Saturday, December 19, 2009

Out of the Sketchbook

I'd like to have done a more finished version of this, but–well, read the caption and draw your own conclusions.



anne marie in philly said...

LOVE IT...although I do no holiday knitting...

Anonymous said...

That one in the crowd with long hair? That's me.

Kat said...

i would laugh, but there's no time.

DutchJan said...

LOVE IT!! I am the one holding the needles up!! Happy Christmas time!!!

Alyssa said...

This may be exactly how I feel right now!

Emily said...

YES! Not for knitting...though that's in there...but Christmas is rolling downhill toward me like a truck with its brakes gone....

Jeanne said...

Methinks the ratio of Time to FOs is drastically out of balance, correct?

Sean said...

a true and genuine LOL!

Happy Holidays, friend

Bonnita said...


C Ste Croix said...

One solution is to become Ukrainian. Can't be that hard to do, right?

Yvonne said...

My Christmas knitting will be finished for Christmas - Christmas 2012 the way it's going!

Hope you have a good one.

Megan York said...

So true, so true!

I hope you'll at least have time to get that project (*cough*, don't want to say what it is in case some one might be reading this....) done that you were working on at the Madison Knitter's Guild! Thank you so much for coming to speak. It was an excellent and interesting topic. People were still talking about how great it was at my Wednesday night knit group!


Steph said...

YES! However, the procrastinators (such as myself) will ALWAYS need more time to finish projects. ;)

=Tamar said...

Oh, please, yes. And I'm not even doing Christmas knitting. Need to postpone _everything_ - living on a hill where plowing isn't done for a week even normally.

Marcela said...

This is so true!

Unknown said...

Too funny!!!

Lucy said...


Kathleen said...


Lilm4105 said...

Love it! Exactly how I feel! But wait, what am I doing on here.....I'm supposed to be knitting!!!

Molly Bee said...


alala said...

Brilliant. And hilarious. Thank you!

Dawn said...

EXACTLY!!! Who pushed the dates up so fast!?

Amy A. said...

Very funny. Thanks!

Benita said...


Anonymous said...

How timely! Today I gave my cousin her Christmas scarf - still on the needles.

Eileen said...


For your information, I finished the last gift today. It's ready to block. ;-p (I LOVE that cartoon.)

Lily said...

I know! I have most of a sleeve, a large wrappy over collar type thing and sewing up to do in 8 days, before my son arrives to claim his christmas jumper!

soxanne said...

How about celebrating Orthodox Christmas or Epiphany? That would give you an extra two weeks.

Love the cartoon.

Lori said...

I need to give this to my pastor tomorrow.

Kristen said...

Just convert to Eastern Orthodoxy pronto. That'll buy you until January 7.

Sandy said...

I snicker although the only reason I am reading this right now is because I had to take a break from knitting because my shoulder hurts!

What was I thinking that I could get all this done?

Anonymous said...

If I could just get one more week, I would be thrilled!

Liz said...


Would write more but typing eats into valuable knitting time...

NSuttor said...

so fitting! And I'm only knitting the last pair of Christmas socks! Even so, I may be giving them still on the needles and will finish them later.

ali said...

Bless you, Buddhist buddy, for making my Christmas a little easier to swallow.

Unknown said...

So glad to see you back a bit more often. Happy Christmas to you and the crew too.

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

OMG - Yes!
Case in point - I cast on a BIG poncho very late last night, and it's a Christmas gift, of course.

ExecutiveKnitter said...

Excellent plan. So when will you be submitting this to the Pope? How soon can we have an answer?

Merry Christmas.

Susan said...

"burst out laughing"...slightly hysterically

Anonymous said...

Loved the cartoon. I showed it to my DH, aka The Patron of the Arts, and he laughed and said "It wouldn't help - you'd just try to get six more weeks of knitting done!"

Merry Christmas to you!

KiwiJames said...

Excellent and much needed... please make it so! Merry Christmas

Lily said...

My family has always celebrated Christmas in a leisurely way - as long as it's done by Epiphany I'm okay.

Anonymous said...

If you can't get things done by Christmas, aim for Twelfth Night. If you still can't get everything finished, there's always Chinese New Year. . . Gung hay fat choy!
-- Gretchen

joan said...

You sure "hit the nail on the head" This describes me exactly. Still socks and fingerless gloves to knit while the stuff I felted this morning dries. Just love it!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Carrie said...

Thanks for the giggle!

Phro5gg said...

If you can get his Holiness to do this, I am promoting you as the patron saint of knitting. I may even become Catholic!

Anonymous said...


nosenabook said...


Will he do it?

knitkick said...

From your sketchbook to the Pope's ear!! What do I need to sign to make this happen??

Tina - omme i London said...

LOL - that's hilarious; and OH SO TRUE!

