knew you were a genius!
It's beautiful! Love love love the cable design and how it flows from the edges....
Glad your having 'fun'. Share the pattern so we can too ;)
At least the beastly cold will have left in time for the Silly Season festivities.
That is just a beautiful work of art....
Speechless with wonder; grateful you made it past the beckoning angels; love the play on operatic themes manifested in stitches. You're quite usual.
It's really lovely -- both the color and the cable design. I hope you're working it up as a pattern to share! I could use something like that..! And I'm glad you're on the mend.
Tell me that you'll be posting the pattern for Calaf soon. Great Muppety Odin, it's beautiful.
I think I'm in trouble - I understood your 'very subtle jest' - but then I did see the encore Met production of Turandot at my local movie theatre last weekend. Who knew opera was soooo much fun.
Love the "Calaf'
Glad you are well enough to go to Madison.
Just had to add - the new word verification is 'operma'
It's stunning!
I hope you feel better, soon.
are you sure it was a cold and not H1N1? (which sounds to me like a virus that would attack your ribs.)
That is gorgeous. You could sell that pattern and make money.
Worth every swatch.
Now, please save me the bother of weeks of swatching and swearing, and write up the pattern.
Then I, and others, will give you money. And nothing says "Hey man, the flow of your cables rocks my world," like pockets full of shiny new cash.
Forget the buttons. Sew it together end to end and make it a cowl and you can have continuous cables.
That really came out nice! I love the color and style. I am very glad you did not follow the light as you would be missed.
Gorgeous...get well.. then write the pattern pretty please?
Hope you're feeling better! Your project is STUNNING! No surprise though, all your work is fantastic. That vintage pattern? Hmmmm. Couldn't figure it out. Wish I could though.
YOU are fun!
I feel your pain, brother. I spent an entire day Friday (oh jeez, was that just yesterday?) trying to work out the perfect leafy cable. I finally gave up and designed a non-leafy one. Yours is wonderful, particularly the bit where it flows out of the edge. Well done!
I'm not one to beg famous bloggers for patterns, but that is a thing of beauty. Write it up? Please?
Glad you are feeling better. Totally laughing!!! Needed this humor to brighten my weekend. Read it to my hubby and he has learned enough about knitting to laugh too.
Love your neckwarmer. It's beautiful. And I'm sure I had the cousin of your same cold was awful. Screw the swine flu, that cold was as sick as I've been in a long time! Glad you're better in time to go to Madison!
I am tickled imagining you as a consumptive Little Nell going to your greater reward. It's just so much less derivative and so much more gay than being a Gashlycrumb Tiny. I hope I will be allowed to sit at your bedside wearing black and doing whitework. I need to find some appropriate onyx beads, jet cameos and other assorted morbid Victorian drag. One thing I gather that is not happening is the traditional keepsake lock of hair.
You need to do a whole warm lounging line based on that design, starting with a Calaftan, the high class Snuggie for opera buffs.
Glad you survived! One cannot leave this earth until all their Christmas knitting is done.
So when can we hope to see you publish the pattern? The cables are amazing!
Oh dear, that is just so pretty. I really adore the way the yarn really almost makes your lovely cables glow.
Also, please write a pattern. Pretty please?
Leigh expressed the images I had, only not so much Little Nell as Prince Albert on his deathbed with the weeping Vicky by his side. I don't think though that Dolores is the weepy type. More like searching the cupboards for salable pieces of silver before your sister comes over. I'm glad you're over your ague.
Nice work on the cabling. I agree with others -- it's time to consider a collection of patterns.
pretty...ya know, you could go to to find what you need (just sayin')...
get well have been missed!
That's beautiful...
Hope you're feeling better very soon... and glad to see you're limbering up for the knitters of Stirling in the summer!
Just lovely and almost worht the trouble of swatching. Almost. But then swatching is against my religion, so its a separation of church and state thing...
Nice cables! Love it!
That is one good looking neckwarmer.
I haven't anything more intelligent to say.
I love the way the cables flow up the edge, and you're right, the yarn is gorgeous.
I've been swatching for a sweater for my mother for a couple of years now (off and on, don't laugh, I have knit her other stuff in the meantime) I wonder if that edge treatment would work.... humm... off to find the box with her sweater stuff in it. (I swear, the rate this sweater is knitting, it'll be done sometime after the world ends in 2012 :)
Oh my. Sensational. Really. I envy your neck.
Beautiful. Pattern and yarn. I'll have to fondle some LL Fisherman, perhaps at Loopy over Christmas.
