The jacquard motifs (the demonstration is coming) have been fun to chart and work. Between the Japonaisérie kimono and this piece, which in places resembles a Persian carpet, I seem to be in the midst of an Orientalist phase. My Lebanese blood rising to the surface, no doubt.
Perhaps at Christmas I'll present Abigail with a Baby's First Hookah from the Beirut branch of FAO Schwarz.
1,000 Knitters Update
I'm pleased as punch to announce not one but two more 1,000 Knitters shoots. I simply can't get enough.
October 13: Yarn Con Chicago
I'm delighted to have been asked to participate in Yarn Con, a gathering in Pulaski Park for yarn and those who love it. There will be workshops, demonstrations, and of course a vendor's market. The vendor list is interesting; it seems that this will be a chance for a lot of smaller and/or local producers and retailers to get their stuff out there.
For more information about the event, you can visit the Yarn Con Web site.
October 26: My Sister's Knits, Chicago
And then I'll be spending a very cozy Friday evening on October 26 from 5–8 p.m. at My Sister's Knits on the South Side. I'm a north sider, so this will be a great adventure for me. (I consider Hyde Park to be downstate.)These aren't all the shoots in the works, just the two confirmed. I'm hoping take advantage of several offers to travel outside the borders of Illinois soon.
I just realized that I had switched off the function on Ravelry that tells me when somebody marks me as a friend. So if you did so and were met with apparent stony silence, that's why. It's not because I'm an uppity, mean snob. There are heaps of things I ignore because I'm an uppity, mean snob, but Ravelers aren't among them.
Rhinebeck Blogger Bingo

That darling Stitchy McYarnpants, who curates the Museum of Kitschy Stitches, has once again decided to host Rhinebeck Blogger Bingo. Complete, titillating details are here.
While I'm unspeakably bummed out that I won't be there, at least Dolores is getting legitimate work for a change. I asked her if there were any chance she might visit the shearing tent while she's out there and she said it depends on who's doing the shearing. Fine time for her to get fussy.
According to her whyewestillsingle.com profile, she's looking for:
- large, firm hands;
- medium-muscular to beefy builds;
- an appreciation for the pleasures of the grape and grain;
- a working knowledge of ancient Greek;
- the manual finesse of a sculptor;
- the stamina of a triathlete;
- cute toes;
- trust funds.