Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Incoming Stork

There's something I've been wanting to say for quite some time, and now that my sister has made the official announcement in her blog, I can speak up.


As you may infer, I'm somewhat excited.

I'm also frantically knitting a Christening shawl. The baby is due in mid-May. I am a slow knitter. It is a big shawl. Jean Miles, come here, I need you.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Franklin! Such wonderful news for you (and your sister of course).

Chicago Jen said...

Congratulations!! Such wonderful news for your sister and for you too!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm waiting impatiently for my sister to tell me I'm going to be an aunt, in large part so I can get knitting, too!

(Also, love the chair photograph.)

Aidan said...

Mazel tov u'simil tov!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! Is this your first time?

Wendy said...

Congrats! And you get to do another Baby Surprise Jacket!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats all 'round & enjoy the experience. Lucky baby to be so loved & wanted already.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What a lucky kid he/she will be.

Julie said...

Oh, the fun you're in for.


Anonymous said...

The best news, for a slow knitter, is that baby items are small. The worst news for a slow knitter is that the baby itself will grow larger at a prodigious rate.

Knit about six months in advance of current size, as best you can manage...or knit blankies, animals, and other things that don't depend on sizing. Hats are great. They fit for a long time.

Many good wishes!! (My "word verification" is "huahu," which sounds like it may be Hawaiian for "May your future niece and/or nephew enjoy many years of great conversation and occasional conspiracy to deceive parents with Uncle Franklin.") I love how Hawaiian can pack so much meaning into one word.

Sarah said...


Just think of all the fun and wonderful hand knit stuff that little one will own!

Anonymous said...

You'll make it!! And you will be an awsome Uncle!!

Ann said...

Babies are such fun!

Congratas to the lucky parents and the soon-to-be uncle!

Marlene said...

Congratulations. Can't wait to see the stuff you'll be knitting now.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That is such exciting news. I'm sure you'll be a great uncle.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! How exciting! It will be fun!

geogrrl said...

Knit some baby socks. Out of cashmere. I did that for a first-time uncle who had bought out the toy stores. He was pleased.

geogrrl said...

Oh... and congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Uncle Franklin. Your whole family must be over the moon. Babies rock.

Anonymous said...

What excellent news! Ah, the christening shawl...and all those EZ baby items...and maybe you found a sterling silver beauty (like a rattle or cup or 1st flatware set, etc.) in Santa Fe? And sheep for cuddles....

Unknown said...

Congrats!! Do we get to call you "Unkie" now?

Angie said...

Congratulations Franklin! How you must love your sister to knit her a Christening shawl. Oh, the fun you will have.

Anonymous said...

Hooray! I love nieces and nephews- all the toys and fun, none of the poop. I'm quite certain you'll enjoy these privileges properly. Congratulations to your whole family!

LaurieM said...

Congratulations! Oh what fun is in store. :-)

Kathleen said...

Oh, AWESOME!!! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Happy news for you and the family! I'm an only child and I just became an auntie this year and I love my nephew dearly! I wish you much joy and luck with the knitting.

Anonymous said...


Elemmaciltur said...


carlita dee said...


All the fun and none of the fuss of being the actual parent.

carlita dee said...

Oops! I'm at work. That's supposed to say "Congratulations." But real fancy like.

Rosane said...



Anonymous said...

Congratulations; to you because an uncle is a wonderful thing to be and also to your new niece or nephew because they're going to benefit from so much knitted love.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations; to you because an uncle is a wonderful thing to be and also to your new niece or nephew because they're going to benefit from so much knitted love.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations; to you because an uncle is a wonderful thing to be and also to your new niece or nephew because they're going to benefit from so much knitted love.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! To you and your sister! That child will get spoiled silly with beautiful knits!

carrym said...

Wow, SO cool! I feel the same way about becoming an auntie!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Fabulous news - be prepared to fall in love BIG time. My two WALK all over my sister (their favourite auntie), and she's one tough cookie.
Oh - start to buy stain proof clothing (for yourself!), and be prepared to knit in (whisper)acrylic (it really HAS to be washable, take my word for it)

brewerburns said...


Stacy said...


Anonymous said...

Wheee, congrats! Love the cartoon too.

--Deb said...

Congratulations!! I absolutely adore being an aunt--it's almost as good as being a grandparent! Congratulations to you AND your sister!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! One of my friends and I are both due in May as well. Apparently among fetuses this is the "in" time to be born. ;)

Anonymous said...

Well, having already proffered my congrats, let me just tell you that being the favorite uncle is a very rewarding gig. All the adulation and very few of the headaches.

Laura said...

what happy news! congratulations to your family!

a thought for your sister: i had my older son in mid-may, and my younger son in late december. i can say from experience that may is a great time to have a baby. you can take the baby outside without spending an hour getting the little angel dressed, it's not flu season so you're not worried about the angel contracting RSV, you don't have to be hugely pregnant in the heat of the summer...

Warrior Knitter said...

Contrats! Yea!!!

At least the Christening shawl won't be as large as The Ruana . . . will it???

And now you get to knit &/or design all those wonderful baby things!!!