Looks like it was worth the trouble. I love the detail.
Beautiful. Nice combination of yarn and pattern!
Love love love! Love you, love the cowl, and looove the subtle joke to the head chopping!
I was reading along thinking "old patterns, yes, yes - very interesting" then I noticed the row numbers! Whoa!! Row 248, Row 249, etc. - are you kidding!!! Now that's hard core for sure.
PS your neckwarmer is beautiful.
Franklin, you know it's the perfect blog when you can't decide which is more skilfully done, the writing or the knitting! Too funny by half!
So glad you're better - no angels singing you to your rest until you write up that pattern for the rest of us! Have you thought of using pewter celtic knot buttons? They would sort of mimic the center cables, and the pewter would look great against the pine!
That is amazing. And beautiful. And now I feel I must knit something with cables.
Eeee! I love the neckwarmer. It's so much fun! Seriously. (Making it fully continuous would spoil having it come out of the cast-on, and anyway, if it were reversible cables it could be moebius as well. Aarrghhh)
I wonder why the 19th century author had to repeat the 6-row sequence so many times; maybe she couldn't figure out how to say "do this pair of rows six times, then do them eight times" (or however that should be). I have that book, I should read it.
Duh. Please ignore where I misread the Ladies' Work Book pattern. *sigh* But it could still have been written more compactly.
Thank God! Something in green with cables that isn't called 'Celtic...' something. Love it, very classy, and subtly clever.
It also amuses me far too much that my word verification is 'stiffi'.
Ooh, ooh! It's so pretty, it's so pretty, I want it! Are you going to give away/sell the pattern for it? Please say yes!
Crikes! I wish I was in Madison (and how often is THAT said in December?) for what promises to be a classic of a class. I also wish could pat that neckwarmer.
Sigh. Instead, I am staring at a screenshot of a show trying to discern whether the actress is wearing a scarf, a very large cowl (one of the men was wearing a rather attractive cowl in this earlier), a wrap or some sort of capelet.
I'm not knitting. I have no knit mojo at the moment. It has deserted me just as I was hoping to knit some hats for the rest of the horde for Winter Solstice or Xmas, since I already missed Bodhi Day and the start of Hanukkah. I'm thinking 3 Kings Day may be more likely.
Your writing and your knitting are both spectacular!
It's beautiful! I'm glad you are feeling better.
You are truly a constant source of inspiration.
Hi to Dolores and Harry.
How interesting -- the antique pattern instructions I mean.
When I was a little girl in Australia, I was taught the Plain stitch and the Purl stitch. To this day I still say purl one, PLAIN one, in my mind when I'm knitting rib. And in some way I think it makes more sense to knit Purl and knit Plain instead of knit Purl and knit Knit!
Jum8uck on Ravelry
Dearest, you know if I had been there I would have had Tom applying Thermogene and Brown Paper to your chest while I sang The Red Sarafan...
Sending you Chicken Noodle soup via email as I type. ;-) I hope you get to feeling better!!
The Calaf is awesome! Although tedious cables can be all the more worth it in the end! It's incredible! Get well soon and I hope you find your buttons. :-)
It's neckwarmer weather, all right (I just made a 20s inspired neckwarmer & cloche in a very similar color. Not as impressive as yours. And it's unnamed.)
I'm glad your cold has left for warmer climes without you (though I hope it doesn't find a new host).
One more thing; I loved your Knitty article on Mrs. Roosevelt. Thanks!
I'm running off to increase the length of my Christmas knitting list as a disease preventative measure. Who knew? Glad you survived and thanks for reporting back on the remedy.
Calaf is wonderful!
On a completely unrelated topic: Franklin, have you seen this: Science knitting!
Here's hoping you make the pattern available.
Like the new article in Knitty too.
That is absolutely beautiful. And what a great colour for those flowing lines!
You better believe we are laughing in Madison :)
The neck warmer is beautiful. Can't wait for your talk tonigh!
We call THAT kind of cold "the plague".
i'm on your fan bandwagon. the neckwarmer is fantastic. the cables, from what i can see, flow beautifully. and the color of the yarn!! what a wonderful green. what is it? will i be able to get me some? (will be checking out your projects page on ravelry for more details...)
pattern please please please.
That is gorgeous. I want to pet it even though I know in certain circles that would be considered creepy.
LOL, from someone in Madison
Beautiful work! Your knitting and writing are works of art.
We ARE laughing in Madison!!! Turandot is my all-time favorite opera...nay, my all-time favorite piece of music. Ever. Really.
