Monday, October 29, 2007

Go West

For somebody who is supposed to be getting rest I'm moving around an awful lot.

Posts-in-progress are stacked up at my end like a pile of unread Little Golden Books on the president's night table. The trip to Pennsylvania was wonderful enough to need two entries, not one. And there was a 1,000 Knitters shoot on Friday night on the South Side that was a rip-snorting good time.

Before I can finish those lengthy reports, however, I have to put up something shorter but time-sensitive.

Thanks to the kind generosity of the Camellia City Stockinettes of Sacramento, California, the first 1,000 Knitters shoot to take place outside the state of Illinois will be happening Saturday, November 3 from 10 am–4:30 pm at Synergex International Corporation, 2330 Gold Meadow Way in Gold River.

The shoot will open to the public (those who aren't members of the guild) at 2:30 pm.

The guild tells me there's ample parking. I have so little experience of such a thing, living in Chicago, that I may ask to go and visit it.

Dolores, who is still in search of a look-alike,* is planning on coming with me. I thought I was safe, since she's been hesitant to leave the house; but apparently Ann Coulter has temporarily abandoned her surveillance post to follow Elizabeth Edwards on the campaign trail.

*Nota bene: if you'd like to enter the contest, please remember that the images you submit must be yours - snagging images off the 'net that were created by other people won't cut the mustard. Dolores is very particular, in case you haven't noticed.


mary said...

Any chance you're coming down to LA after Sacramento? We'd love to see you (and Dolores too)!

Anonymous said...

"like a pile of Little Golden Books on the president's night table..." tee hee, you are sooo funny :)

Anonymous said...

There was a Dolores look-alike at Rhinebeck, but she was so dignified, chaste and sober looking, that even though all the parts were there ... Well, I think you catch my drift.

Sarah said...

Dang, I'm going to a housewarming party on the 3rd! I'm sad. :(

Anonymous said...

Hurray for the Camellia City Stockinettes, getting you out to the left coast especially for 1,000 Knitters. Congrats! Let's hope this inspires a bunch of other groups, too.

And enjoy the look of all that parking. ;)

Cookie said...

Will Dolores be performing while you take photos? Because that I'd come out to see.

Unknown said...

::pout:: i'm stuck in san francisco all afternoon for a costume fitting. ::toddler-esque hissy fit::

have fun in sacramento, and come back soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh how exciting to here you will be on the West Coast. However, I'm going to cross my fingers and hold out until you come to Seattle!! Please......Cskinner

Anonymous said...

Hope you're doing well, even though you need rest. :)

Anonymous said...

Is there going to be a 1000 knitters photo shoot sometime between Nov 10-14th? I'm coming up to Chicago for a conference!

Anonymous said...

If only he would read Little Golden books. . . he might be a better person.

NightOwlKnits said...

Noooooo! I absolutely would drive from the SF Peninsula to Sac wearing my "Learned to Knit In Prison" t-shirt but this is one of the few weekends I'm out of town. I shall now cross my fingers & hope that perhaps at Stitches West 2008???

Josette said...

the little golden books - it hurts with the laughing. Thanks, I needed one today!

Laurel said...

Dude, that's about 15 minutes from where I grew up! If my mom knitted, I'd have her go for me. Although, since I now live outside Chicago, maybe I could just show up for one of those events, lol.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I wouldn't miss that for the world. Don't get too excited about the parking lot though. We have them, it's just that there are never any available spaces in them.

monica said...

I'm seconding the request to work your way south to LA...or further south even...

Yeah the parking lots in CA suck--they like to put medians and planters in them.

Anonymous said...

it was great to see you again and funny you remembered the cupcakes. i stayed much later at MSK and missed a concert that night but it was well worth it.

Anonymous said...

Oh rats - I'm busy the entire weekend! Any chance you might come out for Stitches West in February??

Anonymous said...

Franklin, Franklin, Franklin...that comment about the Little Golden Books should have come with a spew owe me a screen cleaning!
As usual, you remain priceless...

Anonymous said...

The Minions of the Pointy Sticks may have to make a pilgrimage out to Sacramento... :)

Lynn said...

Since when are you supposed to be, allowed to be, getting rest? You're a knitter. Knitters do not rest, especially with the onset of cold weather, Al Gore or No Gore. Unless you're planning on migrating to the other hemisphere, you cannot rest until May. Maybe June, in that Windy City. There are babies to be clothed. Mid-winter-holiday gifts to be constructed, felted mouth-gags for one Ms. D (she likes it; trust me, I know), etc. Understood?

Rest, my foot. Harrumph.

Anonymous said...

Golden Books... oh deary deary me! You are so awesome!

Anonymous said...

Waving and hoping you see my message in ravelry regarding photo shoots
( rewselene)
It'd be great to see you on the west coast of canada too eh? :P

Anonymous said...

In my experience, on a Saturday in that area the parking lot of a corporation like Synergex will have enough parking to boggle the mind of a true city boy. Unfortunately, I won't arrive in california for our holiday migration for another 10 days. Enjoy your trip.

Janice said...

Can't wait to meed Dolores..... oh and of course you. I will be there and hope to be selected to get photo taken... I will be the little ole grammie lookin lady with gray hair. lol....... and I will be happy to take Dolores down to Fanny Annies in old town Sacramento if she needs to be entertained.

Mel said...

Actually, Dolores might want to watch out:

Nancy said...

Aaaargh! I would totally drive up to Sac from SF for this, if I hadn't already committed to an all-day event here.

Please come back to Northern California again soon! (Can we get Dolores to whisper subliminal messages to you at night? "Stitches West, Stitches West, Stitches West.")

RogueTess said...

Welcome to California! If the state weren't so durn huge, I'd love to take a road trip. Is Southern Calif (specifically Orange County) in your future?

Anonymous said...

Woo - I think I can actually be there to do this, since I'm only about 20 minutes away.

Anonymous said...

Hello there,
I'm one of those Sacramento Knitters you will meet on Saturday. I'm Lorna (as in Lorna's Laces, if you know it...I should hope so being from Chicago...)
I look forward to meeting you and hoping that your magic camera will add youth and sveltness to my image. I'd be happy to help entertain you and your helper while you are visiting. Do feel free to contact me:

Mah Blogg said...

Let me just add that "Posts-in-progress are stacked up at my end like a pile of unread Little Golden Books on the president's night table" caused me to snort my coffee this morning . . .

meg(aphone) said...

YIPEE!! My offer of drink on my ranch still stands from months ago! It's only 20 minutes south of where you will be and Delores will love the area!

GramKnitsMostlySocks said...

You're going to be across from my house! I'll see you there! FYI there is a GREAT place for lunch in the Bel Air shopping center a block away, Forno Classico, a sort of cali-talian. I'm SOOOO excited!
Laura (Gold River, CA)

Anonymous said...

So .... I realize this is a VERY old post( I like to start from the beginning....) and luckily I'm not on a work computer, because, um, the link for the Camelia whatever it was appears to go to a porn site... Just thought you might want to know...

Unknown said...

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