Thursday, October 29, 2009

Out of the Sketchbook

Halloween Sketchbook

Over the Water

I'll be popping across the pond in just two short weeks. On November 10 at 6* in the evening, I'll be at I Knit in London for an informal but lively evening of knitting, talking and reading from works old...and new.

In the Shop

The annual knitting ornament is newly available for your Christmas tree, Festivus pole, Hanukkah bush, Kwanzaa privet hedge, Solstice rubber plant, or Secular Humanist creeping charlie.

I enjoyed making it for you. I hope you will like it.

Ornament Preview 2009

* Whoops. I mistakenly wrote 7 pm on first writing.


Seanna Lea said...

I'd dress up for Halloween for mini-skeins of Malabrigo. That stuff is seriously addictive! Instead I dress up because I want to, and costumes aren't just for the little kids!

Meredith said...

I wish I knew someone giving out mini-skeins of Malabrigo! Halloween would be so much better if people gave yarn instead of candy.

Phro5gg said...

I went to Mrs. Peterson's house and all I got was a rock.

Anne-Marie said...

Would you consider printing your ornament cartoon on greeting cards?

Yvonne said...

I dressed up once for Halloween and ended up getting married - that was 28 years ago on Saturday! Don't think I've ever scored yarn as an anniversary present

Looking forward to seeing you at I Knit soon

Anonymous said...

If I keep changing costumes, can I hit up the Peterson house more than once?

Will trade Kit-Kats for Malabrigo!

The ornament is adorable.

anne marie in philly said...

I LERVE the new ornament - as soon as my paycheck pops its way into my bank account tomorrow, I will be on this like white on rice!

thank you, dear friend! smooches!

Chantal Boucher said...

So cuuuuute!!! I love it.

livnletlrn said...

As always, your blog is a delight. Thanks.

La Cabeza Grande said...

Franklin, you are such a mensch! Creative, talented and just

Sharon Rose said...

SO cute!

Roggey said...

I think this one is my favorite ornament so far...

Anonymous said...

The Halloween sketch -- have you considered using that to pitch to the New Yorker?

Minerva said...

Giving away Malabrigo?! Surely Mrs Peterson is mad.

I like that ornament! Does it arrive just in time for the "Airing of the Grievances"?

You're very funny and talented.

Unknown said...

I think it would be too distracting on a Festivus pole. I love the Halloween sketch!

Anonymous said...

Such a cute illustration! <3

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to buy this one on a card? I sent the knitting angel out a few years ago, and would love to send this one as well. (I couldn't figure it out last year, so I thought I'd ask this year.)


Unknown said...

I had to print out your Halloween cartoon because I actually live on a Grace Street and I am a Mrs. (though I go by Ms.) Peterson.

However you wouldn't catch me giving away yarn. Giving away chocolate is hard enough. :)

Anonymous said...

...."reading from works old...and new."

Is the hint at "new" works a trick or a treat?

karen! said...

The Halloween cartoon is awesome.
Knitting ornament is on my Christmas list, I've got to make sure I keep up-to-date with my collection.

sarah said...

I love your cartoons, and the Halloween one is extremely sweet. The new ornament is really cool! Greetings from Switzerland! sarah.

Alwen said...

@Kara -

I am Googling your address right now. I'll be dressed as a crabby 40-something woman . . .

Patti said...

that is so cute, but 2006 one really caught my eye, so I bought it for a knitting friend! and I LOVE the halloween cartoon.. you write, your draw, you knit... dude, you are one talented man! enjoy your trip across the big water.

ali said...

Love the new ornament. Love the idea of giving one to my secular humnanist F&L (that's friend and lover)

Jody said...

Mrs. Peterson turned the porch light off when she saw me coming, the beetch.

Karen B said...

"new" work?

Angeliner Mediner said...

Hope someone's handing out skeins in my neighborhood!

MaryjoO said...

this cartoon made my day.... thanks!

and I second request for your cartoons on greeting cards!

Anonymous said...

I wish I lived near Mrs. Peterson. I am constantly fighting off the urge to indulge in Malabrigo. "Must use up stash" has become my current mantra. Happy Halloween, Franklin. - Joe, in Wyoming (P.S. I would say, "Try to prevent a certain sheep from repeating her Christmas debacle of last year for Halloween." but I know it would be a waste of my breath and your sanity.)

wool free and lovin' knit said...

I echo the sentiment that you should start a greeting card line of your knitting-themed comics. They'd be so fun to send to fellow-knitters. I'm quite certain that most yarn stores would carry them.

Katie said...

You always know how to nail the knitting addiction on the head that makes me feel understood and slightly less crazy. Thanks for the great work.

Lynn said...

Loved the cartoons; keep getting a 404 error when I hit the link for the Christmas ornament. Will beat my computer severely, eat some Nutella, and try again.

Unknown said...

Perfect, simply perfect!!! Happy Halloween!

Jennylynn said...

I absolutely love your blog. I've spent way too long this morning reading new posts and rereading old favorites. Don't ever stop!

birdfarm said...

You seem happy, my friend. I'm so glad.

Katie said...

Okay, I keep thinking about this post. Can we see this Out of the Sketchbook into the Cafe Press Store? Orange Halloween Coffee mugs. Even as a print, I could see it with an orange mat and a black frame. A black bag with orange ink for actual "trick-or-treating" at the LYS. I really love this. Thanks again.

GrannyPurple said...

Ah, who else would ever have thought of Hallowe'en as a destashing opportunity!!!

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