Jeanne in Nevada City said...

Too true - thanks for the laugh!

Zelda said...

Love it. Long-suffering SO and I both laughed out loud. Need it on notecards-- although January is soon enough, if you're a tad busy right now...

Anonymous said...

"... draw your own conclusions. "
Now that's the statement that tipped my tumbler!! Thank you all over the place. And joyous celebrations to you. Paula in Iowa

Joy said...

This has got to be the funniest Christmas cartoon ever. That's the Dalai Lama up there, right?

inkberryblue said...

I second the vote for a Saint Franklin...because anyone who can make me laugh at this point in the calendar is a miracle worker... Merry Christmas, dear Mr Habit, you are a gem!

Nana Sadie said...

Oh, that's rich, Franklin, thank you!

Minsiemom said...

No knitting this year, but the sewing machine is complaining. Go faster, go faster...

Martha0051 said...

You'd think I would know better. Now how the **** do I get all this coffee out of my keyboard??!!??

Seanna Lea said...

This makes me glad that I've only done one holiday gift item, and it was finished in April. Whew! It's like dodging a bullet. A very large wooly bullet.

Monica the Author said...

That's great! I love it!

Allyson said...

Nice to know I'm not alone but just six weeks?

Sara in WI said...

Hahahahaha! You made my day!

ruth said...

May I please have your permission to print a few copies of your AWESOME cartoon to accompany my letters of contrition regarding unfinished handknit holiday gifts for my family...

ruth said...

Oh, I just now saw the greeting card comment - I absolutely second this!
I will need them again next year if you get to them in between...
Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

I am being won over to the side of those who believe that Christ was actually born in March rather than December. (Hey, I saw it on Bones. It must be true.)

Emily and Laura said...

What does it say that I'm knitting frantically as I read this?

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! My mother is getting one sock this year under the tree... second sock to be given in January!

Dez Crawford said...

The long hair is me also. I have three inches to go on one sleeve for my other's Christmas present. Beaded lace pullover in Koigu. I can do that tomorrow with luck, then tuck in ends and wash/block on Wednesday. Who is the patron saint of knitters?

YogaNan knits, too... said...

I'm right there with you and the crowd, using every spare moment to work on the Stealth Vest for my DH. Why couldn't he have been out of town THIS week so I can finish this up!!! I DO want to surprise him...

Melissa said...

So true! And every year in July I think to myself, "I should start my Christmas knitting..." but do I? No...of course not!

Anonymous said...

I just got my copy of Verona Knitting and saw the back cover. Brilliant. You are my hero.

Yvonne said...


Anonymous said...

Dez--I've heard the patron saint of knitters is St. Fiacre, but this time of year, I believe that falls to Jude. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the laugh.
Happy Holidays to you!

Mike Smith said...

A most necessary laugh - thanks, and the happiest of holidays.

Janet said...

There is no measure for your marvelousness. Right?

Has David Sedaris' agent discovered you yet? And if not, why not?

Unknown said...

Can we, huh, can we? It's 12/23 and I have 1/2 an afghan to crochet and almost all of a lapghan to sew! Fortunately, the knitting's done.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely brilliant...but it anyone in that delegation is anything like me, we'll all STILL be knitting frantically on the new holiday eve, because we saw even MORE pretty and practical things to knit!

Michelle said...

Thank you for your brilliant grasp of desperation!

Off-topic: With Stephanie Pearl-McPhee on "Family Leave," we hope you can help fill the blog-o-sphere void.
Wishing you peace, love and good health in the New Year,

shannon said...

oh. so. true.

merriest of merries!

Maria said...

I hope you got it all done, Franklin!!!

Alvaro said...

I never do any up to date knitting because it is a non written rule I never finish it at time. I wish you the very best 2010... stil love you...

Wilma Fingerdu said...

LoL LOve it!

Nik said...

You are so awesome.

Anonymous said...

Very funny! I finished one of the two items I was knitting for Christmas. And the stocking cap ended up being too large for the recipient. Um, I didn't take the time to swatch...I just knew it would fit...

Janet said...

Franklin - what about a Nobel Prize for knitting??

Kirsty said...

First, thought you'd like this story about ex-cons being taught knitting and crochet in Edinburgh:

Second, this cartoon was definitely me: I stayed up past midnight sewing up a cardigan, only to be up super-early to pay the Post Office vast sums to get it the other end of the country on next day delivery. I then blu-tacked a lace chart to my Dad's dashboard so I could knit Mum's Christmas present as we drove home for the holidays. LOL.

Anonymous said...

aloha out there, did santa claus take you back to the north pole is his big sack?

Emily said...

Franklin, are you having the blue miseries again? You've disappeared. I'm trying to beam cheerful energy rays in your general direction....

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