Oh, and the neck warmer is GORGEOUS!!!
just gorgeous!
Hi Franklin,
I'm glad you're better!
But I'm really commenting to say how wonderful this issue's Stitches in Time is. Really wonderful. I always love SIT but you really outdid yourself this time. Thanks so much for sharing this with us in the wider knitting community!
- Heather
That is absolutely gorgeous!
Franklin, it's gorgeous...I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll be releasing it as a pattern??
Feel better...
Franklin, You kicked ass tonight in Madison! You were fantastic! and it was wonderful to see (and touch) the Angry Baby's bonnet.
Thank you for braving "hardcore" Madison! And yes, you were GOOD!
yes, LL fisherman is severely and painfully underrated.
Oh how I wish you were my mate and you lived round the corner and I could just pop in and knit and share in the "fun". You make me laugh so much!
Can't tell you how much I enjoyed your talk last night in Madison! Dale H and I will have fodder for hours of stories at Knit Night at The Ear on Friday night. Only problem is, now I've got this small inkling that I should know...poke around...just a little ...and see what's out there for antique patterns....
Yummy. Just - yummy.
Both designs are gorgeous and, as always and I lOVE reading about Harry and Delores.(I read the whole page at once.) Unfortunately, my husband isn't a knitter, so when I try to explain what was so funny, he doesn't get it (sigh).
How on earth do you find the time to physically knit along with all your other activities?? I wish I had your dedication. Amazing pattern of cables!
I really dig your Buddha, Pity I only got to see his cold shoulder ;-)
Nice carving and wood.
The neckwarmer sure needs those special buttons to make it complete. Good luck finding them (soon).
Wow! That's a lot of drama for a head cold.
Your idea of FUN! sounds like my. idea. of. hell. But your neckwarmer looks nice.
Glad you're among the living in time for holly daze. Here, have a kerchief for your subsequent vapors!
(heh. Seriously: stay better!)
Oh my god, Jane Gaugain! Can I just clutch you around the knees and worship you?
(I graphed one of the patterns out of her Pyrennees & Shetland Shawl book - o_O. Wow.)
That looks big to be a neck warmer? Maybe the scale is misleading in the photos...? Or maybe it is late, and I am tired.
But you are a Cable Master
I love the flow!
that is LOVELY. and the swatches resulted in a lot of details that are very knitter-geek. (which is, of course, always a plus.)
Wouldn't it be fun if you were my boyfriend?!
I have scads and scads of buttons...
Sure hope you're recovering from the "cold-that-isn't-the-flu". Sounds like the same awful thing that I had.
You really do need to publish that pattern. I'm another one who would definitely buy it!
I ran into one of the Madison Knitting Guilders at the auto glass shop on the 16Dec. She was saying that you had been there.Again I missed someone I wanted to hear speak. I looked at the pictures on the MKG website. That is down right scary. The knitter i spoke to was a teacher, she knitted socks and was working on the 7gs.5th edition of EZ sweater. you always create gorgeous things.
Oh, Franklin. Your prose makes such wonderful reading. Thank you for brightening my days with your blog.
I am sorry to hear about your cold, and extremely envious of your beautiful project. I suppose envy is a fitting emotion, seeing the (gorgeous) tint of the yarn you used.
Thank you very good idea.
I laughed... But then again, I majored in Opera and Archeology in college so I'm used to getting all the opera jokes... Knitting Opera jokes are even better. Bonus points if you can work an ancient culture in there.
Sad opera, but suitably dramatic neckwear. Will there be a pattern recitative available in the not too distant future?
Lovely, lovely. I can't wait to see the finished cowl.
What kind of buttons you looking for? I have some metal and wooden ones that would look nice. Cuz, you know, the best buttons are found in NYC. ;-)
Well, if no one else has suggested it, look up "man cold" on youtube--that's what you had!!!!!
Beautiful! And you're going to have the pattern for sale when? I mean, with all that swatching, surely you wrote down the pattern? Right? Ok, maybe you didn't.
It's beautiful and well worth the swatching you did.
I really like Calef. Now, when do we get to see the pattern. This is something I would love to knit.
Thank you admin
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Nice Post
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I just knew you were a genius!
Are you ever going to publish the pattern? Please??
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Totally laughing!!! Needed this humor to brighten my weekend. Read it to my hubby and he has learned enough about knitting to laugh too.
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I suppose if you haven't written up this pattern by 2015, it probably isn't going to happen. But just in case: please pretty please?
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