Lucky kid . . . gets to have you for an uncle.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Franklin and family!

Anonymous said...

De-lurking to wish you felicidades! on your wonderful news! Under what lucky star was this child conceived? Knitted warm fuzzies from "Uncle Franklin"!(P.S. Tell Dolores to watch the language and smoking...not good for baby!):)

Beth said...

Squee! A baby! How wonderful!

Don't let Dolores baby-sit.

Emily said...

Congratulations Franklin, Sue and Sue's husband! Many blessings to you all.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Uncle Franklin!

TheBunny said...

Congrats! You will love being an uncle. I love being an aunt. Oh, this site is fun for getting ideas for baby knitting. bloggybabybumpers.blogspot.com/

Dove Knits said...

Congrats! (Nice knitting in public story, too.)

Darci said...

Mazel Tov

GURO said...

Congratulations, both to you and your sister. Can't wait to see all the cute baby stuff you'll be knitting. And I'm very eager to see the christening shawl too. You'll be an amazing uncle.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! "Uncle Franklin"...has a nice ring to it. Hey, I was listening to the Cast-On podcast last nite and heard your story. Very nice. I enjoyed it very much. Squeaky voice? Nope. Sounded just fine to me.

kemtee said...

Oh, Franklin, how wonderful. Congratulations to your sister. (Incidentally, you get the fun part of this whole baby thing. Pick 'em up, take 'em somewhere fun, spoil 'em rotten, feed 'em sugar, take 'em home.)

junior_goddess said...

You are going to be one COOL uncle! Bet you bring all the good toys!

Anonymous said...

How exciting! What a lucky niece or nephew you'll have...hey is this this reason for the baby surprise sweater earlier this year?

p.s. encourage her to use a doula :)

Marcy said...

Congrats on your pending unclehood! How's Dolores going to take it, though? Will she be jealous?

Chris said...

Congrats!! As a recent (7 months) aunt, I can totally relate. I knit a bunch of the MDK bibs for my niece and they were VERY well received by my brother and SIL - they actually work and absorb, which the "storebought" bibs don't... if you're looking for a little break from the shawl knitting...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Franklin, to you and your sister! Of course your parents, too; they must be excited about becoming grandparents shortly. That's going to be one lucky nephew or niece, having such a sweetheart of an uncle.

And I have to thank you for the cartoon. I've always wanted to see someone shouting news from a rooftop! You've fulfilled a lifelong ambition of mine. ;) Although that bird looks rather nervous...

Bev in TN said...

I'm very happy for you, your sister and her hubby! The child is very fortunate to have such a talented, sensitive, thoughtful, and humorous uncle. I wonder where Delores fits into the family picture? Will she be "auntie Delores"? What does she think of all this?

dragon knitter said...

you lucky duck! you get a baby to knit for! that is going to be one well dressed child, between you and your sister knitting!

Anonymous said...

Many, many warm congratulations! There is a lovely "uncle song" called "Song for a Borrowed Child". If you would like to listen to it, it's here http://amos.adajessup.com/MMario/MMario.html (at the bottom of the page.) The author/singer is a guy who knits, too.

Anonymous said...

Whoo! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the Habit clan! And that of your bro-in-law, of course.

Although I've no great desire to be a parent, I LOVE being an aunt. You can spoil your niece/nephew then send them, hyperactive on food colouring & sugar, back to their parents. Because you're never the disciplinarian you're always Cool. (I've had a serious discussion of the hunting habits of birds of prey with a 7-year-old.) You can take revenge on all your sister's evil deeds as a kid by buying her child the most annoying (for her), wonderful (for the kid) toy you can find.


Anonymous said...

Yea for you! I just found out I will be an aunt. The first thing I did was get out the baby pattern books! I also went to Baby Rocks Records web page and got way to many Lullabye CDs!

Anonymous said...

And not just the knitted warmth; think of the STORIES! And the pictures! And the spiritual lessons you will learn with and from the little one and share with him or her and your adoring readers!

All the best reasons to overuse exclamation points.

Ruth said...

Congratulations!!!! I love babies.

Anonymous said...

Oh pookie, congrats to you and your sister! im sure the little kid will be recieving lots of knitted lovin..... :)

maniacalmultitasker said...

Congratulations, Franklin!
What a lucky bub to have such a talented knitter for an Uncle!
and artist! and major blogger!

Jeanne said...

Many congratulations on this amazing blessing!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on becoming an uncle. And might I say, what a wonderful gift...a christening shawl. What a lucky baby.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I love being an Aunt, it's way better than being the kids parent. You get to wind 'em up, knit 'em stuff, play checkers, read books, make up stuff and play dress-up and then, when the kid makes any sort of fuss or noise (or smell) you just give them back to their father!

You're going to be great at this.

Anonymous said...

I love being an Aunt.
And I loved (still do) my Uncles, they were so cool... Your niece/nephew is going to love having you as his/hers.

Anonymous said...

Do you still have the Glencora baby shawl that you (I thought) stashed away? Sue F.

onur said...

Ben Saramadım Artık Very good and interesting site with very good look and perfect information I like it

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