Monday, May 21, 2007

Call Me Uncle

Abigail Ann was delivered today, wriggling and dancing, at 10:36 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Parents and baby are doing fine. Susan made it through the whole thing without anaesthetics. Abby weighs 7 pounds, 15 ounces and has dark, wavy hair. 19.5 inches long. Ten fingers, ten toes, and all the rest presumably in order.

After she was born, she was given to Susan and started nursing in a split second. Typical of our family–upon arrival, the first thing she wants is lunch.

At what point do you suppose I will stop jumping up and down and grinning like an idiot?

This just in! Pictures!


I see Grandma Ann made it through the experience with her manicure intact. I'd recognize that shade anywhere. Way to go, Grandma.


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Anonymous said...

What a beautiful babe! Congratulations to all involved, especially Mom who delivered ala natural -- what a wonderful gift for her baby to start things out right. MaryB

Anonymous said...

I want to join in with everyone else sending the proud Uncle, his lovely new niece, the new Momma and everyone else in the family the best of best wishes and congratulations! What an adorable little one, and such a cute name! I hope you have many hours of happy knitting ahead of you for little Abigail Ann. And p.s. it's not too late to start agitating for a sib for her! :)

tenacious knitter said...

Congratulations to you and your sister! I can't wait to see all the baby sweaters that I'm sure you've already planned :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Uncle Franklin! And welcome to Abby. I tell ya, nieces and nephews are great - you get to spoil them outrageously, but rarely have to tolerate tantrums...
p.s. how did your discussion with 'they who must be obeyed' go?
Jim in Toronto

Liz said...

Congratulations Uncle Franklin!!!! And most spcifically congratulations Mom and Dad.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Uncle Franklin! I'm with
5elementknitr -- TOE PEAS are the best.

I am so happy for you and your family. What a lucky little girl. She gets to have YOU as an uncle. I'm positively jealous.

FiberQat said...

The jumping up and down turns to frantic hollers when Precious takes a gander to Queen Victoria and tries to lob her across the room.


Mama Llama said...

Congratulations! My wish for you is that you never lose the desire to jump for joy in her honor.

Puttermeister said...

Congratulations! To the outpouring of joy and good wishes, I can only add I wish I'd had a fantastic Uncle Franklin who read and knit and made jokes that were actually funny.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Uncle! It's only going to get better.

Anonymous said...

Best of the best to you and your family, nieces are a wonderful thing to behold!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear everyone's well and (by the looks of your sister), labor went well...or at least was worth the effort!

MsAmpuTeeHee said...

Dancing? Cool. :-)

Tomme said...

Congratulations to the parents, and to Uncle Franklin! I think it's very cool that you're so excited about your new niece. She has a great relationship with you to look forward to!

Nana Sadie said...

Congratulations, Uncle!

And of course, Grandma's manicure is intact - All we Nana's have to do is cheer from the sidelines...!

Welcome Abigail Ann!

Ann said...

Susan rocks! Abigail Ann rocks! Congratulations Uncle!!

Kristen said...

Congratulations all round! I'm sure you've got her library all picked out, which is to say you'll be wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Yaaaay! YAAAAAAY!
Congratulations, Uncle Franklin!

from a lurker in Redmond, WA

Knitnik said...

Congratulations! Now for the real question - did the shawl get finished?

Ina said...

Congratulations! Blessings on mother and child and proud uncle! (Can't wait to see the sentiment on the shawl.)

Terri said...

My nieces are 5 and 3, and I am still giddy! Congratulations to all!

Anonymous said...

Happiness and health to little Abigail and her family!

Heidi said...

Welcome Abigail Ann, with so many waiting for your arrival your destined for greatness!

Unknown said...

Congratulations all around, and welcome to the world, Abigail Ann!

catsmum said...

Beautiful name ... have you given her knitting needles to hold yet ? Gotta start 'em out right you know UNCLE :]

Malin said...

Congratulations, Uncle!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. She's a cutie! Mine's 3 weeks old today.. well, yesterday, and there's nothing like having a tiny person in your life :)

Rosane said...

C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S to you and all your family!

Welcome, Abigail Ann!


Joanna said...

Congratulations Franklin, this is one lucky little girl to have you cheering her on. I am sure your entire family is glowing in the aura of the bright happiness that is "new baby". Get that shawl done!! Me who is still quilting the baby quilt for my 3 month old grandson can hardly talk though.

Courtney the Knitting Goddess said...

Congratulations, Uncle Franklin!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh look! Here's the horoscope for May 21st: "You Are Gemini. You will lead a glamorous life surrounded by charming people who shower you with a endless supply of luxurious hand-knitted and very fashionable garments." Okay, I totally made that up. But it's not as if it's not the likely outcome. Congratulations!

Trope said...

Congratulations are in order to the whole family! (And, as the very pregnant woman reading, I'm entirely reassured by the phrases "doing fine", "without anaesthetics", and "started nursing in a split second". Tell Susan she's a good role model.) She even has a great name! Enjoy your unclehood and tell us all about it.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous babe and mom! Congrats to you and your whole family! Welcome Abigail!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Susan, you, and your whole family.

Silky_dd said...

Congratulations! She's very cute.

IrreverendAmy said...

Did I do the math right?: upwards of 19 hours of labor? And no anesthetic! Tell that wonderwoman Sister Sue she looks fabulous!

Congratulations, Uncle Franklin. Enjoy your beautiful Abigail.

Nancy said...

Congratulations! Tell Sue she did a fabulous job - she's adorable!

Anonymous said...

a bit late in coming, but congratulations from me too! she is magnificent.

Marlena said...

My nephews are seven and three, and I still occasionally jump up and down like an idiot. :)

They are always a surprise and a delight, even when they're cranky or naughty. I already said it in an email, but congratulations. She is so beautiful (and obviously clever, I hear nursing can be quite a trial).

Anonymous said...

Sorry I am so late to the party, but huge congratulations on baby Abigail. I just heard your piece on Knit Cast and came to check out your blog again. I think being the uncle is probably the best bit, you can spoil her to your hearts content and don't have to worry about changing a nappy! Way to go!

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